Battle Scars


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Meant to be MOTIVATION

Not ohh Im worse off, pitty me etc but MOTIVATION

We ALL have them yet we keep moving forward as best as we can and that's what counts!

Just a few of mine 6 massive strokes, was fully paralyzed, 3 knee surgeries down to bone on bone, narrowing of the spine, numerous fully degenerated disks and spurs/herniated, huge chunk of muscle removed fro my quad and lets see end it with arthritis. I have more of course but I keep hitting it as hard as I can.

I will never be near as strong or built as I once was but thats ok the point is moving beyond what we would be just sitting on the couch and doing our best!
BTW EG cash extra to all who participate in this thread
Torn pec, torn calf, inflamed sciatic, two sore knees, sore hip, low back trouble, and shoulder hanging on by a thread.

Was it worth it?? Hell yeah. I benched 500 raw, 315 military press, 225 straight bar curl, shoulder pressed 150 DB’s for reps, 655 deadlift, 405 incline for 7, 405 flat for 12, 225 flat for 37. Yeah dude it was worth it
Damn guys I've only hurt my ankle that's almost fused now and a fractured wrist. I bet you guys have good stories
Right shoulder is trash... torn labrum, rotator, and a.c. joint. Clavicle shifts when I move my right arm. Shoulders aren't at the same level from wear and tear. I've torn my pec, bicep, hamstring, and adductor. Total knee replacement with cadavers knees (27 yrs ago) due to a bone disease. Nerve damage so left-hand goes numb.
Torn R pec, torn L pec, torn R bi, torn R hammy, lower back strain from deads. Titanium screw in my R metatarsal, titanium screw in my L metatarsal. Too many other small injuries to list.
High school and Div 1 football.... broken collar bone, torn acl also broken wrist

Training...torn right quad and recently damage to my C6-C7 which damage my radial nerve on my right arm which atrophied my tricep loss 80% strength. But on recovery should be 8-9 months till back to where I was.
Fascia release on my right arm 33 stitches. 2 back fusions last one was 8 hours long. Torn Achilles tendon right leg. Carpal tunnel surgery right hand.
Hell damn wasn't going to say it but here it is. I'm less than a year out of full paralysis following a two level lower lumbar fusion which by reference of two specialists documented in a letter caused by body to attack itself resulting in experiencing what is called Gullian Barre Syndrome. If it wasn't for my nurse wife's fast diagnosis, I would've been on a ventilator. This changed my life and I have since tried to block it out of my mind. I put on a shit ton of belly fat that I'm struggling to lose. I am running a mile or better a day when the nerve damage in my feet allow me too and supplementing with the bike when I cannot. Squatting and deadlifting days are a thing of the past for me. But it doesn't and will not stop me from enjoying upper body and leg presses.

BTW, the best way to motivate grimmer is PM him a ton of dick pics. He saves them on his phone and scrolls through them before each and every lift. That's why he gets that goofy smile on his face.
Keep pushing my brother. Stay positive get great gear and stay close to our family here for motivation and positivity! I have been back to training almost 8 years now since my last surgery and let me tell you I was the same way a fat piece of shit depressed and no motivation. I still get ask almost every day of my age because people cannot believe the shape I am in. God bless you.

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