Yea it is no fun brother, I had been working in the yard went in the house to relax and I started feeling my lungs fill up with fluid (I was drowning in my own kitchen), couldn't breath literally drowning on dry land lol. I started coughing up water, spewing from my lungs and mouth when I would cough, it was water but had a brownish or off red tent to it which was a few blood cells that made it through the walls of the lungs. I was seeing stars on the verge of passing out but eventually I was able to clear my lungs of the water, all the coughing saved my life and the Dr could find no damage to my heart which means my heart is strong just had an 80% blockage and never knew it, no warning signs nothing. I was actually lucky and I attribute that to exercising off and on most of my life which kept my heart strong so no damage was done. Just keep an eye on things my friends.
Wishing him the best and hoping he can get back to a normal life.