Hey guys, just lookin to see if anyone suffers from this and still runs steroids. Its gotten so bad im going to physcologists and physciatrists to be put on meds. Ive been diagnosed with a.d.d., depression and anxiety. However im thinking I have bi polar more than depression. My moods are a roller coaster ride... Some days ill be so down and am ready to end my life, then next day its like im high on life. This also fucks with my doet, ill be strict, count all macros, then go to not giving a fuck and binge eating. Its takinth a toll on my relationship, although my gf is very supportive, im getting scared like i might black out and do something stupid that ill regret, or wont be able to regret.. Who knows. I literally have lost control of my emotions and am like a walking zombie, my gf told me its like im not even there in the head sometimes, just physically. Its like im emotionless and numb. Im on dr prescribed trt dose but also on other compounds low dose. The other day i drank almost half a bottle of liquid codeine, ate 8 ativans and pounded some vodka, woke up fucked up for the next day and a half but still functional, this shit sucks, because its like an invisible illness.
So badically im looking for advice, or anyone who suffers from this shits input, thanks for hearing me out brothers.
So badically im looking for advice, or anyone who suffers from this shits input, thanks for hearing me out brothers.