

Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
What's going on EG, I know I am posting right in the middle of a big holiday, oh well. I am starting back "on" cycle after a much needed break and PCT. Gonna run a simple EQ test cycle, will add some Durabolin in for joints. The cycle will look like this EQ- 500-600/ WEEK
Test E- 300/week. Im not looking to do much just gain solid and steady and have energy stamina etc, I know the length of boldenon and have it all ready to go, my question is what did you like/dislike about this compound? What is your experience with it? Stuff like this, I have a friend who LOVES it!!! Says he feels better than he ever has in EQ, test, and,a little decca. Let me know your thoughts.
Thanks EG family!!!

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I have 8 weeks left in my eq/bold ace run and I LOVED the stuff. I ran it at 600 and just recently bumped it to 700 the last 10 weeks. I haven't had any sides. Sometimes my heart feels like it's beating loud trying to sleep so that may be a little but of the anxiety side but that's been about it. Make sure you donate blood on it.

My strength gains have been awesome and even now after my 12 weeks cut from 200-180 I have kept all of my strength still. It's been good solid lean mass. I'll definitely be running it again.

Right now my source just got 1 test cyp (DHB) which is basically an even stronger eq and still no sides and no aromatization. Think I'm gunna get that for my next run as I start to reverse out and will be lean gaining for the winter months.

Enjoy your run bro. I'd do at least 600 of he eq. I ran my test at 350 to begin (when I was on mast at he same) then bumped it to 600 for these last 10 weeks on just the bold ace and test c.
Great compound. Insane hunger increase, stamina increase, and vascularity. Also one of its metabolites is an AI, so you may not need AI for this blast, check bloodwork a month in. My estro on the sensitive test was at 9 (6 being the bottom of the range and I think 27 the top) on 160/wk test 350/wk NPP and 600/wk EQ.
Great compound. Insane hunger increase, stamina increase, and vascularity. Also one of its metabolites is an AI, so you may not need AI for this blast, check bloodwork a month in. My estro on the sensitive test was at 9 (6 being the bottom of the range and I think 27 the top) on 160/wk test 350/wk NPP and 600/wk EQ.
kingofclownsGrwat!!! What I'm looking for

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Oh yeah. My vascularity has been INSANE. Although that will be based a lot off your bf% too so it can show.
Oh yeah. My vascularity has been INSANE. Although that will be based a lot off your bf% too so it can show.
Fitraverthis is definitely true but just to comment, i honestly am not even that lean. Leaner than the average guy on the street but not 'lean' in a bodybuilding or fitness sense, and I still noticed a big jump in vascularity. seeing veins of my calves right now for the first time ever.

another thing i wanted to tell OP- some guys don't feel anything from EQ at less than a gram or so. my 600/wk is a "low dose" with EQ. Yea doing a gram of other hormones is insane, but EQ isn't like that. It's also a gigantic ester so you get less hormone. If you do a cypionate you can figure out the math somewhere like steroidcalc, it will release more. Either way, if you don't notice it I wouldn't write it off as 'garbage' like some guys do. You might just need more to get the proper effects.
this is definitely true but just to comment, i honestly am not even that lean. Leaner than the average guy on the street but not 'lean' in a bodybuilding or fitness sense, and I still noticed a big jump in vascularity. seeing veins of my calves right now for the first time ever.

another thing i wanted to tell OP- some guys don't feel anything from EQ at less than a gram or so. my 600/wk is a "low dose" with EQ. Yea doing a gram of other hormones is insane, but EQ isn't like that. It's also a gigantic ester so you get less hormone. If you do a cypionate you can figure out the math somewhere like steroidcalc, it will release more. Either way, if you don't notice it I wouldn't write it off as 'garbage' like some guys do. You might just need more to get the proper effects.
Ahhhh that's a good point. I was on bold ace for the majority of mine so a shorter water and probably more like I'm on 800eq now that I'm running the bold ace at 700/wk. I had been on regular eq at 600 then switched to bold ace at 530 then bumped it to 700 these last 10.
On the other side EQ was a compound that did not agree with me, many neg sides. Also keep an eye on rbc s. My lady ran bold ace and had some good results. Most tolerate it well. I front loaded the eq a mistake for me.
EQ is great, just need to run it a while and train hard. I use to not like it due to the fact I just wanted to get big fast. That's not eq. EQ is slow and quality gains with very mild sides. Makes you look great, awesome vascularity. It's great pared with var.
I love EQ, and I mean love it. 500-750mg per week is my sweet spot. Stamina up, vascularity up, lean muscle up, and insane pumps. I think it's great compound. I run test (either cyp, sus, or test e) at 500mg when I use it. Pairs well with var, tbol, A50, or dbol.

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