Big kev finally runs a log


Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
EG Cash
I haven't run a log in a long damn time. Seeing as I'm running a new compound to me (bold) and I have some time to do a log I figured I'd include you guys. First a little background. Been into the weights since I was fifteen... I'm 37 now. I competed in the Arnold physique once just to say I did a few years ago... Didn't even place... But I did it and looked good. Served in the blessed Marine Corps for about 9 years. Anyway.... Currently coming off a cut from a nasty don't give a fuck about myself loathing binge that got me to 277 lbs of hate and am back to a slim 232lbs with abs and very motivated (will post pics).

The plan :
Bold Cyp : 600mg 12 weeks (snake)
Test E: 500mg 12 weeks (dyel)
Mast P: 400mg 10 weeks (clarity and snake)
Anavar : 100mgs last 5 weeks (auctus)

Please feel free to critique.... Kind of off the cuff.... Trying to stay lean and be very hard for summer but gain solid mass.
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Chest today
Weight : 230.4lbs

Woke up very lean this morning. Hit chest at the gym. Felt like a beast. Just fucking strong. Hit flat press hammer strength for decent weight. Didn't bring a log book so don't have actual weights to list. Followed with low chest press for some more heavy weights. Machine Flys.... Cable cross overs..... Four sets of pull ups. Just beast mode. I feel awesome. I'm not going to lie though. I snuck a shot of 30mg of snakes superdrol pre-workout. Lol. I will make sure to bring my book with me to keep track of my weights from now on. Can't make progress of you don't know where you are. Amazing pump today..... Felt confident as fuck. Good day so far.
actually sorry i misread im about 232-235 atm so just a lil more but you are leaner im getting there though 😉
If anyone can teach me how to correctly post pictures in this thread it would be greatly appreciated.
If anyone can teach me how to correctly post pictures in this thread it would be greatly appreciated.
BigKevtapa talk loads are not allowed EG does not allow any external image loads for security as its a super simple way to track users IPs. EG attempts to download and rehost the images however tapatalk doesn't work.

Again I wish tapatalk would die
Weight : 233

Hit arms with the girlfriend this morning.... Pushed us both extremely hard. To the point I actually puked in the parking lot after the workout. Preacher curls, concentration curls, rope curls, straight bar curls, push downs, cable push downs, rope push downs and skull crushers. Massive pump but was a little off on endurance. Not sure if that was from the heavy ass chest workout yesterday or what but either way I felt good and pushed hard. Still very lean on wake up. My weight fluctuates +-3 lbs from day to day usually. Today I was up but I hadn't used the bathroom yet either. Anyway feeling great.... Tomorrow is shoulders.
Here is a post workout pic from today. 20190609_132542.webp
I see you went with bold cyp in place of primo. Want to thank you for your service to our USA brother! I will be following! I assume you already know about the appetite increase and the reds going up with bold. You did a great job pulling out of that low point we all been there. It sounds like you are on track if you are feeling good. Bold is not one of my favorite compounds. Sounds like it may be good with you but still early for it to kik fully. Think about maybe adding some t3? Keep a close eye on reds.
I was on a pretty good tren run before this for my cut so I'm pretty anabolic still and I'm on test year round so I am feeling good overall. Any particular reason for the t3 or just to help stay lean?
I'm also looking to give blood soon and again at 8 weeks.... I will also more than likely run low dose dnp once things get rolling... Like 200mgs for a few weeks.
I'm also looking to give blood soon and again at 8 weeks.... I will also more than likely run low dose dnp once things get rolling... Like 200mgs for a few weeks.
BigKevalways wished i could but can't give blood grrr
Totally took the day today.... Had some stuff come up... Was sore as fuck... A million reasons to make excuses.... But back at it tommorrow for some shoulders..... Just a note.... Appetite is creeping on me.... I know it's early but it's evident

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Giving blood is so important.I was able to it for years when the hospitals had control. Now it is only redcross and they opted me out. Have the doc check me always high. Working on him to give me lab pass to do it. Big Kev t3 to help stay lean also I have noticed a definite slo down with thyroid function on tren. Not saying to go crazy but to ramp up basil metabolic rate.

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