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I know, I know - you should always aspirate. And for the most part I usually do, unless it is too early in the morning and I forget or I am pinning at an awkward angle using my left hand. This morning I did not aspirate when pinning in my right delt, as I am pretty comfortable and confident with hitting the right injection spot on delts. I pushed all the oil in (Test E) and on every inject when I get to the the end, I really put some muscle into into it to really squeeze that plunger closed and force out as many drops as I can. When you do that, since the plunger tip is rubber, once you release your pressure it usually moves back slightly. When the plunger slowly loosened I saw that it brought a little bit of blood into the syringe. At this point I was already done so just pushed it back through and withdrew the pin.

They say no real major arteries in the delt, which is why most physicians do not aspirate when doing IM shots in the delts. The shot was around 5am this morning and it is now over 12 hours later and I have not felt any weird feelings at all. Maybe a "little" bit warmer at some points this morning but think I just had too much stimulants pre workout.

Anyhow, assuming I am fine and I did not inject directly into a vein, does any of this effect absorption? In researching it a bit like I said overall should be safe in the delt but pinning into a vein or through a vein will weaken absorption. When I withdrew the needle there was a little blood that came out but nothing out of the norm. I either have no blood at all or sometimes a few drops. Nothing out of the norm especially considering I took an aspirin shortly before and aspirin does make me bleed much more when I am cut. So assuming it was not INTO the vein.

i never do. i injected into my left delt the other day and blood sprayed out all over the place
I never aspirate...
Got a moderate cough from primo and test cyp into the quad yesterday though. I've had worse but it was pretty bad lol. I've heard that injecting close to a vein will cause the cough but idk really. I'm still alive though!!
I do. After hundreds and hundreds I lost count of injections I’ve had a few times I aspirated and got blood. I’m just being cautious I don’t want to mainline oil. For how thick our blood is from using aas it could be dangerous.
I do. After hundreds and hundreds I lost count of injections I’ve had a few times I aspirated and got blood. I’m just being cautious I don’t want to mainline oil. For how thick our blood is from using aas it could be dangerous.
DurroYou don’t donate blood?
I don’t aspirate either, I can count on one hand how many times I’ve had blood squirt out/leak.
the whole thickness is overrated if anyone has to worry about thick blood i do yet have no issues and cant donate
the whole thickness is overrated if anyone has to worry about thick blood i do yet have no issues and cant donate
GRIMHowcome you cant donate?
the whole thickness is overrated if anyone has to worry about thick blood i do yet have no issues and cant donate
GRIMI agree but I just don’t want to accidentally mainline oil. The thought is kind of scary.

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