Baseball season


Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
Baseball season is fast approaching, I have cycled a number of times but this is my first time trying to cycle for a sport specific purpose. Anybody have any input what a good medium budget baseball cycle would look like? Keep in mind there is NO TESTING for this league so that isn't a factor.... Thanks
Your looking to run cycle to improve athleticism?
I'm kinda thinking test e at moderate dose , tbol ed for strength ,tne prior to games,and npp?
I'm thinking baseball u need strength and speed but without bloating or extra lbs of fat. So something that's gonna lean u out while improving strength and adding some quality muscle is gonna be the best. Others may have better idea as to which compounds to use but Imo those would do good.
Test prop. Tren a mast.. winny is also good for strength speed and keeps lower body weight
Arod, is that you?
Anytime you are actively participating in a sport, I suggest limiting the oils. If you get pip it will ruin your performance. Stick with long esters since there is no testing. Test e or test u and Tbol or dbol. My .02
Masteron is the best for a combo of speed and lean strength. Favorite of boxers and MMA'ers everywhere.
Hanzo said:
Masteron is the best for a combo of speed and lean strength. Favorite of boxers and MMA'ers everywhere.
Having run masteron I can't say I ever felt it did either.. All I got from it was some muscle hardness, a little more definition in muscles , and vascularity.
It also kicked in male pattern baldness..when I stopped so did the hair loss.
BUT that's just my experience....

Winstrol I would be concerned about cramps and muscles being to tight , any dehydration would bring this on.
Limiting oils is good advice pip docile really impact abilities, so npp maybe not great idea

So maybe just long test ester, tbol, var?
Tbol amd var can work good together and both oral . Run 40mg of each Ed and pin. Long ester test 2 pins a week
My guess the masteron use Among athletes is for aggression..but is that necessary in baseball? Boxing and mma where weight classes are issue it would work well cause it wouldn't cause much weight gain and would keep u from holding water..
I'm no expert with masteron so I maybe off base here
I have a few months before games actually start so I don't mind running a "normal" cycle

I was thinking the "cut stack" with a eat big diet at either 100mg or 150eod leading into the season then switching it up during the regular season. The game,es are on Sundays and 1 midweek so it isn't a super stringent schedule.

I will probably run t3 and caber with the trentestmast,

When the season starts I can run test cyp at 300mg mon thurs, with abombs at 50mg ed during season. Maybe add some dbol for game days

Thoughts on this?
Sorry this is all scatter brained lol
Test e and HGH
simple but effective. No drug is going to make you a better baseball player but they will help you to continue being a baseball player
Thesuperwallaby said:
I have a few months before games actually start so I don't mind running a "normal" cycle

I was thinking the "cut stack" with a eat big diet at either 100mg or 150eod leading into the season then switching it up during the regular season. The game,es are on Sundays and 1 midweek so it isn't a super stringent schedule.

I will probably run t3 and caber with the trentestmast,

When the season starts I can run test cyp at 300mg mon thurs, with abombs at 50mg ed during season. Maybe add some dbol for game days

Thoughts on this?
Sorry this is all scatter brained lol

Maybe pin EMEDIATLY after your games or that night after game so u get max recovery time in the muscle pinned so pip should be no issue then....
Dbol game days would give a lil boost but don't know how much ....if u were only using it game days I would run a high dose like 100mg 45minutes before game ..
The pre season start looks good to me...but I would bump the cyp dose up jmo
Blueedge said:
Maybe pin EMEDIATLY after your games or that night after game so u get max recovery time in the muscle pinned so pip should be no issue then....
Dbol game days would give a lil boost but don't know how much ....if u were only using it game days I would run a high dose like 100mg 45minutes before game ..
The pre season start looks good to me...but I would bump the cyp dose up jmo

So pre season
Tren a
Test p
Mast p
100mg eod
T3 25-50mcg ed
Caber 12.5mg ed
I also have tne I will throw in pwo,
In season
Test cyp 450mg mon and thurs

Anadrol 50mg ed

Any support needed maybe adex I am a bit lump prone, I always get it mixed up if it's adex for prevent or extremeseme?

Critiques and other options are still very much appreciated
Blueedge said:
My guess the masteron use Among athletes is for aggression..but is that necessary in baseball? Boxing and mma where weight classes are issue it would work well cause it wouldn't cause much weight gain and would keep u from holding water..
I'm no expert with masteron so I maybe off base here
Masteron has been proven to increase speed and facilitate endurance.

It is a DHT derivative, that's why you had hair issues.
Thesuperwallaby said:
So pre season
Tren a
Test p
Mast p
100mg eod
T3 25-50mcg ed
Caber 12.5mg ed
I also have tne I will throw in pwo,
In season
Test cyp 450mg mon and thurs

Anadrol 50mg ed

Any support needed maybe adex I am a bit lump prone, I always get it mixed up if it's adex for prevent or extremeseme?

Critiques and other options are still very much appreciated
The tren would have to be dropped how soon? Wouldn't you be worried about it's cardio killing effects?
Blueedge said:
My guess the masteron use Among athletes is for aggression..but is that necessary in baseball? Boxing and mma where weight classes are issue it would work well cause it wouldn't cause much weight gain and would keep u from holding water..
I'm no expert with masteron so I maybe off base here
run masteron many times, never noticed any increased aggression with it
Thesuperwallaby said:
So pre season
Tren a
Test p
Mast p
100mg eod
T3 25-50mcg ed
Caber 12.5mg ed
I also have tne I will throw in pwo,
In season
Test cyp 450mg mon and thurs

Anadrol 50mg ed

Any support needed maybe adex I am a bit lump prone, I always get it mixed up if it's adex for prevent or extremeseme?

Critiques and other options are still very much appreciated
why the short esters? won't you be traveling a good bit? i wouldn't want to be traveling with all that gear. If it were me i would look more toward test e/c deca adrol
From Llewelyn's Anabolics, on Masteron " The drug is most often used by dieting bodybuilders and athletes in speed sports, where it is highly favored for its ability to produce solid increases in lean muscle mass and strength, which are usually accompanied by reductions in body fat level and minimal side effects".

Sounds like Mast is a def for you.
Hanzo said:
From Llewelyn's Anabolics, on Masteron " The drug is most often used by dieting bodybuilders and athletes in speed sports, where it is highly favored for its ability to produce solid increases in lean muscle mass and strength, which are usually accompanied by reductions in body fat level and minimal side effects".

Sounds like Mast is a def for you.
Hanzoi run it nearly every cycle, if i can afford it.

How about equipoise? Ive yet to run it but wouldn't the increase in RBC's benefit an athlete
Hanzo said:
From Llewelyn's Anabolics, on Masteron " The drug is most often used by dieting bodybuilders and athletes in speed sports, where it is highly favored for its ability to produce solid increases in lean muscle mass and strength, which are usually accompanied by reductions in body fat level and minimal side effects".

Sounds like Mast is a def for you.
So just a test c and mast e?

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