blood work on 600mg tren a, 50mg Dbol


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today i had a trip to ER for some nasty lower abdominal pain ive been having since yesterday morning. long story short the horrible pain was unexplained by drs? i was thinking it was hernia or Appendicitis, so were docs but they found nothing. i guess thats good but it still hurts? anyway they did bloodwork while im using Aventia tren a 600mgs and 50mgs Dbol. i was worried what bloodwork would show but really everything was good!

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creatinie was a little high but i was majorly dehydrated. they would let me have any water since they thought i would need surgery
I had this same issue a few months back and was my pancreas. I ended up having a small case of pancreatitis and liver enzymes were a bit high, maybe 3 times as high as they shud have been. had to do a liquid diet for 5 days and avoid fats. The fats is what really adds to the pain cus it's forcing your pancreas to process it and takes a pretty tough toll on it since it's already not in the best state. Did your blood work show any thing on your liver enzymes? Could't find it.

How long have you been running the dbol? Orals can do that to just about anyone if your on to long, even some short runs can affect it.
If you think you have an appendicitis its going to be in the lower rt quadrant of your abdominal. Google "mcburneys pt", if the pain is there specifically I would go back and get checked out.

Other then that blood work does look good. The only thing I might look further into is the neutrophils lab. When this is elevated there is a possibility your body is fighting an infection. Your wbc are still in range at ~7k and w/ normal limits b/w 5-10k so that why they may of rule out infection. Do you have any other s/s? Abdominal rebound tenderness, fever, diarrhea?
goodfella said:
I had this same issue a few months back and was my pancreas. I ended up having a small case of pancreatitis and liver enzymes were a bit high, maybe 3 times as high as they shud have been. had to do a liquid diet for 5 days and avoid fats. The fats is what really adds to the pain cus it's forcing your pancreas to process it and takes a pretty tough toll on it since it's already not in the best state. Did your blood work show any thing on your liver enzymes? Could't find it.

How long have you been running the dbol? Orals can do that to just about anyone if your on to long, even some short runs can affect it.
ALT AST are your liver values. His were both within normal limits.
Looks pretty good. Did it shown your cholesterol profile? Tren usually effects cholesterol and liver. How long have you been on tren?
Z82 said:
Looks pretty good. Did it shown your cholesterol profile? Tren usually effects cholesterol and liver. How long have you been on tren?
I too am curious..I predict his lipids are pretty trashed ha
good ole it though
been on the tren for 3 months, the dbol for 3 weeks. the infection was ruled out based on bloodwork. ya i guess they didnt check lipids. my trt blood test is in a week and a half so im off the tren now. last time lipids came back fine with only a short break from the tren before the trt bloodtest.
they did a ct scan to look for Appendicitis and found nothing. they said if it still hurts in a week come back? geez...Fing doctors! its just fustrating when you spend 6 looong hours in er and dont get much of an answer. most of the other people in er are there for some totally stupid shit! guy across from me was there last 3 nights in a row for a headache??? i atleast went to dr first and he told me go to er now.
Ya all your blood work looks good. I'm always in the 60's and 70's alt ast sometimes as high as 90's on Orals and my creatanine is 1.75 so yours looks good to me. Dbol can cause abdominal discomfort and acid reflux in some.
the tren made my heart go from its normal 50-52 up to 62 but still know where near high. blood pressure isnt as good but still perfectly normal
There is a condition that we see all the time in the ER with guys that are exercising hard and get too dehydrated. It's called ischemic colitis. It's basically where the intestine is robbed of blood flow because of the dehydration. The gut is poorly perfused naturally in some areas anyway and when you get too dry parts will get ulcers from the absence of blood flow. This causes severe cramping and pain in the abdomen. Usually see it in endurance athletes but have seen it many times with guys in other sports, specifically a wrestler trying to make weight last month. Look out for any blood in the stool. That would confirm it for sure but does not have to be there. I would see a GI doc if pain persisted.
Sleeper said:
There is a condition that we see all the time in the ER with guys that are exercising hard and get too dehydrated. It's called ischemic colitis. It's basically where the intestine is robbed of blood flow because of the dehydration. The gut is poorly perfused naturally in some areas anyway and when you get too dry parts will get ulcers from the absence of blood flow. This causes severe cramping and pain in the abdomen. Usually see it in endurance athletes but have seen it many times with guys in other sports, specifically a wrestler trying to make weight last month. Look out for any blood in the stool. That would confirm it for sure but does not have to be there. I would see a GI doc if pain persisted.
Great info. Appreciate the insight. I drink pedialyte a couple times a week to keep hydrated. People laugh when I tell them but it works. I use to buy the brand name stuff but I've been buying it at the dollar store lately, same ingredients. The lady at the register store said to freeze them and make popsicles. I told her I don't have kids and I drink it myself. She laughed and looked at me like I was crazy. She said well maybe I should try it if I can look like you lol. That made my day.
I had and issue last year with unbearable pain.. felt like horse kicked me in the gut.. Went to see GI doc...Did endoscopy and colonoscopy.. didn't find back.fine.. lips were normal. Ultrasound of pancreas fine. just labled colitis..but I did find out peptobismo does make your stools black which can be.mistaken for .go.figure..
Sleeper said:
There is a condition that we see all the time in the ER with guys that are exercising hard and get too dehydrated. It's called ischemic colitis. It's basically where the intestine is robbed of blood flow because of the dehydration. The gut is poorly perfused naturally in some areas anyway and when you get too dry parts will get ulcers from the absence of blood flow. This causes severe cramping and pain in the abdomen. Usually see it in endurance athletes but have seen it many times with guys in other sports, specifically a wrestler trying to make weight last month. Look out for any blood in the stool. That would confirm it for sure but does not have to be there. I would see a GI doc if pain persisted.
Bump for this! Thank yu for this info sleepws

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