Be the change!


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Got this from a friend off another board. Love the message it brings especially with all that is currently happening.....


It stops us from judging others.

It replaces complaining about others with reflection on self.

It stirs us into taking action within the only thing in the world over which we have any control: ourselves.

We but mirror the world. All the tendencies present in the outer world are to be found in the world of our body. If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him. This is the divine mystery supreme. A wonderful thing it is and the source of our happiness. We need not wait to see what others do.
Rioting and looting won’t get the government, police etc to listen. It will make them fight more. You can fight anger with anger.

Some say being quiet didn’t work so, **** it. Well all this shit happening is hurting the people that are already hurt.

Hell people had to donate food to families because super markets were looted
No one agrees with the violence and looting, that’s simply people using Floyd’s death as an excuse to steal and make money. But maybe that’s what it will take this time to make some real change.

I don’t know the race of any of you, but I can assume the majority here, just like the USA, is white, and this is something we’ve never had to deal with. What would you do if you felt like the country you lived in didn’t protect you the same way they protect your neighbor all because you have a different skin color? And you had decades and decades of proof showing that your life doesn’t mean as much as your white neighbors.

We are the only ones who can make these changes. The minority can’t, they don’t have the power. If we are sick of this too, and want these riots to stop, then how about we try to stop them FOREVER, rather than just stopping them this time?

(I mean no disrespect towards anyone on here, btw. I’ve had tons of difficult conversations this past week and read, listened, and watched a lot that has given me different perspectives. Just hoping to get people thinking)
Race is one thing that is actually going to be a problem that is going to end itself. If you do a heritage check on yourself you will most likely be surprised as i was. Not only are we american indian osage tribe i have jewish blood as well. Hardly anyone anymore can only clame one ethniticity. As the lines get blurred nore n more hopefully that issue will become a non issue.
good to see that most of the protests the last few days have been peaceful and people are still turning out in big numbers.
Depends on where you grew up, and I don't think the census is correct. I grew up where it was not good to be white and you did learn to kick ass and fuck people up or get beat down by 3 to 5 people on one for no fucking reason but being white, so my heart doesn't bleed pitty like some of you. It trips me out how out of touch white people that grew up in good middle class neighborhoods are. Like I said below, treat me good and I treat you good no matter who you are but this bleeding heart shit makes me want to puke. I am sure some brothers here won't like what I said but hey walk in my shoes. Before somebody thinks racist, yes I have German, English, Welsh, Scottish, Hebrew derived etc.... but Cherokee also......

And my son dates mostly black woman. It is all about respect and I have been treated like shit by cops and falsely charged but obviously I survived and no I am not debating this.
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The way i look at things: I treat a man (people) the way he treats me, if he fucks me I fuck harder and I have told people that exact thing. Treat me good and we are good, fuck me and well..........
Thanks 01 brother for your statement. That shows people don't care about one another and they are looking for an excuse to pillage and steal, my heart goes out to the people suffering that have done nothing wrong but have to pay the price by not having food and water and other essentials.
If people would only think before acting and stop using a horrible incident like this for gain etc.........
Every issue in this incident should be looked at, everyone's actions taken into account and I wish I could say justice would be served but sometimes what we all think really happened or what everyone thinks is justice is not true justice.
We are all at the mercy of someone else when it comes to the judicial system, media can be manipulated, people lie for gain, it is just sad. I am not on one side or the other, I really didn't know anything about this until my son brought it up, in other words I live my life and try to do right by people and keep to myself.

Here is an example about justice or just one of many I have encountered in my life.
I stood before a judge and I use that word loosely.... after being locked up all weekend. I had beaten the shit out of a bigger guy/taller and I am sure he out weighed me. He was causing trouble with my family, siblings etc... you know real tough guy with his clowns that followed him around thinking he was the shit, well he just wouldn't listen and thought I was a joke (him and his buddy) it was all funny until I lit his ass up and he stopped breathing once he hit the ground, his buddy and the guys girlfriend were running around like chickens with their heads cut off, well they had to call an ambulance to get the guy and you know I left the seen fast..LOL.

What I am getting at I was protecting myself and family but when the big bad ass got knocked the fuck out it wasn't so funny and I went to jail for protecting my family, I was charged with assault and battery even though I only hit the guy once, it messed up the nerves in the side of his jaw.

I went before the ass whole judge and before I could say anything he told me he didn't want to hear anything I had to say, in other words I could not even represent myself or defend my side of the story, I was up shit creek and all because I didn't let the guy beat the shit out of me???? If I would have lost guess everything would have been ok, since I don't run for big brother if I have the loosing hand.

Justice is not really justice a lot of times and I feel sorry for the innocent people that are caught up in the system and their freedom is in someone else's hands. Sorry long winded my brothers, many of us have probably seen the blind and crooked end of our judicial system.
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our "justice" system is so messed up. it is a joke. the war on drugs is a joke. it's really a war on the poor. If you have money, you can get away with pretty much anything. if you don't you end up with a public defender that is just cutting deals with the prosecutor to expedite things. then you're caught up in the system and it becomes difficult to get out and move on with your life.
Very well put R2, a public defender is there to fuck you innocent or not, they will tell you if you don't take what he tells you then it will be much worse for you. It's a racket plain and simple.

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