Caber dosage


Deep In The Swamp Minutes From The Big Easy
Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
What would be a good starting dose while running DECA? .5mg e2d? Pharm grade.
first have you ever had a 19-nor Prolactin type reaction, i know I have it in the safe but really its a rare thing to need it

when in doubt id use .5 every three days
I've always used it when on DECA but it's been probably 1-1/2 yrs. since I cycled so just a refresher course really. Shit not cheap so don't want to use more than needed. Thanks MisterB. Your looking good in your avi. Wish I wouldn't have taken the break like I did.
DaKajun said:
I've always used it when on DECA but it's been probably 1-1/2 yrs. since I cycled so just a refresher course really. Shit not cheap so don't want to use more than needed. Thanks MisterB. Your looking good in your avi. Wish I wouldn't have taken the break like I did.
brother we all need breaks, i just did 3 months clear because i stayed on too long and had bad blood test , train hard, eat clen and do both often.
.5mg every 3 days should be enough. I start after week 5 of deca (I use 500mg deca a week).
0.5mg Ew split in two doses is more than enough unless you using two 19nor substances then Eod or e3d of 0.5mg should be your choice.
Yes caber is expensive but not that expensive that a common bbe'r can't afford.
Caber as needed is the only right answer. Know your body and use caber only when sides start to dictate caber use. I have mass amounts on hand and only ran small doses 3 times in 18 months while running massive cycles.
I'm on 2 19 nors stacked and .5 X2 times ew along with
Aromasin and other things N I'm gtg.
I'm not prone to prolactin but when I'm on a 19 nor I always have caber on hand in Tren I take .5 mg twice week
Thanks for the replies guys.
Less than two weeks back lifting with only a basic routine and I'm feeling great. Both physically and mentally.
DaKajun said:
Thanks for the replies guys.
Less than two weeks back lifting with only a basic routine and I'm feeling great. Both physically and mentally.
DaKajunat least you back 😉

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