Appetite Stimulants


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I have been open and tried everything thrown at me for trying to increase appetite. And before i get a million "EQ" responses it does not increase my hunger even at 750mg/wk. Im desperate and if i dont force myself to eat i wont eat at all, my brain for some reason has no hunger signals at all. I only get hungry maybe once a day. HELP PLEASE! The latest stimulant i have heard about is megace "megestrol acetate" but prescription is required. Any of you know how i could get my hands on some of this??
You dont even get hungry for pussy?! what is wrong with you?
Blend your food up and just Drink it ;D .
I dont really have a problem eating. Only time i cant eat is in the morning.
Never heard of megestrol.
Force that shit down your throat brother. Gotta eat to get big!
Ghrp-2 or 6 and cjc no-dac does wonders! I had problems eating to and eq and those peps had hunger pains immediately after eating still!
back4more said:
Ghrp-2 or 6 and cjc no-dac does wonders! I had problems eating to and eq and those peps had hunger pains immediately after eating still!

^^^ Bump. , what this guy saids !!!
Joker said:
One word


Pot actually takes away from my appetite and then makes me even lazier to get up and make food. To be honest swamp, it could be from taking a decent amount of orals over the years ect if your big on them. I know that's my biggest problem when it comes to them. My appetite goes to shit! So now just look for stuff in injectable form and doesn't seem to bother it at all.
goodfella said:
Pot actually takes away from my appetite and then makes me even lazier to get up and make food. To be honest swamp, it could be from taking a decent amount of orals over the years ect if your big on them. I know that's my biggest problem when it comes to them. My appetite goes to shit! So now just look for stuff in injectable form and doesn't seem to bother it at all.
Yeah i used to be a dbol and drol addict, but havent used orals in over a year now, so that shouldnt be the issue. Ever since my gall bladder surgery my digestive tract has been f'd up bad and im wondering if i have formed some sort of eating disorder due to my stomach issues now. just guessing.

Joker said:
One word



Lol my profession hits the random drug tests too this isnt an option.

back4more said:
Ghrp-2 or 6 and cjc no-dac does wonders! I had problems eating to and eq and those peps had hunger pains immediately after eating still!

I have tried both and i have only had one vial of ghrp 2 that has actually given insane hypo hunger sensations. I dont know if i have been getting bunk peps but they have been inconsistent with results.
A few questions for ya Swamp.

Are you taking any stimulants for ADD/ADHD? Adderal, Concerta, etc...

What type of foods are you eating? Amount of Fibers, proteins, carbs, fats as well.

Have you (in the past) been eating small meals 5-7 times per day? Did you switch to eating Large meals 3-4 times per day?

Do you supplement smoothies to obtain your calorie count?

How much water do you drink per day and how much per hour?

When was your gallbladder surgery?
Ancient Bodybuilder Secret:


EDIT: I see I am late to the party 😉
Since weed isn't an option....

My next best choice. Methyl-B-12 injectable.

Orals are a waste of your time and money, in most don't fall into that trap. If you have a deficiency due to some sort of parasite in your gut (nothing serious, a lot of people have them actually), the orals will help short-term...but for appetite enhancement you have to go for the injection.

If I had to pick which made me hungrier....weed or b-12 inj....I'd have to say the b-12.

Give it a shot, just dont get the stuff at the animal feed store or you're gonna have a hell of a sting 😉

(In case you decide to try some, I will be offering Methyl-B-12 in 10 and 30mL vials here in the VERY near future. couple of days or so, just need to catch up on a few other things and then run a batch.)
I've been hearing a lot about this methyl b12 I'm going to have to give it a shot! Hunger increase and energy! Boom
We used to give Megace to all our HIV pt. It's been around and in use for over 20 years. It works great! Takes over a month to kick in. However, I would stay away from this drug. It has antiandrogen properties and causes all the men we had on it to have feminizing effects. Megace is very similar to progesterone.
erikgearhead said:
Since weed isn't an option....

My next best choice. Methyl-B-12 injectable.

Orals are a waste of your time and money, in most don't fall into that trap. If you have a deficiency due to some sort of parasite in your gut (nothing serious, a lot of people have them actually), the orals will help short-term...but for appetite enhancement you have to go for the injection.

If I had to pick which made me hungrier....weed or b-12 inj....I'd have to say the b-12.

Give it a shot, just dont get the stuff at the animal feed store or you're gonna have a hell of a sting 😉

(In case you decide to try some, I will be offering Methyl-B-12 in 10 and 30mL vials here in the VERY near future. couple of days or so, just need to catch up on a few other things and then run a batch.)
Still waiting for you to come up with some. I'll be all over it.
Akhusker said:
A few questions for ya Swamp.

Are you taking any stimulants for ADD/ADHD? Adderal, Concerta, etc...

What type of foods are you eating? Amount of Fibers, proteins, carbs, fats as well.

Have you (in the past) been eating small meals 5-7 times per day? Did you switch to eating Large meals 3-4 times per day?

Do you supplement smoothies to obtain your calorie count?

