Building my next cycle


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
Fully Loaded
EG Cash
12 weeks
(mwf pinning,m-f first week to front load)
Test e 375mg/week
Tren e 600mg/week
Primo e 600mg/week
Anavar 60mg/day
Clen between 40mcg-120mcg/day
T3 between 50mcg-150mcg/day
(Clen and t3 ramp up, maybe ramp down also haven't decided)
Adex 1-2mg/week
Caber .5-1mg/week

Hcg week 11-14
Torem week 15-19

Goal: burn some fat and retain or gain a little muscle. Been slacking lately currently 240lbs, 6', 16%bf will be cutting carbs and dieting, I know how to diet just been in process of moving, changing jobs etc so been slacking.

Give me some feed back bros
1-12 on the 3 injectables and either all 12 weeks or the last 8 weeks on var, clen, and t3
You do plan on cycling on off the Clen and t3 right? U can't stay on those for eight weeks straight. I would also extend to 14 wks on oils to get the full benefits of the tren. I would up the var to at least 80, 100 if possible.
bhcolex50x said:
12 weeks
(mwf pinning,m-f first week to front load)
Test e 375mg/week
Tren e 600mg/week
Primo e 600mg/week
Anavar 60mg/day
Clen between 40mcg-120mcg/day
T3 between 50mcg-150mcg/day
(Clen and t3 ramp up, maybe ramp down also haven't decided)
Adex 1-2mg/week
Caber .5-1mg/week

Hcg week 11-14
Torem week 15-19

Goal: burn some fat and retain or gain a little muscle. Been slacking lately currently 240lbs, 6', 16%bf will be cutting carbs and dieting, I know how to diet just been in process of moving, changing jobs etc so been slacking.

Give me some feed back bros
ok got on computer so i give details. The anavar i wouldnt run more then 8wks but i would ramp it up to atleast 80 but 100 would be better. You plan on some good amount orals, hope you have some liver support in your daily intake. Also i would run 14 wks on oils to get full benefits of the tren enth. Also your adex layout doesnt really add up. You shouldnt need to run more then .25 E3D, but i would get bloods to see where you are at, if you even need to run it. Remember you want some estro in order to build quality mass, estro is not always a bad thing, you dont wanna completely shut it out... with the adex and caber, dont start them day one or even wk one, they should be added as needed and dosage adjusted accordingly. if you need help with that PM as yougo in cycle and we can make those changes. the clen t3 needs to ramped up as you stated. BUT it needs to be cycled, i prefer 2 wks on 2 wks off and so on. You will build up a tolerance then will just be waisting it, also gives your body the chance to maintain its normal levels without shutting down all together. Also if you havent used those products before i would start with one or the other, yes the combo is good. However, if you havent used them before i am not sure you wanna hit it that hard. Def. watch out for prolactin due to your BF% while on the tren, most would say dont run it on that high of BF but as long as you know what to watch for you will be fine (i am of course assuming you have experience with this compound). Thats all i can think of for now, let me know what you think or if you need more input, always here to help. Much love, be safe.
Only new compound on the list for me is primo, my normal clen/t3 cycle is 6 weeks with benedryl every 3rd week to refresh receptors, I've done up to 100mg var but it made cadio impossible with the extreme back pumps, I planned it at 12 weeks with a front load of the injects at the beginning to take advantage(I usually do 8-10 week cycles of short esters), usually 1mg/week adex and .5mg/week caber is sufficient to keep my nips normal startif week 3. Thx for the help keep it comming guys
Oh and liv52 and milk thistle for liver, I didn't put down any of the OTC stuff I take on the list
bhcolex50x said:
Only new compound on the list for me is primo, my normal clen/t3 cycle is 6 weeks with benedryl every 3rd week to refresh receptors, I've done up to 100mg var but it made cadio impossible with the extreme back pumps, I planned it at 12 weeks with a front load of the injects at the beginning to take advantage(I usually do 8-10 week cycles of short esters), usually 1mg/week adex and .5mg/week caber is sufficient to keep my nips normal startif week 3. Thx for the help keep it comming guys
well ok then, def. off the norm for me lol. If it works for ya then keep at it...... You know your body best my man, hope some of it was helpful for ya. I am here if you ever wanna hit me up and change things up
I might try starting at 60 on var and working that up, last time I started day 1 at 100mg and tried running at that level for 2 weeks it was shittyyyy lol and this is the highest my bf has been in along time, prob be down to 12-13% by the time of this cycle. This cycle won't start until nov-dec
killinit88 said:
well ok then, def. off the norm for me lol. If it works for ya then keep at it...... You know your body best my man, hope some of it was helpful for ya. I am here if you ever wanna hit me up and change things up
I appreciate the feedback man keep it comming
I like to run test a week or 2 longer than tren before pct but that's just me. If the var is good you should see some great results at 60mg a day
killinit88 said:
You do plan on cycling on off the Clen and t3 right? U can't stay on those for eight weeks straight. I would also extend to 14 wks on oils to get the full benefits of the tren. I would up the var to at least 80, 100 if possible.
I know the clen stops working but why cant you run t3 for 8 weeks?
RockShawn said:
You can run clen straight through that long. Use ketotifen/benadryl every 3 weeks. T3 - 8 weeks no problem.
Thanks. Yeah i knew that sounded off. I think i ran t3 for 12 weeks and was fine afterwards
morrey said:
Thanks. Yeah i knew that sounded off. I think i ran t3 for 12 weeks and was fine afterwards
Its not off, but it does come down to preference. I dont run it that long due to muscle loss, then again depending on what you are doing it could be min even at long cycles of it. I just chose to cycle for many other reasons.
killinit88 said:
Its not off, but it does come down to preference. I dont run it that long due to muscle loss, then again depending on what you are doing it could be min even at long cycles of it. I just chose to cycle for many other reasons.
You made it sound like it shouldnt be done by anyone. Maybe i didnt run high enough dose but i didnt see any muscle loss hell fat loss either.
Haha I've def seen fatloss from it b4, very little muscle loss for me but I was always atleast on test and it will slow gains some but if I'm cutting its fine

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