Bad mental health



Hey guys, just lookin to see if anyone suffers from this and still runs steroids. Its gotten so bad im going to physcologists and physciatrists to be put on meds. Ive been diagnosed with a.d.d., depression and anxiety. However im thinking I have bi polar more than depression. My moods are a roller coaster ride... Some days ill be so down and am ready to end my life, then next day its like im high on life. This also fucks with my doet, ill be strict, count all macros, then go to not giving a fuck and binge eating. Its takinth a toll on my relationship, although my gf is very supportive, im getting scared like i might black out and do something stupid that ill regret, or wont be able to regret.. Who knows. I literally have lost control of my emotions and am like a walking zombie, my gf told me its like im not even there in the head sometimes, just physically. Its like im emotionless and numb. Im on dr prescribed trt dose but also on other compounds low dose. The other day i drank almost half a bottle of liquid codeine, ate 8 ativans and pounded some vodka, woke up fucked up for the next day and a half but still functional, this shit sucks, because its like an invisible illness.

So badically im looking for advice, or anyone who suffers from this shits input, thanks for hearing me out brothers.
Gonna be strait up. Your gonna die if your lucky. I say lucky because death is the easy way out when it comes to this stuff. In-patient treatment and a therapist ASAP. Suicidal thoughts are no joke. It's only gonna worse. Steroids should not even be on your radar. Prayers brother.
if you recognise you're having addictive behaviour / binge drinking / drugging get help now before you lose everything .
i only binge drink when i party on the weekends maybe twice a month... That night was just a random night that i was hoping it would just end. I use party drugs when i go out, but luckily have been blessed wih a non addictive personality when it comes to drugs...
Yesterday I was down, today i feel pretty decent, the mood changes just never stop.
Anonymous said:
i only binge drink when i party on the weekends maybe twice a month... That night was just a random night that i was hoping it would just end. I use party drugs when i go out, but luckily have been blessed wih a non addictive personality when it comes to drugs...
Yesterday I was down, today i feel pretty decent, the mood changes just never stop.
Binge drinking on party weekends and doing using party drugs when going out are enough to Fuck you up big time and have serious consequences.
Addictive personality or not your body will fall into a depression from the withdrawal from the drugs and alcohol. Yes there are withdrawal symptoms from just using on the weekends. You need to stop this practice immediately
Anonymous said:
Hey guys, just lookin to see if anyone suffers from this and still runs steroids. Its gotten so bad im going to physcologists and physciatrists to be put on meds. Ive been diagnosed with a.d.d., depression and anxiety. However im thinking I have bi polar more than depression. My moods are a roller coaster ride... Some days ill be so down and am ready to end my life, then next day its like im high on life. This also fucks with my doet, ill be strict, count all macros, then go to not giving a fuck and binge eating. Its takinth a toll on my relationship, although my gf is very supportive, im getting scared like i might black out and do something stupid that ill regret, or wont be able to regret.. Who knows. I literally have lost control of my emotions and am like a walking zombie, my gf told me its like im not even there in the head sometimes, just physically. Its like im emotionless and numb. Im on dr prescribed trt dose but also on other compounds low dose. The other day i drank almost half a bottle of liquid codeine, ate 8 ativans and pounded some vodka, woke up fucked up for the next day and a half but still functional, this shit sucks, because its like an invisible illness.

So badically im looking for advice, or anyone who suffers from this shits input, thanks for hearing me out brothers.
do NOT run steroids/hormones.

you have serious issues which need to be worked out. even super level headed people get ups and downs on hormoness o in your case the ups and downs are huge. only making your basic problems MUCH MUCH worse. get off all medication, concentrate on healthy living and low insulin levels in the body (way less carbs, increase good fats), do cardio 30mins outside every day. these are just basic things and on the rest you need to work on with a professional specialised in these issues

after you have solved the issues, then some test and GH will help you feel younger and fitter and better and healthier, but not before you solve your CORE issues
A.d. d , anxiety, depression that's all bullshit. You can change all of that yourself, no drugs needed. Talk to the shrink but don't take there drugs. You need to get a new perspective on life not take drugs they prescribe you
Anonymous said:
do NOT run steroids/hormones.

you have serious issues which need to be worked out. even super level headed people get ups and downs on hormoness o in your case the ups and downs are huge. only making your basic problems MUCH MUCH worse. get off all medication, concentrate on healthy living and low insulin levels in the body (way less carbs, increase good fats), do cardio 30mins outside every day. these are just basic things and on the rest you need to work on with a professional specialised in these issues

after you have solved the issues, then some test and GH will help you feel younger and fitter and better and healthier, but not before you solve your CORE issues

ofcourse stop allsmoking, drinking and drugs if you are doing them.
This might one of your causes of your depression and mood swings.
Anonymous said:
A.d. d , anxiety, depression that's all bullshit. You can change all of that yourself, no drugs needed. Talk to the shrink but don't take there drugs. You need to get a new perspective on life not take drugs they prescribe you

