Anyone have any experience with albuterol for weight loss?

Loved taking albuterol, it's been awhile since I've taken it, however I would recommend taking that over any other weight loss agent... It's less harsh on the body and doesn't eat muscle like Clen does.
Clen does not eat muscle, in fact studies show [font=Open Sans, sans-serif]The rate of muscle protein breakdown is decreased with clenbuterol usage, perhaps you're thinking of T3 [/font]
First off MisterB is correct clen does not eat muscle. Clen and albuterol are very very similar. Both drugs are beta-2 adrenoreceptor agonists, which act on the beta-2 adrenergic receptor, causing a dilation of bronchial passages, vasodialation in muscle and liver, and a release of insulin. I have run both and I would easily take albuterol over clen unless, you needed to lose the weight yesterday. Clen is much stronger but I have not noticed its hugely more effective. It will work faster though no doubt.

Dosing. I take 24mgs a day. 8mgs when I get up 8 around noon and 8 at a bout 4pm. It has a short half life and probably should be dosed again after 4pm but I cant sleep if I take it later than 4. Its defiantly a stimulant type feeling but I become tolerant very fast to it. I have had great results with it and would recommend it over clen 9/10 times. Less sides and close to the same effects.
Alb over clen any day
I use it from time to time instead of a preworkout but only 4mgs that always seems to be enough to get me going.
I ran clen along with hgh and T4 in a small cycle and it was great. Clen just made my heart rate and hang out around 110-115 beats per minute, only downside.
my gf and i both tried it 8 mg is a good dose , gives me the shakes, if you like stimulants you'll like this, clen has less noticeable shakes so pros and cons. certainly will wake you up in the morning, have not done more than 1 dose in a day, didn't feel it wear off that fast lol ... im sensitive to stims
I have a shit load of Clen, stopped using it as the craps were nasty and yes I followed all of the Anti Cramp Protocols. No to mention I can't even sign my name when I'm using it and that's not going to work in my profession.
much of what we think is clen is loaded with stimulants, try alpha pharma clen or back in the days EGH would make clen that didnt make you shaky, any pharma clen will not do that at a reasonable dose

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