battling covid


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Almost died of a blood clot, was covid. Didn't know I had it. Felt a little "out of it" From what was told my RBC are already high from Test use and the covid just added to the risk factors. 2 weeks in hospital and 2 weeks in short term rehab facility I'm about 80%. Now my problem is short term memory. I keep forgetting what I did an hour or two ago. I hope it comes back. Driving me crazy. You youngens will probably be ok but this covid shit.. thought it was the end for me. My daughter came to see me haven't talked to her in years, started our relationship over. hopefully good comes out of it. Stay safe everyone

damn bro glad you ok

just goes to show it is effecting people, even healthy people

As you know I know a thing or two on effects from clots..

Often it gets better, if no permanent damage it'll almost certainly resolve itself in time
Nurse said IV line was clotting multiple times, said she only sees it in covid patients. If it wasn't for newer anticoagulants I'd be dead. Lost so much weight and strength it is crazy. Even when I was a severe alcoholic I was fully functional and capable. This is whole new level
Damn bro just keep head up it's a head fuck I know but you WILL get back
Really glad to hear you made it out ok!!! just curious, what symptoms were you experiencing?
Get well and you'll win this battle! I bet it's scary to find out you have Covid-19 after clots are found..and not knowing you had it.

When you are medically cleared a good thing is to return to the gym to rehab and rebuild.
Good ta hear your on the mend brotha. Keep us updated on your progress.
Godspeed bro! IFBB Pro Guy Cisternino got Covid and got a blood clot in his calve. Hope you recover well.
Glad something positive came out of it for you and you didn’t have to go through all that for nothing!
I'm glad your okay man! Prayers your way. Glad good came out of it though.
Good to hear you are getting better. That's gotta set you back a bit money-wise.
Fever and fatigue were only symptoms I had but a day later it got bad. I was doing fine ICU on oxygen then went downhill in 1 minute and had to be intubated. I'd say I'm back to 80% only thing holding me back is my lungs. Been doing the lunch exercise thing they give you slightly better every day.

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