Complete Guide To Supramaximal Interval Training (S.M.I.T.)


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HIIT/SMIT Overview​

Have you ever walked into a commercial gym and wondered why some folks are plodding along on a treadmill or pounding away at a stationary bike like they’re on the last leg of the Tour de France? Well, if your goal is to get lean and build a solid physique, odds are that’s not going to get you there.

Training efficiency should always be a top priority, so it’s quite beneficial to utilize different HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) protocols rather than spending hours on a treadmill. Interval training allows us to improve various cardiovascular markers and generate a greater work capacity in less time. 2 for the price of 1, now who doesn’t want that?!

But, what if I told you there was another method which might be even MORE beneficial than the holy grail of interval systems (HIIT)?

Enter supramaximal interval training (aka SMIT).


The Battle of Bioenergetics - HIIT vs. SMIT​

Walking or jogging? 1, 3, or 5 sets? Rice or potatoes? Whey or casein?

Seems like there’s always some debate raging within the fitness community; well, interval training is no different. What’s the difference in HIIT and SMIT? Is one better than another or can they both be used to produce exceptional results?


  • All out intensity.
  • Passive recovery is recommended.
  • Over 100% of VO2 max.
  • Lengthy rest periods in excess of 2-3 minutes.
  • Various modalities possible - some better than others.


  • Slightly lower in intensity.
  • Passive or active recovery depending upon length and intensity of interval.
  • 90-100% of VO2 max.
  • Shorter rest periods (0:45-1:30) due to decreased intensity.
I’m sure some of you are wondering, “What is a VO2 max and how can I go above 100 on a absolute percentage scale?” Well, it’s essentially the maximal amount of oxygen your body can take in and utilize during exhaustive exercise. Once you reach your VO2 max (100%), your body switches energy systems in order to produce enough energy to meet the demands of the situation.


Now that we’ve nailed down some terminology and a general overview, lets look at what the research has to say.

A recent study in the European Journal of Sport Science sought to compare the training adaptations and benefits between HIIT and SMIT. The researchers took physically active males and females and split them into 3 groups who trained 3 times per week for 6 weeks:

  1. HIIT:
  • 100% of VO2 max
  • 4-6 intervals per session
  • 4 minutes of passive recovery
  1. SMIT:
  • 130% of VO2 max
  • 7-12 intervals per session
  • 150 seconds of passive recovery
  • 30 Minutes of continuous running @ 75% of VO2 max
So what happened after 6 weeks? Well, to quote the study directly: “improvements in 3000m time trial performance were greater following SMIT than continuous running, and improvements in 40 meter sprint and repeat sprint ability (RSA) performance were greater following SMIT than HIIT and continuous running” (Cicioni-Kolsky et al., 2013).

SMIT beat out both continuous running and HIIT for improving endurance, sprint, and repeat sprint performance in physically active individuals. The researchers also noted that there seemed to be a gender specific response to the training modality in the 3000m-time trial as females improved even more than males.


Intensity vs. Duration - A Double Edged Sword​

Ah, the ago old question, which is more important: intensity or duration? If you ask me, I’d say both.

When it comes to intervals, both must be taken into account in order to design the best program possible. As such, there’s one vitally important caveat that we must never forget: INTENSITY AND DURATION ARE INVERSELY PROPORTIONAL.

So in other words, you won’t be able to maintain 100% output for any sustainable length of time, no one can. As I mentioned in the discussion above, there are certain systems within your body, which can produce maximal power output, but only for a very limited amount of time.

Interval Training for Different Energy Systems
% of Maximum Anaerobic Pwr.Energy System TaxedInterval TimeWork:Rest Ratio
90-100Phosphogen5-10s1:12 to 1:20
75-90Fast Glycosis15-30s1:3 to 1:5
30-75Fast Glycosis and Oxidative1-3min1:3 to 1:4
20-35Oxidative>3min1:1 to 1:3
From Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning, NSCA (2000)
How do we use this information in the context of SMIT? Well, if you refer to the chart above, you’ll see that intervals requiring 100% output only last for 5-10 seconds and require a 1:12 to 1:20 work to rest ratio. That means if your sprint only last 5 seconds at maximal intensity, you should be resting a minimum of 60 seconds in order to allow complete repletion of your energy systems.

Work rest ratios determine which energy system is being utilized as well as the physiological adaptations that occur. If you’re neglecting rest periods and simply performing intervals “whenever you feel like it”, then you’re training is going to lack long term progression and ultimately results.



Q: Can anyone do SMIT?​

A: Due to the intensive nature of SMIT, I would recommend that only more advanced trainees utilize it. Begin with some HIIT (sleds pushes, jump rope, bike, battling ropes, etc.) and then work your way up to SMIT as your work capacity increases and your aerobic base improves.

Q: Since the research showed SMIT was ‘superior’ to HIIT and continuous running, then SMIT is my best option, right?​

A: Wrong. Your body requires periods of lower and higher intensity training based upon external stressors, each individual’s recovery ability, and your current level of fitness. As I mentioned in the opening paragraph, the principle of S.A.I.D. applies to SMIT as well - your body will adapt to the stimulus over time and your training with lose effectiveness. Also, utilizing only one style of training tends to get boring and monotonous, mix it up to keep yourself interested! Remember, consistency and sustainability are the keys to success.

Q: How many times per week can I perform SMIT?​

A: This will depend upon the rest of your training schedule as well as your goals. But, for the general gym attendee who is lifting 3-4x/week, I would recommend 1 session of SMIT and 1 session of HIIT or LISS.

