Cheque Drops "Mibolerone"


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Been researching on other gears that would be profitable to take when competing on the platform. Found this article to share.

Mibolerone oral steroid also known as Cheque Drops is derived from a nandralone base. It is a vet drug that was created to alter the ovulating cycle of female dogs to keep them from going into heat. Now in powerlifting circles this is a well-known pre-contest bad boy that is quite popular. Most powerlifters would takes a couple cc’s of this right before going under a heavy competitions.

The reason for this is that it turns you into a raving beast within minutes. It can dramatically increase your aggression in record time. Since aggression is a key attribute in all strength sports, powerlifters seem to like this more than bodybuilders. Oh yeah, fighting in a cage or ring without rules can be some crazy shit, so there is nothing like getting all jacked up during the fight. Since it clears the system fast as well, it makes it popular with MMA fighters who are now under the scrutiny of rigid drug testing. For boxers, it is rumored that one legendary pro who already sported an attitude of a pit bull used this right before a major fight, where he mistook his opponent’s ear for a Big Mac.

Cheque Drops "Mibolerone" will turn the weak-hearted athlete into an animal and bad-ass into a fucking cannibal. Now if you don’t want your liver to turn into Swiss cheese, then it would be advise against taking this steroid, because it is extremely hepatoxic. It is so strong that is measured in micrograms, unlike milligrams with other steroids. Hardcore powerlifters will use it for the last two weeks before a contest on their hardest training days as well as at the contest. Most will take 1 ml under the tongue about 15 minutes to half an hour before training or competing.

The biggest challenge is to find a resource that sells Cheque Drops "Mibolerone"..
It is said mike tyson was on these when he bit dudes ear off
I have not found a place or resource that sells this, some articles I see most places only make it when ordered not in stock.. Fucking sounds like a hell of a ride..
Quick update, found a solid resource that sells Cheque Drops "Mibolerone" did a few test runs
1.) 50 mg 30 minutes prior to training session "zero" effect
2.) 100 mg 1 hour before heavy training session slight and I mean slight increase focus and drive

Product was produced under RadJay Pharmasutical
cmeliftheavy said:
Quick update, found a solid resource that sells Cheque Drops "Mibolerone" did a few test runs
1.) 50 mg 30 minutes prior to training session "zero" effect
2.) 100 mg 1 hour before heavy training session slight and I mean slight increase focus and drive

Product was produced under RadJay Pharmasutical
100mg of cheque drops??? Might want to get on the liver transplant list now. Lol
Continue research dosage and timing and found a few articles referencing to increasing dosages and expanding on time frame:
Cheque Drops Administration
Cheque Drops are taken orally and must be taken daily. Doses normally fall in the 200-300mcg per day range but may increase to 500mcg per day in some cases. Doses are always taken before training, approximately 30-40 minutes before training, a fight or event. There are no therapeutic doses recommended as this steroid has never been used medically for human purposes.

Cheque Drops Time Frame
Use must also be kept to only 2-3 weeks max and should not be used with any other C17-aa steroid. Over the counter medications should also be avoided when possible as many are also liver toxic and this will only cause additional liver strain. It is also important that the user avoid alcohol consumption during use and supplement with liver cleansers. Failure to do these things may cause liver complications, and in some users the stress may be great even when doing everything right.
tkasch30 said:
100mg of cheque drops??? Might want to get on the liver transplant list now. Lol
Ha! This is only being applied on the A day of heavy lifting. This week Cheque Drops where taken only 2-days and roughly 2 days apart.

" from the two days of consumption I can't say that the reported effects 'agression' have been experienced.

Mibolerone will most likely be something I will keep on hand for future use of competitions...
Big difference between mcg and mg drops are dosed in mcg not mg's. Also if I had to put my money on it I think it would be a safe bet to say there is no miberlone in whatever you are taking. Good halo is hard enough to find let alone cheque drops. Stop wasting your money and order some methyl tren or tne. Those are the two safest bets for you.
Eman said:
Big difference between mcg and mg drops are dosed in mcg not mg's. Also if I had to put my money on it I think it would be a safe bet to say there is no miberlone in whatever you are taking. Good halo is hard enough to find let alone cheque drops. Stop wasting your money and order some methyl tren or tne. Those are the two safest bets for you.

Aware of that there is a calculator that does the conversation from mcg to mg... Good assumption and have to agree there isn't much Miberlone if any in these.. Have some Halo on hand and have ran it and work well, the research on the Cheque I wanted to run it, it was extremely difficult to find the Cheque drops.
I have some TNE as well and will be doing some dry runs with that as well...
they used to be a little more common years back

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