Are men's lives ruled by testosterone?


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Thought this was an intresting read.Nice to see an article or report not with the typical gov't/media agenda on AAS.

Are men's lives ruled by testosterone?
By Chris Moss
8:19AM BST 29 Jun 2015

Does testosterone make men brave, aggressive, reckless or attractive? Chris Moss talks to a professor who has a firm grip on the much-maligned source of maleness.

Most of the time, when you hear the word testosterone it is followed by some non-scientific generalisation about anger, adultery or banking (or a near rhyme of that word).

As well as making men men, this steroid hormone – which is responsible for reproduction - has come to define men, often in a negative way.

In his new book, Testosterone: Sex, Power and the Will to Win, Professor Joe Herbert, of the University of Cambridge’s Department of Clinical Neurosciences, opens his reflections on the chemistry and social and biological function of this much-maligned molecule which comes mainly from the male testes with a reminder that “we are born into a modern world with a brain that was developed for a more primeval one”.

Cultural and technological changes, he says, are not matched by physical ones; ergo, testosterone wants us to do things we don’t really need to do any more in order to survive.

Women call almost all the shots when it comes to conquest and absolutely all the shots when it comes to being fertile and ready to breed. Testosterone is men’s way in – and, as such, it’s little wonder it does all sorts of things to the male body and mind. But, warns Herbert, “Testosterone is not a metaphor for man… It is all too easy to substitute ‘masculinity’ with testosterone or even ascribe all gender differences, physical, social, and political, to its action.” But, as all men well know, money and lager can play equally powerful roles.

One key observation is that our testosterone profoundly affects the way women behave around men. So, next time someone connects a mistake you’ve made or a sin you’ve committed to your body’s chemistry, you can remind them that their very remark is, in its way, testosterone-fuelled, as is the kiss they give you when you make up.
Does testosterone make males aggressive and brave?

Yes, it encourages risk and competitiveness: this is what underlies aggression. Sex doesn’t happen in a tranquil world. It’s competitive: many males may prefer certain females. A male needs to ward off competitors, fighting his corner. Male red deer live together peaceably for much of the year, but as the autumn breeding season approaches, the groups break up, stags become highly aggressive and grow large, jagged antlers. In kindergarten, aggressive-type rough and tumble play is typically different in boys and girls.

Are men natural warmongers?

I’m afraid so. History teaches us that war is ever present. And it's a male affair; all the attributes that testosterone gives males makes war inevitable. However, as wars become more devastating, the human brain is able to moderate the instinct for war.

Does more testosterone make us more fertile?

No – but you need enough to be fertile.

Can testosterone make us attractive?

The things that testosterone does to a man’s body – increase his height, muscularity, and aggressiveness – are all things that increase his sexual attractiveness.

Does more of it make us more well-endowed?

No, again, but you need enough – particularly when you are in the womb.

Do women have it?

Most certainly. It’s very important for controlling a woman’s sexual drive. This is a rather unique function of testosterone in primates. There may be other important functions in some contexts, but there are not enough studies on testosterone in women. The idea that successful women (in a male sense) have more testosterone is nonsense.

Can we control testosterone ?

Much of human society, its laws, inhibitions, customs and traditions are really directed towards the social control of testosterone. Males can’t behave without restraint, much as they might like to do so.

What happens to testosterone at midlife and beyond?

Testosterone does decline with age, but at different rates in different males. It can result in erectile dysfunction, though this is not as common as often believed: erectile problems with age are mostly not dependent on testosterone. However, prescriptions for testosterone supplements have increased three-fold in the UK in the last 10 years so there is clearly a belief that it does some good.

Do rapists have more testosterone?

No, though rapists need to have enough for an erection. But rape is complex – some rapists might be unusually sensitive to their own testosterone. Also, rape may be more of a dysfunctional aggressive event than a sexual one in some cases. Forcible copulation is rare, even unknown in most mammalian species other than humans. Two exceptions are chimpanzees and orang-utans; since these are large-brained mammals, it may be that a large brain enables more flexible approaches to sexual coercion in primates.

How can I increase my testosterone level?

Win something! Get a promotion! Talk to a pretty women (gays: pretty man). Or, of course, take a supplement… but only after getting your levels measured and under medical advice.

Did testosterone lead to the banking crisis?

It was said that had there been more women in charge this mess would not have happened. Nonsense. It was lack of control, not too much testosterone. But any risk-taking process (ie financial trading) is going to have a disaster at some point.

Can a jab of testosterone make me stronger/run faster?

Unfortunately, yes. Hence the widespread abuse of testosterone in sport, and the rigorous attempts to detect and prevent its use.

Men take a lot of stick these days for their testosterone – should we be proud of it?

Absolutely: it makes our world go round: and makes life a lot more interesting – for everybody. But I’m not really sure you can be proud of something you didn’t design or initiate…..just thank Mother Nature. [/size]

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