Behind the neck presses


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
Has anyone hurt there shoulders doing these? I never had a issue sunday I was jacked up on tne and dbol finished my session felt fine all day. I dont know if I slept wrong but my shoulder has been killing me I cringewhen I lift up my arm eespecially on the way down. I cant tell if its the rotator or what it hurts when I lift my arm and move back. I had to call in sick today because im making it worse at work.
I do them but I dont go crazy on the weight. You need to rest that shoulder. It should get better on its own if you watch what you do the next week or so.
Can't do them heavy for that reason, kills something in my rotator cup just a bad angle. I do heavy to the front and then sometimes drop the weight in half and do 1-2 high rep sets behind but never heavy or I pay for days.
Wacker said:
Can't do them heavy for that reason, kills something in my rotator cup just a bad angle. I do heavy to the front and then sometimes drop the weight in half and do 1-2 high rep sets behind but never heavy or I pay for days.
WackerI really regret it now lol dont think I'll do those anymore
hell at my age every exercise has a work around so i don't get hurt to

but i truly believe there aren't many evil exercises, but behind the neck may be one. i mean really what could it work much differently than the normal overhead press. and you could always find some pulling exercise or delt raise to work anything you think the behind the neck works.
krustus said:
hell at my age every exercise has a work around so i don't get hurt to

but i truly believe there aren't many evil exercises, but behind the neck may be one. i mean really what could it work much differently than the normal overhead press. and you could always find some pulling exercise or delt raise to work anything you think the behind the neck works.
krustusIts CT Fletchers fault im gonna take him to court lol
behind the necks a no no by many trainer standards now a days
GRIM said:
behind the necks a no no by many trainer standards now a days
GRIMI learned the hard way. I just found some old hexarelin in the fridge I hope it has some healing properties my hgh is still like 2 weeks away
GRIM said:
behind the necks a no no by many trainer standards now a days
^^^ this and behind the neck pulldowns fr the same reason, damage to rotator cuff. When doing any shoulder activity at all on all upper body basically I warm up rotators by grabbing 5 lb plates and doing some warms ups for them, made a world of difference and never had that problem again.
krustus said:
hell at my age every exercise has a work around so i don't get hurt to

but i truly believe there aren't many evil exercises, but behind the neck may be one. i mean really what could it work much differently than the normal overhead press. and you could always find some pulling exercise or delt raise to work anything you think the behind the neck works.
krustusWhat K said....
smoove said:
Yep I have to steer clear of 'em
smooveExactly. ... sooooo much you can do with shoulders without ever hardly doing a press.. If they hurt dont do it. Its a blessing knowing just a tad of anatomy and how your muscles work with one another..

Underground Conditioning "Training for the rest of us"
If it hurts in bad way don't do it. There's many ways to train around injuries. Using a different combination of exercises, rep range and tempo.
It sucks because most of us love those heavy compound movements, but we have to recognize the warning signs in time. A serious injury will set you back for months while you can still make progress modifying your workouts to accommodate the injuries.

Sent from my Galaxy S4 using Tapatalk2
jshredz said:
If it hurts in bad way don't do it. There's many ways to train around injuries. Using a different combination of exercises, rep range and tempo.
It sucks because most of us love those heavy compound movements, but we have to recognize the warning signs in time. A serious injury will set you back for months while you can still make progress modifying your workouts to accommodate the injuries.

Sent from my Galaxy S4 using Tapatalk2
jshredzNot sure what I hurt but I cant rotate my arm back like to do a behind the neck think its the rotator
stick to exercises that don't hurt for now. You probably shouldn't do any over head pressing movements for a while. Apply cold, heat, cold to the area after training. Try to sleep on your back and keep your arm at a level where your not contracting your shoulder while you sleep.
If it doesn't get better in a few weeks go to the doc

Sent from my Galaxy S4 using Tapatalk2

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