Coming off completely

the prototype

Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
EG Cash
Hey guys. It's been a while. I don't really come on here very often anymore. Just wanted some feedback on your experiences with coming off gear altogether. I've basically been on for the past 4.5 years straight. Started on TRT, did a bunch of blasts and cruises during that time, but mostly blasts. I'd say over the 6-8 months I've been on a TRT dose, about 100-150 mg a week (my stash was running low so I cut back). I was concerned I would lose gains when I went to a TRT dose but I actually still gained weight and muscle. Well, then a month ago, I ran out, didn't have the funds to buy more, and basically have been off the past 3-4 weeks. I didn't do any PCT, just taking my normal supplements, vitamins, BCAA, glutamine and pre workout. I really haven't lost any weight, maybe a few pounds but I'm chalking that up to me getting sick a week ago and I've been on a cleaner diet. Strength is basically the same. I think the only real difference I've noticed is I'm more sore than when I was on and sex drive isn't what it was.

Maybe it's just in my head, but I feel like I gained some body fat and don't have that jacked looks as much, but I still get comments from people so I'm not sure. I'm almost 37 and given the amount of time I was on, plus my low T before starting, I'd have to guess my natural T is pretty low right now. It was in the high 200's before I started the TRT. My workouts are still good. Maybe not as intense but still good. Appetite is good. Mood is good.

Anyways, just wanted to hear your experiences with this. I found it odd I haven't seen a big change. But I miss that alpha feeling of being on so I went ahead and made an order. Going to keep the dose low though. I did quite well on just 150 mg a week so I'll do blasts up to 500 mg and tone it down to 100-150 mg on cruises. Thanks for the feedback guys!
I forgot to mention, the last 3-4 week before running out, I was using 100 mg of Test P, once a week, before coming off completely. I did a non-intentional taper down b/c I was running out. The Test P was just something I kept around so I figured something was better than nothing.
totally unrelated but how do you not have funds for 100mg of test per week but have funds for glutamine, bcaa's, vitamins and preworkout etc. that low test dose costs literally less then 4 bucks a week.

and test dose doesnt need to be high, 2-300 will put most guys easily over 1000 which is higher then teenager level and will keep you feeling strong, fresh, energetic, libido high, recovery fast but without any side effects
Drakonrep has a point however your financial status is none of my business. Im aware of quite a few bros that would come off without pct. They do just as you do, taper down slowly. I believe every individual's genetic makeup and ability is different and will respond to a reduction of hormones and of lack of individually. The main key is you're keeping some sort of healthy eating and again diet is 70% of this game. I also bumped down to a trt dose the last few months in the same level 150 mg and have not been very responsible about it with all I have going on. I don't have the aggression, which Im a pretty wound fellow to begin with and have not had the sex drive and or cannot get as hard as I did with a more substantial level of hormones in my system. My natural test is in the 200's also.

If you want to blast, and your healthy by all means blast, if you don't thats your choice. It doesn't change who you are. Who you are comes from within. I know bros who had a really hard time bouncing back, needed hcg and had two pct twice. I also know some that irresponsibly do as they want and the lucky bastards have no issues. Everyone is unique in their own ability and situation
key to coming off is to not break routing, to keep training and keep eating well or even better then before. last thing you want to do when coming off is stop everything, this is a guarantee for disaster.

i do however think that going off for a period each year is crucial for health and longevity. and when you go back on even if its baby dosages you will feel amazing and body will respond very fast. going off is crucial
drakonrep date=1485606992 said:
key to coming off is to not break routing, to keep training and keep eating well or even better then before. last thing you want to do when coming off is stop everything, this is a guarantee for disaster.

i do however think that going off for a period each year is crucial for health and longevity. and when you go back on even if its baby dosages you will feel amazing and body will respond very fast. going off is crucial
drakonrep date=1485606992I agree
Haven't been off gear in about 5 years. I ran 500mgs of T a week even when I took a 4 month break. I shrunk about 15 pounds but still maintained a muscular look...albeit smaller. Now I'm trying to gain back.

I don't think I will ever come off. I will ease back on the orals and compounds but I will do T.

Now that I'm back hot and heavy...the muscle is coming back slowly but my strength is coming back faster than I thought.

I'm running T and one oral. I will do that for 4 weeks. Then I will pick a compound (prob Tren) and run a different oral (Halo).
tunaman7 date=1485619961 said:
Haven't been off gear in about 5 years. I ran 500mgs of T a week even when I took a 4 month break. I shrunk about 15 pounds but still maintained a muscular look...albeit smaller. Now I'm trying to gain back.

I don't think I will ever come off. I will ease back on the orals and compounds but I will do T.

Now that I'm back hot and heavy...the muscle is coming back slowly but my strength is coming back faster than I thought.

I'm running T and one oral. I will do that for 4 weeks. Then I will pick a compound (prob Tren) and run a different oral (Halo).
tunaman7 date=1485619961do try to come off, atleast once a year. test your lipid profiles and glucose etc, AAS (especially tren and orals) can have huge negative impacts on lipids. important to give the body time to heal and relax. there is little point to look awesome while HDL is close to 10 and ldl skyhigh, atleast in my opinion. so do bloodwork and test and adapt the food to make this right and come off is something i would really recommend to everybody regardless how big or small they are. there is nothing without health in life, nothing
drakonrep date=1485605569 said:
totally unrelated but how do you not have funds for 100mg of test per week but have funds for glutamine, bcaa's, vitamins and preworkout etc. that low test dose costs literally less then 4 bucks a week.

and test dose doesnt need to be high, 2-300 will put most guys easily over 1000 which is higher then teenager level and will keep you feeling strong, fresh, energetic, libido high, recovery fast but without any side effects
drakonrep date=1485605569Minimum order at my source is $200. Plus ancillaries, and it'll be well over $300 with shipping. I prefer to make decent size orders so I'm not having packs landing all the time. And taking a little time off wasn't a bad idea.
Gear comes last in my order of priorities. Food, vitamins, supplements, then gear is the order I prioritize my funds.
I guess I just thought I'd shrink down pretty quickly once I came off and my strength would go way down. But I'm holding pretty steady so I'm surprised by that. I'm hoping to see some decent gains once I get back on.
you will grow like weed once back on. starting back on is like foreplay with a hot chick: dick grows and GROWS fast!
Yea I surprised too how long I was able to keep my size after coming off but after about month 3 I started shrinking noticeably and gaining fat. No fun

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Only advice is try to train hard eat right and stay possitive. Reality is gonna kick u square in the nuts though man... You cant look like your on steroids without being on steroids... A few months off and your gonna look like you were never on,especially at 37 with low T to start. Sell a kidney and get the fuck back on man.
LittleTom date=1485641850 said:
Only advice is try to train hard eat right and stay possitive. Reality is gonna kick u square in the nuts though man... You cant look like your on steroids without being on steroids... A few months off and your gonna look like you were never on,especially at 37 with low T to start. Sell a kidney and get the fuck back on man.
LittleTom date=1485641850haha word
LittleTom date=1485641850 said:
Only advice is try to train hard eat right and stay possitive. Reality is gonna kick u square in the nuts though man... You cant look like your on steroids without being on steroids... A few months off and your gonna look like you were never on,especially at 37 with low T to start. Sell a kidney and get the fuck back on man.
LittleTom date=1485641850Ha ha. Order already made.
Try being 55...thats why I'm scared to come completely off. I don't wanna look 55!

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