Clean Pinning


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I might ramble a bit here so just bare with me.

In recent memory I've had a slew of slight "reactions" after my pinnings. Never really sure if its an abscess due to slight infection or if I injected too shallow or too deep, thus creating an abscess that is either sitting above or below the muscle tissue.

Bottom line is, the site ends up swollen and tender. In varying degrees. It's happened to my quads, glutes and delts. Over the past few months its happened fairly often, like maybe twice a week.

Last week I was in the hospital with my wife (she just birthed our second) and I saw the nurses give several injections. The one thing I took away was how vigorously they all wiped down the site with the alcohol pad. I'm talking like a good 15-20 seconds of continuous wiping. My normal wipe had been like 3 or 4 quick swipes.

Since I witnessed this last week I have started implementing the 15-20 seconds of vigorous and continuous wiping. Dude that feels like a long ass time trust me. But check it, there's two things I notices as a result. First, even if I've showered a couple hours earlier, when I do the newly learned extended version of the alcohol wiping the alcohol pad comes away slightly dirty. Second, I've had no PIP to speak of. My conclusion is that sometimes I'm getting some pretty uncomfortable PIP due to contaminants on the skin that get into the injection site.

So, if anyone else has been getting a few abscesses from time to time, try the extra long and vigorous wipe. It seems to be necessary for me in order to fully clean the site and has been a god send with regards to PIP.
Never really thought of it. Great post. Imma try it today. My norm is like you said 3-4 quick wipes.
RockShawn said:
Never really thought of it. Great post. Imma try it today. My norm is like you said 3-4 quick wipes.
After the extended wipe down, check the pad for "dirt". Mine is usually discolored which tells me the site is now cleaner.
try showering you dirty grub!
GRIM said:
try showering you dirty grub!
No, I won't take a shower with you Grim.

However, I'd be down for one of those oily Thai stylecmassages if you're offering?
I draw blood.. I was trained to never do circular motion especially with blood cultures.. Lots of nurses are idiots.. I mean half of them don't even wear gloves and then complain when they get hep c.. Don't always follow what a nurse does just sayin 🙂
the hardest thing for me to do is miss my damn veins in my shoulders.. Every time I pin I bleed like a mofo.

My wife is a NP and I have always scrubbed the shit out of my inj sites before pinning. it dont matter what direction you go in as long when you are done the site is CLEAN. and you let it dry before injecting.

And some if not most abscess that are not from germs are because you placed the oil between the muscle rather than inside the muscle.
My wife is a NP and I have always scrubbed the shit out of my inj sites before pinning. it dont matter what direction you go in as long when you are done the site is CLEAN. and you let it dry before injecting.
why let it dry?
Augustwest said:
My wife is a NP and I have always scrubbed the shit out of my inj sites before pinning. it dont matter what direction you go in as long when you are done the site is CLEAN. and you let it dry before injecting.
why let it dry?

in order for the alcohol to do its job it has to sit and dry other wise the bacteria can still be present.. same as when you clean your vials dont leave the alcohol on it let it dry some..

Also if you leave it wet you will push the alcohol into your muscle fibers which will cause irritation..
RockShawn said:
But do not blow on the alcohol to dry it!!! Vial or skin.
yes good point ROCK... I hope no one does that lol
Man you never know. I was trying to help this one guy figure out why his sites were getting infected so I watched him pin and sure enough, he would blow on the vial to dry it off then blow on his shoulder. Stopped that and problem solved.

My question I how do you know when you get between the muscle I stead of in it. I hit my left delt yesterday and it feels like the oil settled down onto the top of my arm. Does that mean I missed the muscle?
Build more muscle!
RockShawn said:
RockShawn said:
But do not blow on the alcohol to dry it!!! Vial or skin.
yes good point ROCK... I hope no one does that lol
Man you never know. I was trying to help this one guy figure out why his sites were getting infected so I watched him pin and sure enough, he would blow on the vial to dry it off then blow on his shoulder. Stopped that and problem solved.

My question I how do you know when you get between the muscle I stead of in it. I hit my left delt yesterday and it feels like the oil settled down onto the top of my arm. Does that mean I missed the muscle?

even growing more muscle wont help because there is fascia between the muscle itself.. Think about how you take a steak and you can see how the fibers come together and between that there is a thin layer of what I will call white film for the sake of this convo...

Yes size of muscle does have some benefit but the angle in which you go into the skin and how deep you go means everything... look up human muscle physiology picture on google find the one with the pictures of the muscles themselves... The most common way to go between the muscle is actually quad injection.. GF had this same issue awhile back. 99% of the time the body will absorb the oil without issue usually within 6-8 days. But there will be discomfort.

. Alot of people think it is an infection due to bacteria, but it is not. It shows the same symptoms as one but they are different. The site will become red and stiff but it is the bodies reaction trying to absorb the oil... If not taken care of, it can and will lead to a sterile abscess.

You will usually know you have shot your oil between the muscle when you feel the oil hmm how do I explain it.. basically lets say you pinned in your delt but you feel the pressure in your tricep or maybe even in your elbow.. Basically what I am saying is the oil will move until it cannot move anymore and that is usually the lowest place.. So quads you feel it in your knees...

But as always when injecting you want to use the smallest needle to get as deep as you can in that specific muscle. And pin directly into the muscle you are wanting to inject into..

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