How much water do you drink per day and how much per hour?

When was your gallbladder surgery?
I had the surgery when i was 19 (im 29 now). Never had any eating issues prior to it. No other medication taken other than test and eq atm. I try to maintain high protein and high carb meals. My metabolism is insane and i cant put fat on if i tried (some may think im lucky but its hard to put on size). I stay around 8 to 9% bf year round at 210-218lbs. Ill be honest and here lately my diet has been shit and water intake has been minimal compared to the past. I have been drinking protein shakes to help keep my cals up. Since my surgery i have IBS to extreme levels and the only thing i have found to be helpful is the testosterone. I dont know what it changes but IBS is reduced drastically on cycle, if i come off completely i have diarrhea 5 min after every meal. Ive been to specialists and had scopes up my ass and they all say the say the same thing "looks good and you must fall into the percentile of patients that suffer from extreme side effects of the removal".............just f'ing great. Im almost to the point where im just gonna have to deal with it and learn to live with it. Dehydration is a huge enemy due to the diarrhea.
erikgearhead said:
Since weed isn't an option....

My next best choice. Methyl-B-12 injectable.

Orals are a waste of your time and money, in most don't fall into that trap. If you have a deficiency due to some sort of parasite in your gut (nothing serious, a lot of people have them actually), the orals will help short-term...but for appetite enhancement you have to go for the injection.

If I had to pick which made me hungrier....weed or b-12 inj....I'd have to say the b-12.

Give it a shot, just dont get the stuff at the animal feed store or you're gonna have a hell of a sting 😉

(In case you decide to try some, I will be offering Methyl-B-12 in 10 and 30mL vials here in the VERY near future. couple of days or so, just need to catch up on a few other things and then run a batch.)
Ill definitely be all over this. Im up to try anything
Sleeper said:
We used to give Megace to all our HIV pt. It's been around and in use for over 20 years. It works great! Takes over a month to kick in. However, I would stay away from this drug. It has antiandrogen properties and causes all the men we had on it to have feminizing effects. Megace is very similar to progesterone.
Thank you for the heads up. Check that off my list
Swampjuice said:
I had the surgery when i was 19 (im 29 now). Never had any eating issues prior to it. No other medication taken other than test and eq atm. I try to maintain high protein and high carb meals. My metabolism is insane and i cant put fat on if i tried (some may think im lucky but its hard to put on size). I stay around 8 to 9% bf year round at 210-218lbs. Ill be honest and here lately my diet has been shit and water intake has been minimal compared to the past. I have been drinking protein shakes to help keep my cals up. Since my surgery i have IBS to extreme levels and the only thing i have found to be helpful is the testosterone. I dont know what it changes but IBS is reduced drastically on cycle, if i come off completely i have diarrhea 5 min after every meal. Ive been to specialists and had scopes up my ass and they all say the say the same thing "looks good and you must fall into the percentile of patients that suffer from extreme side effects of the removal".............just f'ing great. Im almost to the point where im just gonna have to deal with it and learn to live with it. Dehydration is a huge enemy due to the diarrhea.
Well the two things that maintain fullness is protein and fiber, fat maintains satiety and carbs stay in your body longer (will depend on the quality of the carbs as well) than other foods do. I am going to say your fiber intake is probably low (For IBS fiber doesn't help with the pain but it will help with making your stool not so liquid) so you have a build up of food remaining in your body, if you clear it out you might become hungry more often. I know when Im bulking I will hit a wall where I don't want to eat anything for awhile, but I hadn't been getting enough fiber. I add in the fiber and in day one I will crap literally 5-10 pounds, be less bloated and feel my hunger come on more.

Also if you are off cycle and are having flair ups from your IBS without a large amount of water intake to support your body your going to have a hard time taking in more food due to dehydration. Think of moving stuff around in water and think about it moving around in honey, its gonna move around faster in the water then the honey.

It interests me that you don't have many problems with your IBS when cycling. Your intestines are muscles so they do get benefits from your gear. If you take in more fiber they will work harder and maybe you won't have such a problem later. I would love for you to do a self study and let me know. If it worked this would be a great research project for me for my masters degree.

Give this a try and let me know how it goes. There a lot of good fibers out there, oatmeal (the real oats, in the natural foods section that you can buy in bulk), chia seed is fantastic you get a different fiber, its the gel type, you know the fiber supplements you can buy in the store that cause gumming in your body, this is the stuff they use to make it. You get less gassy feeling. Also chia seed is high in essential fatty acids, i.e. omega-3 and 6. They are loaded with high quality carbs as well. In my opinion it is a super food that is looked over by many.

Fermenting and germinated fibers such as brans and barley's help in many other gastrointestinal diseases so you could give that a try as well to see if it helps you.

There isn't much research that is done in the dietetics/medical world on IBS, so these are a few things to try. One thing I would try and not do is add on things that increase your hunger. If you have lost your feelings of hunger then adding them will do no good. You don't have an eating disorder so don't worry. That type of thing is normal in American society for people to not feel hunger.

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