Add, anxiety, depression all bullshit...... Wow I guess several thousand doctors and psychiatrists must be wrong. I get what your saying but if a person has depression or anxiety, you can't do some Jedi mind trick to make it go away. Depression and anxiety are REAL and in some cases need to be treated with medication.
LittleTom said:
Add, anxiety, depression all bullshit...... Wow I guess several thousand doctors and psychiatrists must be wrong. I get what your saying but if a person has depression or anxiety, you can't do some Jedi mind trick to make it go away. Depression and anxiety are REAL and in some cases need to be treated with medication.
Well drugs sure won't cure depression or anxiety imo. Doctors only care about writing you a script. Those things can only be cured by changing yourself imo. That was me by the way
tkasch30 said:
Well drugs sure won't cure depression or anxiety imo. Doctors only care about writing you a script. Those things can only be cured by changing yourself imo. That was me by the way
Lol I thought so. Cure no, but with proper treatment they can be very benificial. Some people can change their lives and do not need medication. To simply discredit medication all together is a bit extreme.
LittleTom said:
Lol I thought so. Cure no, but with proper treatment they can be very benificial. Some people can change their lives and do not need medication. To simply discredit medication all together is a bit extreme.
Well I can tell from my own experience, I tried many different anti depressants and none,of them did a thing for me except give me side effects. When I decided to throw all that shit in the trash and change myself, is how it actually got fixed
tkasch30 said:
Well I can tell from my own experience, I tried many different anti depressants and none,of them did a thing for me except give me side effects. When I decided to throw all that shit in the trash and change myself, is how it actually got fixed
Lets hope that's all it takes for the OP. Good to hear your doing better tk.
Gotta chime in here and say thats how I felt before I started running juice,I mean I love to party,but before I started running gear it was on a dangerous level.I was unstable due to Im assuming the drugs and partying throwing my hormones out of whack.I blame most of my behavior on unstable hormones and when I started running gear it changed everything.I read plenty where doctors prescribe zannex when they should be prescribing TRT.Gear helped change my life and I have never felt like that again since I started my journey into the juice world.It might just be the solution to the probelm,I mean obviously get it checked out but it was so bad for me I could not tell if my dreams were real or not.Id get pissed at friends for things they didnt say,stuff I had dreamed,suicidal,insane mood swings,it got worse with me getting fucked up all the time trying to party to be happy.I never slept right,never ate,was never hungry.Gear has made me happier and healthier than any drug or addition to my life aside from the girl I met around the same time.I wouldnt toss it out the window yet.Though bad dosing has a potential to send you even farther off the deep end for sure.It did me.
Trt doesn't cure depression or anxiety. I was on trt and didn't make any difference was still depressed. Xanex will make you like a zombie and anti depressants do nothing but give side effects. Take my word for it, there's nothing a doctor can give you to cure it. Got to fix that yourself. Tkasch30
Any fluctuation in hormones will make someone act different, and potentially not right. Just take women for example. When their period hits their personality can drastically change.

Through my own experiences I can say I absolutely change in my thought process on many compounds, if not all of them. I have anxiety and many times I can be borderline paranoid in my thinking when on larger doses and cycles. My temper (unfortunately with the ones closest to me) can be short, and I can gernerally be a grumpy butthole.

In my opinion, (and I would suspect just about everyone else's as well), in your case I would throw in the towel with anabolics bro. It's simply not worth ending your life over skewed thinking, or even living life not to the fullest. Steroids should enhance the quality of life, not reduce it.

Not all compounds do the same thing for me, and some are easier on the head than others if that makes sense. Obviously tren, mast, anadrol are out of the question. These days I dig low test cycles, with easier on the body and mind compounds. Primo is great, lower dose npp is ok. Anavar, tbol. Stuff like that is what I do. I am more or less around the size I would like to be, just into polishing these days.

I wish ya the best bro, I'll say a prayer for ya.
First thing to do is go to the dr and get bloods brother.See what they tell you.

Secondly,you need to ween yourself off the meds and the alcohol and start taking some natural supps that promote serotonin and dopamine production.While doing this you need to start meditating.Sounds crazy and for hippies only but trust me,finding ones inner peace is a tremendous benefit to ones mental and physical health.Ive got a thread on this exact same thing for you to check out man.

Ive been on those dark times man and know the desperation you are feeling.The feeling of hopelessness and like your stuck in a closet or buried alive.

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