Ballot access and the truth



Gary Johnson pulled just over 1 million votes, or about 1%. If all of those votes had gone to Romney, it would not have changed the outcome of the election. Romney certainly wouldn't have pulled all of those votes anyhow, because Johnson appeals to a very broad base across the political spectrum. He took votes from both sides. That being said, many people cast what are known as protest votes. They didn't vote for a candidate, but against another. The reason for this is fear of what happens if "the other guy wins". These are your "wasted votes". If enough of those votes had gone for Johnson to garner 5% of the vote, it would have opened the door to ballot access in the future. As it stands now, third party candidates are denied access to many ballots, and they are not permitted in the debates. Most people will never even hear of a lot of these candidates and will never hear their platform. The two party system is beyond corrupt. The biggest difference between Romney and Obama? One has darker skin! A lot of folks parrot the talking points of the media without doing any real research or actually studying voting and track records of a particular candidate. I challenge all of you who feel differently to pull up the voting records of Romney and Obama and compare them side by side. Well, that will be a little hard to do, since Obama has almost zero political experience prior to winning the presidency, but there are obvious patterns. In fact, Obamacare was designed almost completely around Romney care that was implemented in the state of Massachusetts under Romney's governorship.
We are sheep, and we are being led to slaughter. Our national debt is now larger than the entire gdp of every other nation in the world except China and Japan. The interest on our debt alone is greater than the gdp of Mexico. Our debt is now over 16 trillion dollars and growing exponentially. Nevermind additional spending. The interest alone is in the billions of dollars. Here's a handy little diagram to give you a feel of what a billion dollars looks like. Now compare that to a trillion dollars. Okay, now multiply that stack of pallets of one hundred dollar bills by 16. Can any of you fathom that? We owe 16 trillion dollars people. They hide the real issues by dividing us over issues of race or of who has an R or a D after their name. Remember the collapse of the housing bubble? That was nothing compared to the collapse of the debt time bomb! You think the last 4, 8, 12, or even 16 years were bad? You ain't seen nothin yet!

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