Arimidex vs aromasin


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When do you chose to run one over the other, and how does your dosing/frequency differ between each.
So 12.5mg 2x/wk? I always thought aromasin needed to be taken more frequently than adex.
So 12.5mg 2x/wk? I always thought aromasin needed to be taken more frequently than adex.
puff88Puff your right half life is 24hr. See attachment for half life.of AI's (middle of page). I still like aromasin eod dosing.

25mg Aromasin equivalent is 1mg adex

If cycle has 500 mg- 750mg per wk test
I usually do aromasin 12.5 mg or 0.5mg adex eod.

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I prefer aromasin too. Not as harsh on my cholesterol.
I prefer letro myself
I prefer letro myself
kragonKragen, how much do you dose and how often? For some reason I thought letro's half life was a week, but it appears to be 2 days. When I was using it, Id dose the full amount, 2.5 mg every sat. This explains why nips would sometimes feel sensitive. My dumbass wasnt dosing freq enough.
Kragen, how much do you dose and how often? For some reason I thought letro's half life was a week, but it appears to be 2 days. When I was using it, Id dose the full amount, 2.5 mg every sat. This explains why nips would sometimes feel sensitive. My dumbass wasnt dosing freq enough.
sityslicker1I dose twice a week a bit over a mg each dose.
I almost feel like aromasin and leteo have rhe potential to really knock your estrogen in dirt if your not careful with dosing. If IRC both of these eliminate <98% estrogen/ estradiol where as adex is only < 72%
I almost feel like aromasin and leteo have rhe potential to really knock your estrogen in dirt if your not careful with dosing. If IRC both of these eliminate <98% estrogen/ estradiol where as adex is only < 72%
sityslicker1Oh yeah for sure, it will KILL Your sex drive if you take too much with the the letro ive experienced the first time i took it, i took like 1.5 mg every day.. bad bad bad idea lol killed my sex drive within 2 weeks.. I dont recall how long it took before my sex drive came back, but sex drive is like this weird balancing act of just enough of all the sex hormones for it to work lol.. even if you got cialis or some shit, u may be able to get hard but youre just not into it and you wont be able to "finish"/
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Oh yeah for sure, it will KILL Your sex drive if you take too much with the the letro ive experienced the first time i took it, i took like 1.5 mg every day.. bad bad bad idea lol killed my sex drive within 2 weeks.. I dont recall how long it took before my sex drive came back, but sex drive is like this weird balancing act of just enough of all the sex hormones for it to work lol.. even if you got cialis or some shit, u may be able to get hard but youre just not into it and you wont be able to "finish"/
kragonThat last part makes a lot of sense. Reminds me of when I was on zoloft for a short period of time had zero sex drive and orgasming forgot about it. It's like a marathon that never ends.

I remember getting prescribed a small dose of wellbutrin b/c according to my Psy it can combat sexual sides from SSRI. I was also prescribed cialis by that same Phy. Even with all these other drugs.....nada, nothing.

I thought to myself this is crazy. I'm taking all this other stuff just to combat sides of this 1 drug. I decided to stop all those extras since there was no benefit at least to me. And as soon as I could I was tapered off zoloft and whalaa my sex drive returned. So yeah I can totally relate to your experience. It sucks!
That last part makes a lot of sense. Reminds me of when I was on zoloft for a short period of time had zero sex drive and orgasming forgot about it. It's like a marathon that never ends.

I remember getting prescribed a small dose of wellbutrin b/c according to my Psy it can combat sexual sides from SSRI. I was also prescribed cialis by that same Phy. Even with all these other drugs.....nada, nothing.

I thought to myself this is crazy. I'm taking all this other stuff just to combat sides of this 1 drug. I decided to stop all those extras since there was no benefit at least to me. And as soon as I could I was tapered off zoloft and whalaa my sex drive returned. So yeah I can totally relate to your experience. It sucks!
sityslicker1I had that problem with paxil. Zoloft doesnt do that to me. Also ove cold turkied from all the ssri's ive been on. I just get brain zaps dor a few weeks. But then eventually always go back on as my anxiety skyrockets back up.. so i was on 200mg of zoloft whicy DID impact my sex drive .. then dropped to 50mg and its just enough for the anxiety and doesnt have an impact on my sex drive.. but ove been on ssri's for like 20 years lol

Edit: adding that paxil also fat as fuck.. seriously.. a lot of this extra loose skin comes from my inbetween gym days where i was out of the gym for 4 years and just got kids abd went on paxil and blew up to like 320/330 lbs.. fuck paxil lol
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I had that problem with paxil. Zoloft doesnt do that to me. Also ove cold turkied from all the ssri's ive been on. I just get brain zaps dor a few weeks. But then eventually always go back on as my anxiety skyrockets back up.. so i was on 200mg of zoloft whicy DID impact my sex drive .. then dropped to 50mg and its just enough for the anxiety and doesnt have an impact on my sex drive.. but ove been on ssri's for like 20 years lol

Edit: adding that paxil also fat as fuck.. seriously.. a lot of this extra loose skin comes from my inbetween gym days where i was out of the gym for 4 years and just got kids abd went on paxil and blew up to like 320/330 lbs.. fuck paxil lol
kragonMan im glad to hear you found what works for you. Sounds like a headache getting there, but obviously you had no choice. If I ever need them again, ill be sure to ask for Paxil and monitor my weight. I recently fell off the wagon myself (why I was absent for awhile there. Maybe 2 yrs). I've been hitting it hard years. Thank God for muscle memory. I was looking half way decent in 2 months time. Now almost 5 months later I don't look like I missed a beat. Im trying my damn-est not to do that again. Thanks again for the advice!!
I usually run aromasin, i haven't ran adex in almost 3 years. I just feel I need less of it and it's less harmful on the lipid. But I haven't done any recent research on this, so I might need a refresher.
Anyone have a recommendation for best non-UGsource for some arimidex? Currently staying with family so can't really have any packs from a UGL coming to this address but can use some arimidex and I'm thinking that research site or similar may be my best bet. I've only ever ordered it from a source or India before, never used a research site or peptide site before.
Southern sarms is a good none UG source for AIs and I believe they are a board vendor here, correct me if I'm wrong though.

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