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Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Auction Sniper
EG Freak
EG Cash
Anybody know what's up with BOP? I tried to log in a couple times today and it was down.
I don't know but I always thought that it was kinda funny how pain claims that it is such a good secure site, BUT IT SEEM THAT IT USE TO ALWAYS GET HACKED.
Easy way to find out. PM Beanlicker he's a MOD over there and on here also.
Back up today..
It's still messed up. Tapa isn't working and the site has a horrible glitch on the main login.
RS50 said:
I don't know but I always thought that it was kinda funny how pain claims that it is such a good secure site, BUT IT SEEM THAT IT USE TO ALWAYS GET HACKED.
or maybe he has a rather crappy hoster
yeah down 4 me again
I'm not sure what's up guys. I've been logged in about 5 times today, but after a short time the board went back down. PAIN maybe conducting maintenance on the site. If I learn anything new, I'll post it here. But I expect it will be up and running correctly by tomorrow.
Haven't had an issue all day nor do I ever. You all must be noobs.
PAiN said:
Site is back up and working perfect. I was performing some security updates and ran into a couple of issues. All is well.

RS50 you can keep your bitch ass mouth closed. Your just pissed 'cause I banned your worthless ass. Don't talk shit about things that are way out of your league.
Not pissed at all, try to grow up a little bit, may be one day you will learn that you can't control people's (bitch ass mouth) something that my 13 year old grandson would say. And as I said use to always get hack people on other sites even use to talk about it. So if you don't like something that myself or anyone else says don't read it and get over it.
PAiN said:
If anyone ever needs to know anything about feel free to PM me at
Hey shit head, why dont you explain the reason why I got banned from your shit site? Was it cus I announced in your chat box how you read all your members pm's...
PAiN said:
Shit site???? LMFAO Please GF you're a NOBODY on these boards.... You know nothing about my site nor any others. The only shit you do is regurgitate rumors started by a piece of shit source and board.... We see how well IJ worked out for ya 'cause that's where that started and what happened to that site again???? Wow and to be such a piece of shit site you sure were on ed??? Hmmm that makes sense pussy.

LMAO I see you edited your post RS50 seriously it took that long for you to think of a comeback???? You're not worth a comment I don't have 3 hours to wait for you to think of a response.

It's funny how the only people that talk shit were the two worthless bastards banned.... HAHAHA

LMFAO These posts are great thanks guys keep the witty responses coming.
Right, I am no one and I'm glade i'm not anyone on the internet cus I have whats known as a real life that gets real pussy and money and also a real education. I guess no one's are also asked to mod on forums and is always asked/invited to join up. And ED really? ha sure dude, w/e you gotta tell yourself to feel better.

But hey, seems like your trying to change the topic bro from how you banned me for letting everyone know you read/delete member pm's. Sure reading is one thing, but deleting??? LMAO man thats a weak move for you & your site. Take care nerd.
PAiN said:
LMFAO Now I got GF messaging me what are you 12

goodfella: lol like wtf r u doing on someone else forum you nerd
goodfella: is it cus you dont have any one to talk to on your own forum cus you've banned them all?
goodfella: whats wrong bro?
goodfella: lucky for you ass I denied a mod postion on this forum but may just take it up now [Wink] see ya around tuff guy
Haha Hey I did say all that! Yes I must be 12 cus I im'd you asking you something yet you couldn't even reply back. Your just hurting your self right now nerd lol.
PAiN said:
Grim take care of your board brother....

EG and BOP are the best boards on the net IMO and I don't want to see it go down like IJ did by filling it with the same nonsense and members like the two above who have shown just why it failed..... It's the uneducated kids who don't take this game seriously and believe whatever they are told by the sheeple and follow in line straight to the slaughter like good little boys and girls who ruin good sites like this.

Good luck my friend.
hey bro how come you didn't wanna answer why you read and delete your members pm's to other memebrs??? Obviously avoiding that for some reason 😀

And yeah right, cus this forum is going to go down just like IJ did cus members are looking out for one another lol sure dude, right!
PAiN said:
Grim take care of your board brother....

EG and BOP are the best boards on the net IMO and I don't want to see it go down like IJ did by filling it with the same nonsense and members like the two above who have shown just why it failed..... It's the uneducated kids who don't take this game seriously and believe whatever they are told by the sheeple and follow in line straight to the slaughter like good little boys and girls who ruin good sites like this.

