Caber or Prami?


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
Fully Loaded
EG Cash
Hey guys, I'm super prone to both kinds of gyno, I'm currently running 400mg tren e/week, 300mg test e/week, 40mg var/day and 50mg win/day (win just added in 2 days ago) I'm in week 8 of 10. I've been running 20mg nolva 4-5 days a week, and .5mg caber 1-2 times per week. got some nice knots lol which I'm not worried about I'm used to it and normal 4 week pct of torem knocks it out completely each time.

for those of you that don't know me i've been mia a lot lately due to crazy work schedule but I'm 6' tall, 230lbs, 14% bf +/- and currently dropping, Ive been cycling a few years, i've done some high dosage cycles like 1g test 1g eq per week or 600:600 test and tren but lately I've been doing shorter lower dose cycles. I've weighed as much as 258 at 17% bf current goal is 225 @ 12%. I've tried just about everything but anadarol, dbol, deca, and npp. (i.e. test, tren, mast, eq, var, win, methyl-tren inject, and probably some i've forgotten to mention)

I'm curious to how many of u guys prefer caber or prami and why?
Just started prami, and once I figured out to take @ night all is fine and working.
Wanted to use Caber but it was too damn I ordered some Prami from RUI and I was and am real satisfied. There is going to be an adjustment period...insomnia...heartburn...and horniness were my major sides but after about 2 or 3 weeks they pretty much went away. It did correct some gyno I had and worked to prevent more from happening. So if price is no object I would go with Caber but Prami worked fine and was much cheaper. Warning..when you come off it will take a while for your dopamine levels to return to normal...until then you will be a bit down in the mouth.
Caber benefits: multiple orgasms and extremely effective against prolactin aurapharm has it for fairly cheap and is legit.

Prami benefits: effective against prolactin but requires tapering to find optimal dose, can induce a drowsy hangover feeling if too much is taken at once. But once optimal dose is found you sleep like a baby due to it's benefit of extra GH release.

My experience: when running tren e, I take prami as the sides are worse with tren e for me as far as insomnia. Tren ace I run caber. This is my experience though. Everyone is different
I taken both pram and camber. Good thing about prami is that's it pretty easy to come by, it's cheaper, add you can get it fast. It's also easy to tell from the 1st dose if it's legit because of the sides.
Caber is my preference but it has to be pharm grade. It's really a coin toss at best when you buy research grade.
For me prami makes my insomnia worst. It puts me to sleep fast but a few hours later I'm wide awake.

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