Blood Work Questions


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Hey all,

So I've been on 160mg of Test Cyp for about the last 13 weeks now as part of my TRT program. I have been dosing at 80mg every Sunday morning and Wednesday afternoon. I got my first follow up blood work done this weekend on Saturday 1/2 first thing in the morning. I will note, my last shot prior to the blood work on Wednesday afternoon was a full 100mg shot, as this is when I had scheduled in a small increase and figured it would not have too much of an impact in this particular round of bloods. My diet has been sh*t the last few weeks due to the holiday, and I have not been sleeping well at all. Especially the night prior to my appointment, I slept maybe 3 hours on and off. My total test came in at 1290 (250-827) and my estradiol came in at 67 (<or = 39). Clinic did not test for free test, prolactin, SHBG and a handful of other things that should have been tested for, but that is a topic for another day (I will be switching clinics later this year). My question is in regard to the estradiol. How severe is that number? Clearly it is way above the target range, but I can't really say that I am experiencing any side effects related to high E. The only thing I can maybe contribute is that from time to time my libido could be stronger, but again, my diet has been garbage and have certainly been consuming more alcohol than usual. And my sleep has been pretty shitty the last few weeks but not quite sure if that is related to elevated E. No real water retention, no real changes in mood or irritability. I did run .25mg of arimidex twice a week on shot days for 4 weeks just to see if I noticed anything different, but stopped it on 12/23. So would you all focus on the number on paper or focus on how you feel when determining if you should add in adex permanately?

Also, hematocrit came in at 49.8 so I am right on the border there. Did a whole blood donation on 11/11. So need to keep an eye on that.

Ill note that prior to starting my program, total test was 331, estradiol was 29, and hematocrit was 47.3.

As a side question - I have been thinking about using arimidex when using a compound like test E or C which I would dose twice per week, and dose the Arimidex along with the test on shot days every 3.5 days or so. However, would it make more sense to use aromasin when running sust if I am going to dose the sust on a M/W/F schedule, and dose the aromas with the Sust on shot days, every other day pretty much?
I personally ditched AI's a while back and use masteron and/ or proviron to control estrogen, better result's for sure as far as hermatocrit a daily low dose aspirin/fish oil and raw garlic do the trick for me.
I personally ditched AI's a while back and use masteron and/ or proviron to control estrogen, better result's for sure as far as hermatocrit a daily low dose aspirin/fish oil and raw garlic do the trick for me.
kazman68Wasn't aware Proviron helped to control estrogen, I know it helped in releasing more free Test.
Your estradiol will always be higher when on exogenous. That's the way it works... So don't be overly concerned about a mere "number" when you have absolutely no indications of imbalance.
As for the adex... I personally am not a big fan, and find its efficacy to be more on un-reluable side. Nolva and Aromasin are the best imo for combating any elevated estro issues. (Which you don't appear to have).

Hematocrit isn't really all that concerning either, if what you reported was your normal baseline. How much water are you getting in? Huge impact, if it's not enough.

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