Good luck my friend.

pain let me start off by saying that i do like eg and bop, and that i do think they are of the better boards around, but the first thing you need to get in your head is bop is your board and you run it the way you want, but just because you banned someone that it doesn't make them mad at you, i not mad or in your words pissed by no means, i will chat with you on this board or any other board,i'll even put you on a buddy list if you wanted. but no matter on this board or any other board myself and others are not all ways going to say things that you agree with but that's part of life. I have not said anything that i would not say again, but none of the things in the pass makes mad or pissed, hell son i'm in my fifty's and learnt a long time ago in my life that things don't always goes the way that i would like for them too, but that's what makes the world go around, and it part of life.
PAiN said:
It was answered above you dumb fuck when I responded about the rumors started by gdl and the other kids at IJ. Sounds like you're another sheeple just like I mentioned. Sheeple believe anything anyone tells them with no proof... Let's see proof or shut the fuck up. It's sad that's all you have to say. Seriously bro are you that upset about being banned? Get over it. It's an internet website move on. I'm sorry if that's all you had in life, but please move on. It's getting sad. I'm sure your time will come here soon enough.

Oh and if anyone on BOP is worried about the staff or I reading and deleting your PM's on the site (Why we would want to I don't have a clue) here's a great way to fix that problem. DON'T FUCKING USE THEM.


Can't wait to hear another intelligent and witty response.
I have to ask, are you some what or really slow man lol? And no it's not a belief, it's a fact because i've seen you do it myself man lmao. Also, you deleted all the proof moron lol. And wow you come on someone elses forum and cuss their members out, nice move on your part bro, making you look real good to the public 😉 I mean damn you gotta hang out on someone else forum cus yours is that slow lmao. Actions speak louder than words homie. And so now that your upset and I called you out infront of the world, your trying to act as if you have a life yet all your responses show how wrapped up you are in web drama. If it didn't bother you, you wouldn't have even bothered with it or came off like you did or wud have acted in a much more professional manner but you already below that. And why would you wanna read/delete pm's? hmm idk, maybe cus other members were telling each other to check out other forums and was drawing members away from your site, which means less sales for sponsors which then means sponsors leaving your site and you not collecting money for your forum. Also theres always the issue with scamming thats well known there and not a tell all but more of facts. By the way, how your acting on here, sounds pretty similar to how the individual did that scammed DT as well...
PAiN said:
RS50 said:
PAiN said:
Grim take care of your board brother....

EG and BOP are the best boards on the net IMO and I don't want to see it go down like IJ did by filling it with the same nonsense and members like the two above who have shown just why it failed..... It's the uneducated kids who don't take this game seriously and believe whatever they are told by the sheeple and follow in line straight to the slaughter like good little boys and girls who ruin good sites like this.

Good luck my friend.

pain let me start off by saying that i do like eg and bop, and that i do think they are of the better boards around, but the first thing you need to get in your head is bop is your board and you run it the way you want, but just because you banned someone that it doesn't make them mad at you, i not mad or in your words pissed by no means, i will chat with you on this board or any other board,i'll even put you on a buddy list if you wanted. but no matter on this board or any other board myself and others are not all ways going to say things that you agree with but that's part of life. I have not said anything that i would not say again, but none of the things in the pass makes mad or pissed, hell son i'm in my fifty's and learnt a long time ago in my life that things don't always goes the way that i would like for them too, but that's what makes the world go around, and it part of life.

I respect that bro and thanks for saying that... Consider this matter behind us and a very stand up move on your part for saying that. Thanks again bro.... And like I told the others above if anyone needs anything message me anytime I will do whatever I can to help anyone out in this community. Even if we have had words in the past. Shoot me a line anytime bro.

appreciate it bro, all is good on this end have a good night.
GF and Pain sort this issue (if there even is one) in a pm or email. This is a private matter between two people that just needs squashed. This is a stand up board and not a shit talk board.........and im not pointing fingers to any one. Just think the issue has got out of hand. Bop is a good board that doesnt need slammed and banning issues should be taken up in private. Im sure Grim will back me up on this after he gets done getting a reach around from edge!!! Sweet tren dreams my friends.
I wasn't on. I however dont heavy hand mod....

Sometimes ppl need to get shit off their chest, it gets to far then I step in.

TY Buck
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