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So I just ordered some of the gear I will be using for my spring summer cycle. I'm coming off a nice bulk cycle soon and I want to turn this bulk into lean hard muscle as much as possible. I will cruise at 375mg test-week til mid march after I drop the orals end of January. I just ordered more test-e, 20ml tren-e 200mg, and 2 jugs of 50mg tbol 30ml. I am going to order some test prop before I start this cycle probably enough for for couple months to kick start it. Now here's what I need your guys help with I want to blend something in along side the tren another long ester. You guys think 300 mgs of eq would along with 200mg of tren-e would make a good blend ? Or even 450mgs of eq ? I know eq is generally ran at high doses but when blending with another strong aas like tren I think would make for a good quality muscle builder. I am trying to make a combination of a low estrogenic quality muscle builder why I picked tbol for the oral and looking at eq. It will be a 20 week run all together with orals added in twice after 30 days in on the injects I will add 60 days of tbol 50mg day split 20/20/10 every 8 hrs 30days off orals then last 60 days will be winny 75mg day every 8 hrs 25/25/25. Thoughts/advice ??
I run EQ @ low doses myself with results
GRIM said:
I run EQ @ low doses myself with results
So did i the one time I ran it. Only used 300mg week and doc was concerned about my blood being too thick while having bloodwork done. I had the veins poppin vascular look going. I never used this guys eq I just ordered from but everything else I have gotten from him for several cycles now has been gtg. Also debating should I do 20 weeks 500mg test-e 200mg tren-e 300mg eq or 15 weeks 750 test 300 tren 450 eq.
I think you would be very happy if you added some mast to that cycle. I love mast and will have it in all my stacks from here on out. Love the hardening i get from it. Love the extra sex drive it provides. I would run my eq a lil higher and keep my mast just below the tren with minimum test in there, Thats just my .02. Keep us updated on what you decide to run brother!!
Like FF said, test tren eq is a good stack. The tren with eq makes your muscles so hard and vascular. However like HAI said masteron tren test is a very proven stack because it covers all three groups of anabolics, 19nor test and dht which covers all the bases. Either way you will get good results no doubt. I guess it depends on what you have on hand.
If it were me I would look into the EQ cyp. I know joker has it. I would run the eq at 400 the tren e at 400 and the test 300 plus the tbol daily. If you run the standard eq, Bold Und as oposed to the Bold C then I would up it to 600. Yes it will thicken your blood so donating is a must. Watch your BP it will raise if this happens.
If you do the other route I would go 300 test,e 400 tren e and 6-800 of the masteron and tbol daily. If you are afraid of the eq RBC count this might be better.
I Think you will be very happy either way.
CB1 said:
Like FF said, test tren eq is a good stack. The tren with eq makes your muscles so hard and vascular. However like HAI said masteron tren test is a very proven stack because it covers all three groups of anabolics, 19nor test and dht which covers all the bases. Either way you will get good results no doubt. I guess it depends on what you have on hand.
If it were me I would look into the EQ cyp. I know joker has it. I would run the eq at 400 the tren e at 400 and the test 300 plus the tbol daily. If you run the standard eq, Bold Und as oposed to the Bold C then I would up it to 600. Yes it will thicken your blood so donating is a must. Watch your BP it will raise if this happens.
If you do the other route I would go 300 test,e 400 tren e and 6-800 of the masteron and tbol daily. If you are afraid of the eq RBC count this might be better.
I Think you will be very happy either way.

Mast-e made me aggressive and ill. I ran a blend of test-p tren ace mast-p that I had great results from with no issues
I'm all for Mast with this! I just read the intial post and immediatelly posted, so if it's been mentioned, then bump whoever said it!
I was going to run eq myself but never picked any up. I'm going to run tren and mast too tho. Seems pretty popular 🙂
flyingfox said:
Test, Tren, EQ..great...add Mast even better! Gonna try this soon.
That's my favorite stack of all time!! Normally run the test, Tren, eq then add the mast towards the end of the cycle..
Talk about shredded and vascular!!!
Yea what all these guys said. You can't go wrong with the eq or mast with test and tren just use what you got bro..
Ok guys I got 4 jugs of eq 300 on the way and more tbol (man I love the tbol 🙂 ) I'm not sure whay dose to run my eq at I was gonna do 20 weeks cycle total. Thinking this 375mg test-e every 5th day 200mg tren-e every 5th day. As far as adding the eq in is where I'm concerned. If I was just using eq I'd run it 450-600 but since ima be on this other gear idk that's a lot of juice. 600mgs of eq to much for that stack you guys think? 30 days in ima run 60 days of tbol take 30 days off orals and do 60 more days tbol maybe depends on bloodwork if my liver values and kidneys check out good then that's the plan. Just trying to get my numbers right mgs and all for this stack. I put it together with the thought in mind eq is derived from dbol no estrogen sides tbol derived from dbol no estrogen sides tren-e possible progesterone but I don't think at 200mgs that will be an issue. I have nolva and adex on hand. More than anything I don't wanna go to far these are some strong compounds.
600 should be fine imo
Thing about Eq is, it's been proven that the sweet spot with it is pretty much between 600-750mg. I Personally would probably start it around 500mg with the other you're running, but that's just me. I have a strong belief in more is not better
TSizemore said:
Thing about Eq is, it's been proven that the sweet spot with it is pretty much between 600-750mg. I Personally would probably start it around 500mg with the other you're running, but that's just me. I have a strong belief in more is not better
TSizemoresames but he got 300mg per ml.
So 600 would be 'easier' 😛
Man I'm all about low dose cycles always have been. But at 37 I got my first weight bench at 14 years old so I been lifting for awhile. I started using gear at age 28 I will post some before gear and after gear pics soon. I was 198 lean never cycled in my life. started playing with test and winny other things over the years but always got good results from low dose cycles . keep in mind I had one source for years too great quality lil pricey but he was/is my dude he just out of the game now. So anything I got from him low dose I was getting results. And not saying anyone doesn't put in diet and proper training but I see a lot of guys personally use way to much steroids when they should be asking me about diet rest/recovery and can't stress enough H2O!!! I ran a high mg short ester cycle last year first time of sarcs gear was great. So I am moving up in the mgs but also my guy now I get my gear from makes really good gear too maybe even better so just trying to be careful here as I a,m not used to high dose heavy cycles. lil scared for real lol
If your gonna do EQ go 600mg MINIMUM.. I love mast as well and like others have said you will have the perfect stack IMO covering all 3 battlefields of the AAS Game. Plus Mast is the shit.. You cant go wrong wither way but run Mast at 600-900mg for best results. For you though 600mg of either would be sufficient. Good Luck

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