Coming off advice


Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
EG Cash
I have been on cycle now for 19 weeks idk if I should be regretting it or not but here it goes,

Test cyp 500 mgs a week for 19 weeks now
Primo depot 600 to 800 mgs a week for 19 weeks
And mast E 400 mgs a week for 5 weeks now

I'm thinking I should come off completely because I never wanted to be that guy who needed to blast and cruise but everyone I talk to says it's the best way to go, not to sure about that

I have all pct and hcg on hand, just not sure what to do, cruise or just come off for about a year or so. I just need some opinions

age would be a huge factor in your decision... i'm over 40 and can't have any more kids ... so i trt at 125mg a week year round... if i was young... i would PCT
It's really up to you and what your goals are. I don't think compounds used should play into the choice it should be made on intent. If you are the type of guy that wants to do one cycle a year then PCT may be a good option for you. Especially if you are still thinking about kids or concerned with natural functions. That being said after a big 19 week cycle there are no guarantees your function will ever be normal. I have seen more times than not however, people return to normal just fine after big intensive cycles.

Now the million dollar question..... where are you really going with your usage and will you be satisfied watching all the gains you have worked so hard for disappear? Anything over your genetic potential will easily be gone in a year. Guys blast and cruise to keep a fair amount of the gains they make until their next blast. We know full well we are never going to hold on to this muscle when we come off. You cant look like your on steroids if your not on steroids.

PCT is a waste of time and money if you are going to cycle more than once a year. Besides you just blasted for 5 months... I started out doing PCT only to realize I was just wasting time and muscle. It makes little sense to me to trash our natural test cycle, try to bring it back and by the time it may be functioning again trash it once more AND.... lose hard earned muscle in the process.

If you are gonna do this for a while or the rest of your life (more than likely 😉 ) Fuck PCT. However, if you are gonna do one cycle a year then maybe go for it. Personally I cannot fathom a reason to do it unless your one and done.

Hope this helps.
Well I am onlly 26 years old and did a cycle last year for about 14 weeks and came off with proper pct and everything came back normally, I plan on buying a house and trying to have a kid in the next 3 years so with this being said its prob my best interest to stop now ? and wait till I'm older... Many guys in the gym I have talked to told me that you can still have kids even when on gear which didn't make much sense to me I'm just starting to panic a little and don't want to fuck myself
ironhead said:
Well I am onlly 26 years old and did a cycle last year for about 14 weeks and came off with proper pct and everything came back normally, I plan on buying a house and trying to have a kid in the next 3 years so with this being said its prob my best interest to stop now ? and wait till I'm older... Many guys in the gym I have talked to told me that you can still have kids even when on gear which didn't make much sense to me I'm just starting to panic a little and don't want to fuck myself

When you shut down your HPTA you run the risk of it never restarting properly or at all. I have read online about guys doing huge cycles and having kids while on. I have read about guys doing steroids for years and still having kids. I have also read about guys doing one cycle and cannot get their HPTA to function correctly. IT IS ALWAYS A ROLL OF THE DICE. I dont care how many meat heads say "bro, I blasted a gram of Tren for 12 weeks and had a kid. you will be fine" that is the most ignorant statement I can hear.
LittleTom said:
When you shut down your HPTA you run the risk of it never restarting properly or at all. I have read online about guys doing huge cycles and having kids while on. I have read about guys doing steroids for years and still having kids. I have also read about guys doing one cycle and cannot get their HPTA to function correctly. IT IS ALWAYS A ROLL OF THE DICE. I dont care how many meat heads say "bro, I blasted a gram of Tren for 12 weeks and had a kid. you will be fine" that is the most ignorant statement I can hear.
I'm just not sure what to do, I love the way I look and feel and but I feel like I'm just royally fucking myself and I can't stop thinking about it now for like two weeks
ironhead said:
I'm just not sure what to do, I love the way I look and feel and but I feel like I'm just royally fucking myself and I can't stop thinking about it now for like two weeks

Oh, I know how you feel. Nothing this good ever comes without a price or at least the risk of one. Good luck in your choice.
If your contemplating it this hard then do yourself a favor and get off, get yourself back to normal and next time keep your cycle little shorter. Blast and cruise later on in life after kids and stuff you'll be a lot happier

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Mrx said:
If your contemplating it this hard then do yourself a favor and get off, get yourself back to normal and next time keep your cycle little shorter. Blast and cruise later on in life after kids and stuff you'll be a lot happier

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yeah, definitely. How should I go about pct and should I take the hcg also? If so would someone be able to give me proper doses per week on such a long cycle
my last pct was for 42 days. my old trainer had me on it but i no longer come off. for days 1-20 i did 1000 units of hcg every other day and 25 mg of aromasin everyday days 21-42 i toll 20 mg of nolva and 50 mg of clomid a day. i am by far not an expert on pct so anyone reading this is feel free to chime in on it hope it helps
Nothing wrong with coming off for a bit, and definitely use HCG after all the drugs are out of your system, I won't get into protocol since it's easy to find resources.
Don't let the fact that your not on drugs keep you from eating right and training hard, in fact it's more important than anything else I could say.
As far as kids in your future.... You will most likely be fine unless you have some type of serious underlying conditions that effect your sperm production.
I took lots of drugs, to much honestly considering my diet and training were not at a proper level to condone it. I also stayed "on" for years.... End result? I came off and had two healthy boys when I was 45 and 46....don't stress and do t be afraid to ask questions... See you in the gym!

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