Ask jbry about ph/ds thread..


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Decided to create this thread in hopes of it cleaning up the profiles thread.

I have a lot of experience with designer steroids, & pro hormones, it's what got me into this online thing, and what makes me money, as a number of companies have sought my info of personal experience combined with data based science of the compounds.

If I don't know about a compound, or haven't used it, I'll say so, and will attempt to post accurate info based on legit data from the compound.


couple things, as with everything in the androgen market, there are bunk, or contaminated products, so please be cautious, and when I recommend brands, 99% of the time, it's a brand & compound I have tested myself.
Awesome!! Glad your here!!!

I have 30 years of experience with steroids including orals.. lot of orals.. The past 10 years I've used a lot of PH/Designer steroids.

I'm looking for something I haven't tried that's still legal. Dry gains. Anything worth using still thats a totally new compound? It's almost like I've built a tolerance to some of these orals.. I can take 100mg dbol and 150mg drol no problem... Seems it just doesn't have any real affect on me anymore
superbee said:
Awesome!! Glad your here!!!

I have 30 years of experience with steroids including orals.. lot of orals.. The past 10 years I've used a lot of PH/Designer steroids.

I'm looking for something I haven't tried that's still legal. Dry gains. Anything worth using still thats a totally new compound? It's almost like I've built a tolerance to some of these orals.. I can take 100mg dbol and 150mg drol no problem... Seems it just doesn't have any real affect on me anymore
how do you respond to m1t (methyl 1-dehydroboldenone) or superdrol (di methyl dht)?
Yeah i have the same question. Are there any that are legal and still worth trying. I dont have such a high tolerance to other orals and i dont mind if its wet gains or dry
I never took M1T. I liked superdrol @ 30mg. I liked it the best out of everything I've taken. I was about to pick some up, but if there is anything out there better share my friend!
morrey said:
Yeah i have the same question. Are there any that are legal and still worth trying. I dont have such a high tolerance to other orals and i dont mind if its wet gains or dry
Alpha20 Methyl-1-Etiocholenolol-Epietiocholanolone - 20mg
morrey said:
Yeah i have the same question. Are there any that are legal and still worth trying. I dont have such a high tolerance to other orals and i dont mind if its wet gains or dry
m1t can be had from uk retailers. it's cheap, and works really good.

but superdrol @ 30mg with test, I don't know if much of anything else will compare.

the compound listed above is "alpha 1" it is essentially a ph to m1t, but being a diol, is already active, and able to bind with the androgen receptor.

I just posted a profile on it in my profiles. users report it to be much more nicer on the body than m1t.

sd is still my fav though.
superbee said:
I never took M1T. I liked superdrol @ 30mg. I liked it the best out of everything I've taken. I was about to pick some up, but if there is anything out there better share my friend!
not sure if there is anything out right now better than sd.

legally, dimethazine (dmz) which is 2 superdrol molecules bound together with a nitrogen atom, is available otc. it tends to be much more androgenic (hardening, dry, strength) than sd at the same dose.

typical dosage for dzine is 45mg for 4-6 weeks. stacks best with an aromatizable compound I've found. (to offset the dryness)
Wacker said:
Alpha20 Methyl-1-Etiocholenolol-Epietiocholanolone - 20mg
in laymans terms, this is 17a methyl 1-androstenediol

you may remember, 1-androstenediol is a pro hormone to 1-testosterone.

this is a ph to methyl 1-testosterone, though it has some receptor binding/interaction already d/t being a diol.

I posted a profile of this today in my profiles.
Wow bro you do know your shit. lol. Thanks man.. I took DMZ but it was lower dose. I might try it higher
tell me about ams 4-ad. considering using this to combat lethargy and libido issues on cycle. was gonna just get some td test but looking for a cheaper alternative as money is kinda tight right now.
So it sounds like SD still right up there as far anabolic and androgenic potency.

I heard many compare it to drol or dbol or a mix of the two. Then I hear others say the gains are lean and dry? I've also heard it a stronger version of Var. Its confusing as hell, but one thing most agree on is you might feel like shit after several weeks of use.

From your experience is it any like drol, dbol, var or anything else? Also, In your opinion do you think it stronger than orals we have available to us on the black market? I've been looking to try it, just never pulled the trigger.
sityslicker1 said:
So it sounds like SD still right up there as far anabolic and androgenic potency.

I heard many compare it to drol or dbol or a mix of the two. Then I hear others say the gains are lean and dry? I've also heard it a stronger version of Var. Its confusing as hell, but one thing most agree on is you might feel like shit after several weeks of use.

From your experience is it any like drol, dbol, var or anything else? Also, In your opinion do you think it stronger than orals we have available to us on the black market? I've been looking to try it, just never pulled the trigger.
sityslicker1well, superdrol's androgenic/anabolic ratio is 20:400, so it's not very androgenic. I forget what it's compared to though, that's also important.

it is a dry compound when ran at about 10-15mg e/d, and works great as a recomping agent at that dosage for 6-8 weeker.

but at 20-30mg, that is when it really just devours carbs, cramming glycogen into your muscles. and for every 1g of glycogen stored, you'll have 3g of water stored with it.

and yes, after 4 weeks at 20-30mg e/d, you'll be up about 15-30lbs, and begin to feel like crap.

superdrol and m1t are both mg for mg, a lot more potent/stronger than anything on the market readly available besides methyl trenbolone (but that's if it's legit, most methyl tren test out to be a mix of compounds)

anadrol is pretty similar to superdrol, but mg for mg, superdrol is more potent. you aren't going to see gains from 10mg of anadrol.

and everyone responds with superdrol. you see gains within the first week, an if you really know your body, within a few days.

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