Bad inject



See my post is gone?

I had a bad inject about 3 days ago. Swelled, painful, pussing. About 3" of redness, was in the ass. Just test e, and I did clean both site and vial.

No insurance, hope it passes?
Sorry about that, I had to restore from just before your post and hack a few files because of a glitch members were getting in Chrome
My advice is from a local pet store or internet.
If going to the pet store look up the active ingredient 1st and get it in tabs/caps.
Most meds used for pets r the same as what we would take.

I have ordered from kai and he has been extremely fast for an international.

I have received in 1-2 days after order is places. He's alway ck'd the order tracking and given me a head up.

Hit him up. I'll can screen shot what u may be looking for w cost if that is not a problem on this forum.
Still figuring out what's ok and what's taboo.

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I've used other online pharmacies but he can get just about everything I've ever asked for.

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Big red infection, oozing shit out...the time to self medicate is over. Go to a doctor! You'll end up needing surgery to cut all that shit out and that will be much worse
To the anonymous dude posting if you need help or assistance beyond just a go to the emergency room comments, hit me up on wickr, DareDevil2016.

I'll make sure to help you treat the wound so you don't lose any body parts.
Anonymous date=1476604274 said:
See my post is gone?

I had a bad inject about 3 days ago. Swelled, painful, pussing. About 3" of redness, was in the ass. Just test e, and I did clean both site and vial.

No insurance, hope it passes?
Anonymous date=1476604274Ok here's my 2 cents. I have had countless episodes of painful-swelling-redness on the injection site. That is fairly common for a number a reasons. Usually it is cause by too much ba or some other solvent in the oil's. Now the thing that I have not yet had is Puss oozing from an injection site. That is 100% cause by an infection and DD was correct that you need to start running antibiotics ASAP. I would not use product from that bottle again and try to figure out what went wrong. If you cant get antibiotics soon just go to the doctor and tell them you sat on board that had a nail in it when you were tearing down your old deck. 🙂
Anonymous said:
Ok here's my 2 cents. I have had countless episodes of painful-swelling-redness on the injection site. That is fairly common for a number a reasons. Usually it is cause by too much ba or some other solvent in the oil's. Now the thing that I have not yet had is Puss oozing from an injection site. That is 100% cause by an infection and DD was correct that you need to start running antibiotics ASAP. I would not use product from that bottle again and try to figure out what went wrong. If you cant get antibiotics soon just go to the doctor and tell them you sat on board that had a nail in it when you were tearing down your old deck. 🙂
He has no insurance so no Doctor will see him. Guess he missed the ObamaCare program signup. Either way here's what he needs to do since he hasn't reached out to me yet.

PetCareRX - Google them. Order (1) bottle of Cephalexin. Order expedited shipping and you will receive it by Wednesday evening.

Take (1) 250mg capsule every 6 hours. Do not take on full stomach, but rather a light stomach, like pop tarts or pice of bread or two. Don't lie down within 30minutes of taking medicine and don't take it with milk. Take 2 baths a day washing the infected area with Dial non scented soap. Use hot compress 3-4 times a day. Also take 600mg of Motrin or ibuprofen every 6 hours. Do this regimen for 5 days. Then you should be better. If not run for period of 7-10 days.

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