Anyone else have people bugging them for PEDs


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
One of the younger guys in my company has been persistently asking me to "hook him up" and his buddies too.
Rule # 1 for me, don't tell and don't sell.
He wants me to get him Anavar and said him and his bros wanna get big. I just laugh and change the subject, bottom line is I don't need him or one of his friends getting snagged and squealing like a pig.
I only talk about my gear w a certain few . I see the younger cats lookin and its like they wanna ask, but I'll never say shit. Even those who think they know , I don't say shit .
lmao my chiropractor was hinting around the other day about needing a hook up I just laughed and told him I don't know anything about it lol
I sell to the entire PD here and half the ATF and DEA agents. I might get fuked someday. LOL

This was a bullshit post. Rockshawn has nothing to sell - nothing
Not only that but then you're going to feel obligeted to tell them about ais, pct, liver care, diet, exercize, heart health ect ect.... it wouldn't end
Z82 said:
Not only that but then you're going to feel obligeted to tell them about ais, pct, liver care, diet, exercize, heart health ect ect.... it wouldn't end
Z82yeah this is no shit. I now supply 3 guys one of which intro'd me to his supply 4 years ago and got me started on the DarkSide. Now I supply them and have to babysit them on AI's and PCT and BLAH BLAH BLAH
I hook up one guy and thats it, his friends come ask him and they deal with him exclusively and he only deals with me. No one knows me and I refuse to talk to anyone, that leaves me out of it all.
Akhusker said:
I hook up one guy and thats it, his friends come ask him and they deal with him exclusively and he only deals with me. No one knows me and I refuse to talk to anyone, that leaves me out of it all.
Can you hook me up? Please......
I have only one buddy I hook up and talk gear with, that's it. When I met him he weighed 165 lbs soaking wet, he's over 200 these days lol!
where can I find some? :/
Im looking for a good cycle some dbol and winstrol to cut me up. I dont want test cuz I heard you get bloated and I dont want to inject myself. Can someone help me out?
49ER said:
Im looking for a good cycle some dbol and winstrol to cut me up. I dont want test cuz I heard you get bloated and I dont want to inject myself. Can someone help me out?
now that cracked me the fuck up lmao. No Var?
I keep the SHOP talk to the guys in my CIRCLE of TRUST! Which is extremely
small. That's it!
No one knows I use. I mean absolutely no one except on the boards. I have one guy pestering me about what supplements to use and always ask "and that's all you use?" I have random people like clerks, restaurant workers, etc. ask me how much I workout and people make comments like you're jacked and want to know how to get in shape. I just try to change the subject. Most of these people don't understand the time and effort it takes to be in shape. They are just looking for a magic pill or shot and think that's all they need. I don't want to go into how I've been doing this for 12 years and researched till I was blue in the face on training, diet, supplements, etc. That would be a 4 hour conversation and I don't even want to get into it. But back to the original question, no, I don't get asked b/c no one knows I use. I'm not big enough to where it's obvious anyways.
Yea I only have a select few who know about the my underground supplementation. . The rest of these that manage to build up the courage to ask me my answer is always the same. "I eat a lot of food" the disappointed look on their faces is priceless.

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Right now, I only got one guy I talk to. I think its better that way.. I had probably too many years ago. We both knew we were on gear when we met by the size of us.. it was pretty obvious.
we are all on protein!

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