Can you build up a tolerance to aas?


Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
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EG Cash
I've been reading up on this and there doesn't seem to be a clear consensus on if you can build a tolerance. When I say tolerance I don't mean that if I started at 200lbs and I'm now 250lbs that the same amount of AAS won't do as much but that my body receptors are not as sensitive. Anecdotal experience varies from people saying they def notice a difference when they take time off that gear becomes more effective and others say it doesn't matter. I believe science says no you can't but I'm not too clear. Can anyone clear this up?

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I've been reading up on this and there doesn't seem to be a clear consensus on if you can build a tolerance. When I say tolerance I don't mean that if I started at 200lbs and I'm not 250lbs that the same amount of AAS won't do as much but that my body receptors are not as sensitive. Anecdotal experience varies from people saying they def notice a difference when they take time off that gear becomes more effective and others say it doesn't matter. I believe science says no you can't but I'm not too clear. Can anyone clear this up?

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Andrew0409I have wondered the same thing, good post, gonna be interesting to see what others say.

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Your body does build a tolerance in a way.. but after going 3 years strong on gear then I took 4 months off I can honestly say for me when I got back on nothin I used necessarily felt stronger. But I always switched compounds every 8 weeks when I was using for long periods of time so maybe that had something to do with it.
Your body does build a tolerance in a way.. but after going 3 years strong on gear then I took 4 months off I can honestly say for me when I got back on nothin I used necessarily felt stronger. But I always switched compounds every 8 weeks when I was using for long periods of time so maybe that had something to do with it.
I do notice switching up compounds seem to give me better results. Also switching up goals and diets instead of always trying to bulk and put up more plates. Sometimes my body really benefits from cutting and increasing athleticism.

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Im pretty sure I read somewhere where there have been cases of people blasting high amounts of test for long periods of time where even on pharm gear their blood tests would come back shit on test levels. This is kinda random but your post made me think of it and now I kinda wanna find where I saw that. I can't remember if it gave the reason or what was going on.
Im pretty sure I read somewhere where there have been cases of people blasting high amounts of test for long periods of time where even on pharm gear their blood tests would come back shit on test levels. This is kinda random but your post made me think of it and now I kinda wanna find where I saw that. I can't remember if it gave the reason or what was going on.
I feel like the test levels isn't the issue. There's no way if you pin 200mg of test minus the ester chain that you don't get 200mg in your blood. The question is, does that 200mg affect your ability to, through whatever ways AAS tells your body to build muscles and etc build a tolerance after a long time on where you need more and more to get the same affect not taking in account any weight changes.

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I suppose you could build up a tolerance to certain compounds at certain dosages , but like most of the bros have said, stay changing things up , whether it's compounds, dosages, frequency, diet, training intensity !!! You'll see the difference !!! Up those anabolics **d Damnit !!!
Maybe it's not an outright tolerance but more matter of needing more gear. Like drinking, you can still get drunk you just need more.

Weak answer is that it's person dependent. My doses haven't changed much over the years but I still grow. I made changes to my diet and training.
Maybe it's not an outright tolerance but more matter of needing more gear. Like drinking, you can still get drunk you just need more.
JinkoBut that is tolerance no?

I'm asking if let's say in a hypothetical situation. I shoot a gram of test ew for a year. I didn't gain or lose any weight or muscle mass. Do I still get the same anabolic androgenic effects? Or has my body gotten used to it and won't be as sensitive to it?

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But that is tolerance no?

I'm asking if let's say in a hypothetical situation. I shoot a gram of test ew for a year. I didn't gain or lose any weight or muscle mass. Do I still get the same anabolic androgenic effects? Or has my body gotten used to it and won't be as sensitive to it?

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Andrew0409U can achieve better shape. Maintain gains, higher androgens more fat loss.
I can use just test and at 1gram and get lean with no AI.
If other thing with it that aromatase for me.

I Used 750mg for a year and stayed horny, changed body composition stayed under 7% and thought my gear was bunk cause nothing else was happening besides acne

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A tolerance to the amount or the substance. I think it's two different things.

By making changes in diet in training I overcame that.

Also your body will only get so big or so strong. I've seen guys on 1500mg of test half my size and strength.
Sbgh, myostatin, and other hormones in the body are said to counter act the gear over time. They either bind or block the action anabolics.
Sbgh, myostatin, and other hormones in the body are said to counter act the gear over time. They either bind or block the action anabolics.
sityslicker1Right here. Our body with adjust to try to be normal (growth)
It will get to a point that we have to cruise keep adding and it not worth it or just will maintain gains.
This is reason we growth in spurts.
So best to cycle off or cruise let the things listed above go down then when we come back prime for growth. Reduce carbs and cals before starting gear again then feed eith gear!!!
We all wanna be bigger, but leaner. Right

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Lots of factors play into this....... the bodies ability to utilize it depends on the individual. Doctors FIRMLY believe once receptors are saturated , your body will not use them the same. My trt doctor has me do bloods 4x per year for this reason....

Many think " oh well my testosterone must be bunk bc my last bloods were 1200 and now they are 965, when in reality, so many factors play into this....

Hormones are just like any other drug, dose dependent over a period of time, but, it changes from person to person as well.

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