Cheat Meals (Part 1)


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Cheat Meals (Part 1)
August 9, 2013 By John Doe

OK, so the longer you go without a cheat meal the better, in 90% of case scenarios. I don’t give a shit who says what about “refeed days” or even “cheat meal to kick your metabolism in the ass” the bottom line is the longer you can go eating clean foods the faster results you’re going to get. HOWEVER, mother nature eventually takes over and tells us to go eat a burger, or pizza, or ice cream.

You see, our bodies operate on homeostasis and they dislike changes. That craving for a pizza after you’ve been dieting for two weeks is your body telling you “feed me motherfucker, I’m starving!!! I don’t want to drop another 2% body fat, I want you to eat this shit and get me back to where I’m comfortable!!”

Now different people have different levels of discipline, some make it three days eating clean, some make it three weeks, some only make it three hours, LOL. The biggest problem when it comes to trying to lose weight is SNACKING.

Take a look around you, every God damn place you go somebody is shoveling some shit in their mouth that is fast and easy and comes in a package. Where this falls for the general population is this – they eat shitty snacks in between shitty meals, their whole day is nothing but downing shitty food.

Where this falls into the fitness population is this – they eat clean when they eat their meals, they screw up when they snack in between those good meals, haulting progress in the fat loss department. Now, I have never ever found a way to lose weight without eventually getting hungry. At first it’s not bad, but the further you push the fat loss envelope the worse it becomes.

Eventually to the point it makes you nutty, irritable, and very difficult to be around. Ask any girl who has been with a bodybuilding competitor!! But, you can get in fantastic shape and very lean in a manageable way with this method. The rule is simple, if you’re going to eat something that isn’t healthy, add it to the tail end of a meal and not in between meals!!

I just had four crackers with crab dip 20 minutes ago. Living in a house with kids and normal people groceries can be a bitch sometimes to resist. So what I did was I had a big bowl of brown rice and some Swai fish and a banana first. THEN I had the four crackers with crab dip. This way even though my food choice wasn’t the greatest, I’m still going those 3-4 hours between meals without taking in ANYTHING ELSE. Make sure you do this and you’ll get results.

Fitness and nutrition is all about compromises and making deals with yourself. Maybe you’re not disciplined enough to make it 3 days at a time eating only diet foods, but you are disciplined enough to make it 3-4 hours until the next meal without snacking. Then let’s start with that. Eventually the further you progress and become used to things the easier it will be for you to make it past these extended periods of time without screwing up.

I had a girl I trained one time who got to eat a candy bar every single day. She told me right from the start that she had a serious addiction to chocolate. No problem I said, you can have a dark chocolate candy bar every single day. She looked at me like I was crazy. NOW, TIME FOR THE COMPROMISE….here was the deal. She could consume that candy bar in smaller squares throughout the entire day by adding just a few squares to the tail end of the meal (remember, we aren’t snacking in between) OR she could eat the entire candy bar all at one time BUT ONLY directly after the workout. Directly after the workout was a time when her body would use this sugar for recovery and this wouldn’t hurt progress.

And when the candy bar was consumed throughout the day in smaller squares it wasn’t enough at one time to spike insulin levels TOO HIGH and allow her to store fat. In a couple months time this girl was lean, and I mean REALLY LEAN!!! And all while eating a dark chocolate candy bar every single day!!! So it’s all about compromises with yourself.

This has to be done if you’re looking to stay in shape all the time and look good for the long haul. I hate thinking of the word diet as “so many weeks of pain and suffering to get ready for xyz event”. If you can get that shit out of your head and eat predominately clean but making little deals with yourself on a regular basis, you’re going to stay looking great all year long, year after year.

Yeah here I’m talking about real deal cheat meals. Whatever you feel like for this meal, I mean it’s open season. Whether this falls once a week for you, or once every two weeks or whatever, there is one rule I make sure I follow here.

Eat enough of it that you won’t want it again for a long time!!

Don’t just eat one slice of pizza, eat the whole damn thing and soak that bastard in olive oil if you’d like. LOL

Ice cream? Don’t just get the guilt-free small, go slam a large McFlurry!!

I prefer eating out for cheat meals, because this way once it’s gone, it’s gone. If it’s in my house it’s too easy to go back to. I also like to give myself a two hour window sometimes. I eat whatever I want within those two hours and then its over with for another week or two. I do not like taking the entire day as a “free day” this is far too much in one day and I feel like you truly don’t catch back up or surpass that bump in the road for several days thereafter, so I just don’t do it as a free day.

So there is the difference, I occasionally have little slip-ups where I will eat just a little of something WITH A MEAL (remember, always eat the meal first and the junk after) or I will purposely do an entire junk meal, but do it big and do it right!!

But remember, the longer you can go eating clean foods the better in any event. But lets face it, we are all human. Break away from snacking in between. Snacks are for the lard asses at the office.[/size]
I eat a cheat meal as a reward for hard training and to
Break the normal grind. Nothing with met. Boost
Good Read...........Setting Mini Goals to accomplish Large goals is an outstanding way to achieve success! I also do the one cheat meal a week method and go all out, but, I eat extremely clean all week long and have no problem sticking to it. (except for this weekend....Epic fail, Lol)
You know what guys,I personally follow this logic religiously.Ive tried so many different "diet's" throughout the yrs and ive found it so much easier and healthier to just eat clean all year long.When you let yourself eat "dirty" regularly your body still craves it and its so much harder to resist those junk food temptations.That was one of the reasons I started preparing my own meals originally.I stopped buying junk food and only filling my fridge,freezer and cabinets with healthy foods.A lot harder to eat shit when its not around you.If its there (junk food),sooner or later you're gonna eat it.

Trust my guys and girls,once you start eating healthy all the time,you'll never want to eat shit again,and when you do,you'll feel sick to your stomach or nauseous when you do finally decide to binge on junk,then you'll regret it.LOL.

With that said,I do believe there nothing wrong with eating a cheat meal now and then in terms of its not going to kill you,but theres also nothing wrong with trying to eat as healthy as you can all the time.If you look at it like that,and try to get as close to a "clean" diet as you can each day,it can only help you in your goals and quest for a long and healthy life.Remember always,its not only about today,its about tomorrow and the older you get,the harder it will be to keep the health and fitness level you have when you're young so the better foundation you build now will lead to a much easier transition into your golden yrs.

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