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What's up fellas,

Been trying to do my research on these 3 drugs to fully understand when and how to use each, and each ones benefit over the next. I think I am pretty clear on arimidex vs. Aromasin, but still trying to get fully comfortable with letro's place and purpose over the other 2.

Is letro used more so once there are clear signs of actual gyno, whereas arimidex and aromasin are used more as preventative gyno/estro aids? If so, what is best frequency of dose for letro based on half life? I feel that every 3.5 days or so with arimidex is sufficient, but probably better with everyday or every other on aromasin.

Also, for the purpose of combating gyno and estro sides once they are actually present, would letro still be the go to over something like Nolvadex? Assuming being used while on cycle and not post.
I prefer aromasin. It’s a suicide inhibitor. That’s means it kills the estrogen. The others block it. Which means you could have a rebound affect when you come off other AI. Now with that said, Nolvadex blocks estrogen at the breast tissue. That could in theory allow the estrogen to still have its affects on muscle tissue. Estrogen does help with muscle growth, so you did need some.
Ultimately a blood test is best bet to make sure you do have some estrogen.
Estrogen rebound is a myth. The science of homeostasis tells us that.

When Testosterone rises, estrogen rises. If estrogen is suppressed with an AI, it will quickly return to previous levels once the AI is discontinued if Testosterone levels haven't decreased.

If estrogen levels shot up uncontrollably after discontinuation of an AI, you would either never be able to stop taking it, you would need to taper the dosage down every time you use it or you would have to jump to another AI to mitigate the rebound effect. None of which are necessary and I've never seen anyone suggest that they are.

Think about prolactin and progesterone. Has anyone ever complained of rebound after taking Prami or Caber? i cannot recall ever seeing that.

What about Testosterone rebound? T3/T4 rebound? HGH rebound? If you suppress your natural production via drug use, once you stop suppressing it, levels should shoot up like a rocket beyond what they were to begin with.

That just doesn't happen. i'm not sure where or why the myth was born, but it's just that, a myth shared as fact that has made the rounds on every PED forum for a couple of decades now.
Estrogen rebound is a myth. The science of homeostasis tells us that.

When Testosterone rises, estrogen rises. If estrogen is suppressed with an AI, it will quickly return to previous levels once the AI is discontinued if Testosterone levels haven't decreased.

If estrogen levels shot up uncontrollably after discontinuation of an AI, you would either never be able to stop taking it, you would need to taper the dosage down every time you use it or you would have to jump to another AI to mitigate the rebound effect. None of which are necessary and I've never seen anyone suggest that they are.

Think about prolactin and progesterone. Has anyone ever complained of rebound after taking Prami or Caber? i cannot recall ever seeing that.

What about Testosterone rebound? T3/T4 rebound? HGH rebound? If you suppress your natural production via drug use, once you stop suppressing it, levels should shoot up like a rocket beyond what they were to begin with.

That just doesn't happen. i'm not sure where or why the myth was born, but it's just that, a myth shared as fact that has made the rounds on every PED forum for a couple of decades now.
MisterSuperGodI guess I got my info from the myth of my own blood work. Also several medical periodicals that discuss the same thing.

The excess estrogen will even out, but it’s not instant.
I guess I got my info from the myth of my own blood work. Also several medical periodicals that discuss the same thing.

The excess estrogen will even out, but it’s not instant.
JinkoIf the mythical rebound is going to make matters worse than they were to begin with, why not forgo the AI altogether, replace it with a SERM and deal with the other sides?

With all the drugs used in this lifestyle, it's odd that suppressing any other hormone in the body doesn't result in rebound, just E2.

That's because it's bullshit. The number of noobs crying about their rebound induced gyno would be a daily occurrence on PED forums. It isn't.
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If the mythical rebound is going to make matters worse than they were to begin with, why not forgo the AI altogether, replace it with a SERM and deal with the other sides?

With all the drugs used in this lifestyle, it's odd that suppressing any other hormone in the body doesn't result in rebound, just E2.

That's because it's bullshit. The number of noobs crying about their rebound induced gyno would be a daily occurrence on PED forums. It isn't.
MisterSuperGodSo my blood test was bullshit? Make sense.
So my blood test was bullshit? Make sense.
JinkoEssentially, yes. You've provided no details.

What kind of E2 test did you have done?

What were you using on that particular cycle?

At what points in the cycle did you have blood work performed?

How many points over your previous blood work did the E2 specific magical rebound put you?

Where is the blood work?

How come i've never seen you (or anyone else for that matter) inform people that they need to take a SERM after using an AI because the rebound boogyman is gonna give them gyno?

Where is the deluge of dumbass noobs crying about their rebound gyno? i'm on Meso too. Noob central over there. Not one post i can recall regarding rebound E2 woes.
Essentially, yes. You've provided no details.

What kind of E2 test did you have done?

What were you using on that particular cycle?

At what points in the cycle did you have blood work performed?

How many points over your previous blood work did the E2 specific magical rebound put you?

