
Clenbuterol Cycle for Women
Women love using Clen because unlike other steroids, it won’t cause side effects like deepening of the voice and excessive hair growth.

Moreover, it can help them shed pounds and retain muscle mass for a more tone physique. In fact some bodybuilders suggest that this supps is better than the best diet pills for women.

It may be generally safe for women, but they should still not abuse it if they don’t want to be at the receiving end of its side effects.

For most women a starting the dosage of 20mcg a day remains to be the safest.

They can continue using Clen at this same dose for two to three weeks, after which they have to stop if they want the performance enhancer to continue having an effect on their metabolism and muscular endurance.

After two weeks off, women bodybuilders usually increase the dosage. However they should not go over 120mcg a day dosing as this can increase the risks of side effects.

Clen is perceived to be more beneficial to women compared to men as the former are known to have a harder time in losing body fats.

For one, the body of women consist of 10 percent more fats than men.

Moreover metabolism of women is reputed to be slower than men. Hence the use of Clenbuterol can give women the edge that they are looking for in as far as weight loss is concerned.

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