Q: How long should my intervals last?​

A: Anywhere from 5-15 seconds - after this point, you will begin to lose maximal power output and it’d be best to begin your rest period.

Q: How many intervals should I perform per session?​

A: 4-8 sprints is likely a good place for most folks to start. Always start on the lower end and work your way up. You didn’t squat 10 sets of 10 your first day in the gym (at least you shouldn’t have), approach your conditioning in the same manner.

Q: What is the best conditioning modality for this style of intervals (bike, rower, sprinting, treadmill, etc.)?​

A: Ideally, I would recommend non-weight bearing options to begin with. Stick to the rower, bike (airdyne is the best choice), or VersaClimber. However, as you begin to advance in your training, seek to utilize other ground-based options such as hill sprints (note: I do not say FLAT sprints) or running stadiums. These options require each step to be higher than the pervious one and as such, they limit eccentric stress to your joints.

Q: I’ve been training for a while and enjoy sprinting (flat and hill) but I always seem to pull a hamstring, what should I do?​

A: Always build up into each sprint. Due to the fact that many hamstring issues are due to explosive take offs (think: NFL’s 40 yd dash) and over striding, it’s best not to go from 0 to 100% in a few steps. Give yourself 10-15 yards to build up speed and then begin your sprint up the hill or linearly.

Q: How long should I rest?​

A: Again, this will depend upon the length of your interval, your goals, and your fitness level. Begin with the higher end of the work to rest ratio (1:20) and seek to decrease towards the lower end (1:12) as you improve.

Q: If I choose to do SMIT, can I do HIIT or LISS with it?​

A: As I mentioned above, I recommend including all 3 options due to their differing intensities and physiological adaptations.

Q: Why should I do LISS when I could just do SMIT and/or HIIT?​

A: This question is another article in and of itself but to suffice it to say, constant levels of high intensity training WILL burn you out eventually. LISS is an excellent way to promote recovery, balance neurotransmitters (Dopamine, Serotonin, and Norepinephrine) within the brain, and enhance neural plasticity.

Q: I’m an athlete, should I perform this style of conditioning?​

A: Like most other questions, this one depends as well. Conditioning for sports and conditioning to “stay in shape” require two entirely different programs. So to put it simply, yes, this style of conditioning is certainly an option for athletes. Is it necessary THE BEST option given their experience, age, and sport specific demands? Maybe not…

Q: Which is better: steak or eggs?​

A: Trick question, the answer is both…Threw that last one in just to make sure you were still paying attention.


SMIT: Upper/Lower Split​

Most HIIT or SMIT protocols are very intensive in nature and as such, I recommend that folks program their lower body work a day before or after the session of intervals. Also, it’s important to remember that the interval work can be auto-regulated based upon your training sessions. If you hit an exceptionally hard leg session on Friday, then simply dial back your HIIT a bit on Saturday.

If you were going to set up your own program, here’s a template that could work exceptionally well.

A1: Deadlift Variation3,23,8
A2: Overhead Medicine Ball Slam54
B1: Glute-Ham Raise46-10
B2: Split Squat48-10E
C1: Hanging Alternating Leg Raises36-8E
C2: Side Plank34 (15sec./rep)
Incline Dumbbell Bench44,6,8,10
Weighted Chinup (Suspinated or Hammer Grip)35-7
A1: Paused Decline Push-Up38-10
A2: Dumbbell Row38-12E
B1: Overhead Tricep Extension312-15
B2: Half-Kneeling Facepull310-15
DAY 3 - SMITSupramaximal Intervals
Select ONE modality from the list below:
  • Stationary Bike (Airdyne preferably)
  • Rower
  • VersaClimber
4x8, 5-15sec. rounds
Full Body Foam Roll110mins.
Additional Soft Tissue Work110mins.
Dynamic Warm-Up110mins.
Front Squat36-8
Snatch Grip Romanian Deadlift38
A1: Single-Leg Leg Press36-10E
A2: Leg Curl312-15
B1: Dumbbell Hammer Curl38-10E
B2: Front Plank34 (20sec./rep)
Standing Overhead Press46
Chest Supported Dumbbell Row48-12
A1: Dips410-12
A2: Wide-Grip Pulldown410-12
Dumbbell Tricep Extension38-12
A2: Eat
A3: Watch Football
HIITHigh Intensity Intervals
Select ONE modality from the list below:
  • Battling Ropes
  • Incline Treadmill Sprints
  • Stationary Bike (Airdyne Preferably)
  • Jump Rope
  • Rower
  • Prowler/Sled
4-6, 15-30sec. rounds


Practical Takeaways​

  1. HIIT and SMIT are commonly mistaken as being the same by both trainer and trainee alike.
  2. Due to the intensive nature of SMIT, it cannot be used as your only conditioning modality. Incorporate both HIIT and LISS as well.
  3. SMIT intervals are higher in intensity, requiring shorter durations and lengthier recovery periods.
  4. Utilize non-weight bearing modalities when possible in order to save your joints in the long run.
  5. Structure your conditioning around your training, not the other way around.
  6. Utilize 4-8 intervals (5-15 seconds a piece). Keep your work to rest ratio at 1:20 initially and then slowly decrease towards 1:12 as your fitness improves.
Remember, there should always be reasoning behind your methodology; don’t just do conditioning to make yourself tired, train with a purpose.

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