Arimadex & proviron


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
EG Cash

Last few weeks I was dealing with a medical scare which turned out to be something weird, sex on viagra, I had broke a blood vessel in my dick. I was peeing blood and thought it was prostate issues, doctors thought it was something major but it turned out to be just a blown blood vessel in my dick.

I was also experiencing low libido with no sex drive.

I was running sustanon @ I believe 700mg, deca @ 500mg and then switched to andropen & tri stack(masteron p, tren A & test prop).

For AI I was using arimadex @ 0.35-0.50mg every other day and maxim peptide caber at 0.50mG twice a week.

I was also using proviron at 50mg a day then bumped to 75mg a day.

I had went to a lab and had my hormones checked and my test was at 1950 and my estrogen was at 5.1

So I stopped using proviron and arimadex and my hormones appeared to level out. My sex drive went up and I finally was able to orgasm many, many times.

Last two days my sex drive has slowed down and I'm still able to get hard but it seems to take a little work to get up. It might be because I have a cold or possibly stress or lack of sleep.

I just did 0.40mG of arimadex last night and took 25mg of proviron, thinking maybe my estrogen is getting high and could be making my sex drive low. I don't have itchy nipples though.

Last few years I've always done 0.50mg of arimadex every other day and never had gyno or a low sex drive.

I'm not sure how my estrogen crashed like it did. Possibly I overtook arimadex and didn't realize it.

My question to you my friends is should I do arimadex at what dosage and proviron at what dosage?

My current cycle is 750mG of sustanon a week.
Hmm and your test only came back at 1950 on 750mg of test? Seems pretty low for that amount of test and given that you were running deca @500mg, well then that might part of the culprit
I'm an Aromasin guy. 12.5 in morning and 12.5 in evening with food. If I'm taking 500mg of test 12.5 in two doses works for me.
jshredz said:
Hmm and your test only came back at 1950 on 750mg of test? Seems pretty low for that amount of test and given that you were running deca @500mg, well then that might part of the culprit

Shredz on to something there. Your test should have been in 5000 range on that much test. If you were taking that much AI and there was not enough test converting to estrogen, you were probably over doing the AI without knowing it.
Jinko said:
I'm an Aromasin guy. 12.5 in morning and 12.5 in evening with food. If I'm taking 500mg of test 12.5 in two doses works for me.
JinkoI'm with you on this, I hate arimidex, Aromasin only for me!
I was using sustanon by Vis Vires but had switched to Andropen and ran the same amount. I ran andropen for about 3 weeks prior to taking the hormones test. Also I hadn't taken a shot of andropen for about 3 days prior to the hormone test.
After my hormone panel came back I stopped AI for awhile and started back up sustanon. I've been running the rest of my Vis Vires sustanon @ 750mG a weeks again, but I'm going to switch my sustanon for another vendor here.
So basically I ran sustanon for awhile then switched to andropen. Then did hormone test and stopped AI and just decided to run sustanon for remainder of time, another 8-10 weeks.

Now I'll just continue doing sustanon but I'll switch to another vendor and get hormone panel test done again in a week or two.

Thanks everyone for all the help.
Hey DD, try some EGH sus. You won't be disappointed.
jshredz said:
Hmm and your test only came back at 1950 on 750mg of test? Seems pretty low for that amount of test and given that you were running deca @500mg, well then that might part of the culprit
jshredzSpot on! I would speculate underdosed sustanon and with that dosage of deca it makes complete sense.
GetnBig said:
Spot on! I would speculate underdosed sustanon and with that dosage of deca it makes complete sense.
I totally agree here. May I add to throw away the sust you were taking. if you need so me good sust let me know!
AkProGuy said:
I totally agree here. May I add to throw away the sust you were taking. if you need so me good sust let me know!
I would throw away anything from that source actually. If the cheapest products to produce are being way underdosed, imagine how the more expensive products to produce are?
Rarely have I ever seen someone take so much precaution with Estrogen control that they out power the Testosterone......but, with the numbers you received, that looks like that is exactly what happened. At least you're being smart and getting bloods done regularly and staying on top of things.

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