Arimidex makes me sick. What else can I try besides Nolvadex

I agree. I used to use adex but have opted for aromasin for the past few years.
is it possible you crashing your estro?
Grim now if I’m crashing my estrogen. I shouldn’t use estrogen blocker. I’m just retaining more water than I want. I’m running 400 tren e 400 mast e and 500 test e also started taking var 50 mgs a day for the last five weeks
water not always estro, and can be shed i other ways. throwing estro out of wack can cause issues in itself
Cut some carbs and you can shed some water. How much arim. are you taking?
Dosages like this never bother my estro, not sure about your prolactin levels though with tren but that is not a high dose either, you just may be sensitive. Blood work will tell, or dropping your AI.
Without a blood test you truly don’t know for sure. I know it sounds like a hassle but it’s only way to know for sure.
None cause it makes me sick. When I did try a few times it was a half every three days. That’s why I’m trying to stay with non aromatize supps. Like tren mast var I’m going to lower my test again. I been bulking so eating a ton. I’m cut the junk and sugar out. Trying to lean up a bit in these last five weeks of cycle. I got some bulk and the water is all in my mid section
Ok I called to set up apt for blood test just really trying to not go to places where sick people with the virus are. I raised the test also from 250 to 500 five weeks ago. I’m lower it again
if water main issue could also try otc diuretics
Yea bro, you are allergic to the shit, as low as your test dose is you shouldn't need an AI, but always good to have aromasin and caber on hand.
I can’t take clen cause I’m on parole gives a false positive for amphet. LASIK makes me cramp something fierce. Use to use it any other recommendations

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