Cialis bodybuilding and health benefits


Proformance Labs Rep
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
EG Cash
When a lot of guys think of a drug like Cialis, the first thing that comes to mind is trouble getting an erection.

They probably think it’s some pill that is made for old men or guys with erectile dysfunction.
This is probably a thought that would come to mind even quicker if they saw it advertised in a fitness magazine.

I can see where it’d be easy to think “yea they advertise Cialis here because all of these guys who use steroids can’t get their dick hard anymore”.

Cialis (Tadalifil) has HUGE, HUGE benefits for the aging male, and especially the aging male who is into hormone replacement and bodybuilding!!

For starters, Cialis works by increasing blood flow throughout the body. This IS NOT just in the penis and strictly a sexual deal here.

Cialis improves blood flow everywhere!!

This makes it heart healthy and the best analogy I could give would be like replacing your air filter every time it gets dirty. This improved blood flow effects many tissues, including the brain.

With improved blood flow comes better pumps in the gym as well. The benefits of Cialis is a highly underrated addition to any bodybuilding regimen when it comes to nutrient transport and cell volumization!!

Cialis reduces inflammation in the body.

Inflammation is something that bodybuilders constantly deal with due to muscle cell damage and stress.

It has been proven through studies that our measure of inflammation (C-reactive protein measure) drastically improves when taking Cialis, and this is most largely due to Cialis preventing plaque buildup in our arteries. This process reduces risks of cardiovascular disease in a major way!!

Cialis improves testosterone:estrogen ratio.

Cialis improves the testosterone:estrogen ratio by up to 30%. That improvement is definitely beneficial to the aging male and certainly beneficial to those on testosterone replacement therapy.

As some of you may know, long term testosterone administration can cause increases in estrogen balance as well, which is why those using test for replacement usually go on arimadex too. You may find that you can get by on less arimadex when you’re using Cialis. Along with the improved balance of test:estrogen comes an increased testosterone level as well!!

What else does Cialis do?

Well, let’s get into improved blood pressure next. Taking Cialis fights hypertension and can definitely benefit someone with high blood pressure or someone who has normal blood pressure but wants to make it even better. This is yet another huge benefit of using Cialis while on testosterone or any other steroid that can cause BP elevation.

A big fear of prescribing testosterone to patients is increased risk of prostate enlargement. Cialis reduces these risks by relaxing the smooth muscles of the prostate upon regular administration. This is primarily how it works as a sexual drug as well.

Another benefit of Cialis (and definitely a benefit I experience) –*it almost acts like an anti-depressant.

I just feel better when I’m on it and before I read about this benefit I was questioning it myself, because it seemed like I was always in a better mood when I was using Cialis.

So as you see, Cialis is so much more than just a sexual performance drug!! When I got on it daily the first thing I thought was “holy shit, why aren’t more bodybuilders talking about Cialis in their cycles?”

I mean, it’s a relatively inexpensive addition to any cycle and it’s too cheap not to use it alongside hormone replacement!!

What dosage do I take if using Cialis daily for long term health benefits?
A dosage of 5-7.5mg/day is all you need!!

This is enough to get all of the benefits I’ve mentioned, and it’s enough to get harder and better quality erections too. From my experience on it, orgasms feel stronger too

All this and it is on sale at Performance Labs 50mg per ml, 30 mls only $50.00 during sale period.
Damn..... well written, almost made me run to the bathroom and grab my Cialis and take it!

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