Best order to introduce new injectables


Jacked Immortal
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What would be the "order" of cycles you would suggest for someone new in the game? Start out on a cycle of just Test to familiarize yourself with how it feels as a standalone, then do a test + an oral cycle once or twice with an oral like anavar, tbol, or maybe winny. But when looking to start into other oils, what is the easiest way to ease into it from a side effect/estro problem perspective? Maybe primo as a first then eq as a 2nd, so on? Obviously saving something like Tren for a good few cycles down the road.
I personally am aiming to stay away from any compound, oral or oil with a high estro conversion or anything "wet". So trying to keep those out of my mix all together.
Test as your must base. If your wanting to keep in mild EQ would be a great addition.
Prop would be a great first time run Oil. That will tell you real quick how susceptible you are to estro issues. Then a next stack could be simple like Enan and Eq. or Deca. First oral would be an easy one like Var or Winny. They both have their own advantages.
Your first run will give you the best results, you have great clean and fresh receptors. Test and deca or Eq. I wouldn't be apposed to a oral like t-bol in the beginning at first don't over complicate things.
Focus more on heavy training and of course diet. That first run in gains builds a solid foundation!!!

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