Big One


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Putting together a cycle. It will be my biggest. I typically respond well to low-moderate doses. I'm guessing this will start in mid May. And yes diet, training, cardio all in check. Goal is lean mass.

Weeks 1-13 750mg per week of EGH test
Weeks 14-26 750mg per week of Digi test

Weeks 3-10 50mg per day of EGH Tbol
Weeks 15-22 50mg per day of EGH Var

Weeks 1-13 900mg per week EGH EQ
Weeks 14-26 750mg per week Sarc (RIP) EQ

Weeks 5-11 100mg EOD EGH Tren A
Weeks 18-24 100mg EOD Digi Tren A
I like it, lil high on the EQ for my tastes. But looks solid.
Nothing personal, but .... 26 weeks EQ seems a tad much, yet 7 weeks var will prob do nothing for you my man, and tren in there too, broken up (I think I kinda like that). How many cycles do you have under your belt bro? Are you planning on cruising after this? PCT? Are you gonna use TNE?

Post your ancillaries and additional supps when you can.
I've been cycling since mid 90's. Done EQ for that long plenty of times, I donate blood. I run letro, adex, etc as needed. Other than thin hair I don't/haven't really had any sides.

I cruise when done. No TNE. Supps as in over the counter?
Solid cycle.........high for my tastes, though. I think you should take the var and start that at week 11. Like the finishing off the cycle with Tren and Var and the lower dose of Eq. Just get some support for the kidneys, I'm sure you already have...just thought I'd mention it.
Jinko said:
I've been cycling since mid 90's. Done EQ for that long plenty of times, I donate blood. I run letro, adex, etc as needed. Other than thin hair I don't/haven't really had any sides.

I cruise when done. No TNE. Supps as in over the counter?
Never mind bro. You're set. I would run the var longer and put it from the middle to end. Anavar is one of my favorite compounds and I seem to get the best results when I run it at least 12 weeks, it's very mild, comparatively speaking, as I'm sure you're aware.

Yeah, if you don't mind, list your other supps also. I always like to check out what everyone else runs as far as pre and post w/o supps.
Ok maybe 4 more weeks of Var? Digi or Erik you will be hearing form me shortly.

Supps. HumaPro, Chain'd Out, Chain'd Reaction, Multi-Vitamin/Mineral. I use macadamia nut oil, not so much as a supp but to add flavor to rice, quiona, or veggies. Also give you great Omega 3 to 6 ratio.

HumaPro I take about 30 tabs of per day. 10 after cardio, 5 while driving home form work, 5 pre workout, 10 post workout.

Chain'd Out. 4 scoops per day. 1 while I do cardio (AM and fasted), 1 once I'm done. 1 while working out mixed in my water bottle and 1 post workout.

Chain'd Reaction 2 scoops post workout with 1 scoop of Chain'd Out.
I've been looking at Chain'd Reaction. Looks kinda' like Karbolyn as far as direction of action.

How do you like it? What does it do for you on cardio days? Push, stamina?
Chain'd Reaction I mostly notice it in terms of muscle volume. Makes me much fuller looking I notice it after 3 days of using it. Endurance wise I don't think it does much for me. But it is great post workout carb drink.
Yeah, 26gm's of Enzymic Engineered Rice Syrup Solids. That really intrigued me as to the modalities of the increased Glycogen uptake. The efficacy one could imagine would be in the highest ratio. I'm gonna' give a shot. I love using Karbolyn (I still have some from SciFit, R.I.P.) and I never got in to Waxy Maize, I always thought the absorption rate and saturation levels were higher with Karbolyn. I used to run a lot and Karbolyn/SciFitNO2 drove my stamina to very high levels, for me. I use Karbolyn as a pre (or sometimes post) when I lift and as a pre when I spar.

I have Biorthym Afterglow for my post, so there's no use in adding anything else into the mix there.

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