Where is the blood work?

How come i've never seen you (or anyone else for that matter) inform people that they need to take a SERM after using an AI because the rebound boogyman is gonna give them gyno?

Where is the deluge of dumbass noobs crying about their rebound gyno? i'm on Meso too. Noob central over there. Not one post i can recall regarding rebound E2 woes.
MisterSuperGodDidn't keep the paperwork from the blood test around.

I think more importantly, at EG we encourage discussion and it's fine to disagree. There is a way to go about things and a way to not go about it. Calling people names isn't the way to go about it. Accusing me of lying. Not the best way. This the type of behavior that can get you banned, not for 5 days but forever.
Didn't keep the paperwork from the blood test around.

I think more importantly, at EG we encourage discussion and it's fine to disagree. There is a way to go about things and a way to not go about it. Calling people names isn't the way to go about it. Accusing me of lying. Not the best way. This the type of behavior that can get you banned, not for 5 days but forever.
Jinkoi'm all for a friendly debate. At the end of the day, we can agree to disagree, it's not like this topic is of vital interest to members anyway.

Who called you names? Referring to noobs as dumbasses is an apt assessment. You don't get their kind here being a private board and all, and trust me, that's not a bad thing.

i also figured when someone makes a claim, they'll bring more to the debate than "take my word for it".

But, it's whatever. i'll keep doing what i do in regards to AI use and you'll do what you do regardless of what either of us post.

Have a good one.
i'm all for a friendly debate. At the end of the day, we can agree to disagree, it's not like this topic is of vital interest to members anyway.

Who called you names? Referring to noobs as dumbasses is an apt assessment. You don't get their kind here being a private board and all, and trust me, that's not a bad thing.

i also figured when someone makes a claim, they'll bring more to the debate than "take my word for it".

But, it's whatever. i'll keep doing what i do in regards to AI use and you'll do what you do regardless of what either of us post.

Have a good one.
MisterSuperGod9/10 I'll brong proof. But blood test from years ago, or even last week, its in trash. Seemed as though you insinuated I was lying. I have no dog in this fight. Im sating what I've seen.
9/10 I'll brong proof. But blood test from years ago, or even last week, its in trash. Seemed as though you insinuated I was lying. I have no dog in this fight. Im sating what I've seen.
JinkoIt's all good, brother. i was more insinuating that maybe post E2 numbers weren't significantly higher as to be defined as rebound.

Anyway, to get back on track... i'm pro Aromasin. Much more forgiving than Adex. It doesn't wreck lipids and can have T boosting effects, per the article i just linked to.
It's all good, brother. i was more insinuating that maybe post E2 numbers weren't significantly higher as to be defined as rebound.

Anyway, to get back on track... i'm pro Aromasin. Much more forgiving than Adex. It doesn't wreck lipids and can have T boosting effects, per the article i just linked to.
MisterSuperGodI agree. I prefer aromasin.
I like aromasin also, it causes more free testosterone to circulate in the body and that is what you want. If you look it up you will see why.
A-dex did nothing for me and I have read where some other people were the same.

Now Letro is just to strong for me and my wife told me I was never using it again LMAO!!!!!! Made me feel like Dr jekyl Mr hyde, Mr Hyde most of the time and that was on a low starting dose so I may just very sensitive to it.

I never used any AI's most of the time I have been on gear and have not had any problems with gyno but I have had problems with holding to much water (being smooth), I have also stopped cold turkey with no gyno issues and Test levels came back to normal although I don't remember how long it took them. My thoughts on taking gear is that people who start low and taper up are wasting their time, your receptors will get saturated as you are tapering up and you don't get the best bang for your buck and to me it doesn't make any since at all. If I am going to take 800mg a week of Sust or Test E then that is what I start out with, hell get the best bang for your buck and for your muscles, now tapering down, I have never tapered down but some people that have an issue with to much aromatizing of test into estridiol well it might be best for them to taper dawn but again their test and estrogen levels may drop together in tandem. Everyone is different as far as sensitivity to vitamins, drugs, foods, steroids etc... so it is up to the user to test the waters a little at a time and see how their body reacts to said items.
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I used aromasin as well =for the same reasons mentioned above along with not having drastic results on lipids.
I used aromasin as well =for the same reasons mentioned above along with not having drastic results on lipids.
01dragonslayerA good, but probably boring read.

Essentially, use of Aromasin in typical doses as well as doses higher than we would typically use was safe and didn't crash E2.
If I were to use any of these, it would only be if I had some type of flare up. I have only had to use Caber and Arimidex 1X in this journey and I think my body is used to the compounds I use , even at high doses.
But I do have them on hand because uyou never know when you are going to need them.
I have always preferred Letro. I am sensitive to estrogen big time. So I dose my Letrozole dosage based off of how much Test I am taking in a cycle.
I prefer my estrogen to be very low anyways cause I don't hold water weight as much then.
But this is all just based off of my personal experiences.

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