Couple questions .


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What’s up fellas. Got a few questions to see if any of y’all had some insight with dealing with acne randomly. And also a pct you’d recommend for what I’ve been doing .

First things first, I’m 30 years old, and been cycling with test etc since I was about 17-18 years old. Not the wisest decision at that time haha. But as of now, I’ve been dealing with acne on my face that pops up and looks like cystic mixed with maybe rosacea? Have you heard of anyone getting these types of sides even after using the same stuff for a decade with no problems? I thought maybe it was a certains sponsors gear that my body wasn’t agreeing with so I switched. But it’s still happening and it pops up while on not even after I’ve come off of stuff . So I have a hormone test kit on the way to see if maybe it’s caused from either too high or too low estrogen etc. hopefully it’s one of those so maybe that can fix the issue. Otherwise I’m coming off.

But at this time if I cycle off, I’m curious what pct you’d recommend as I’ve not pct’d off of this long of duration before. Been on test for about a year going between 125 mg a week to 500 a week. 70 percent of that being about 500 mg a week.

10 days of hcg at 500 a day along with clomid and nolvadex suffice or you think I need to run hcg much longer?

Appreciate any thoughts on this fellas.

Taking on a anabolics you got to protect your liver are you taking any liver supplements like TUDCA, NAC, Milk Thistle, Choline, Inositol or anything like that?

If your liver is not working properly you can get those cystic pimples like some people with hepatitis B or C get those and also boils.
i would only run hcg for 2-3 weeks but run the serm(s) longer
Yeah I take tudca. But I usually just stick to test and don’t take orals too much. Ran bar with rad 140 kinda recently but that’s about it
Accutane bro. Problem solved no need to quit juicing.
I’ve read of some really horrific stories about accutane though man. Have you used it before?
@rboy101 It works like a charm I’ve used it only took about 2-3 weeks for all acne to be gone. It works bro. Nothing wrong with it either it’s not ganna kill you.
@rboy101 Just 2 pills a day not for sure what the milligrams were on the bottle I can look when I get back home and lyk but I just took 2 pills a day
@rboy101 Just 2 pills a day not for sure what the milligrams were on the bottle I can look when I get back home and lyk but I just took 2 pills a day
JohnBoyThat would be great man I’d appreciate it! I’ve just read so much about major side effects people had from that stuff so I was worried about taking it.
@JohnBoy you took two pills a day 40mg for 60 days it completely cleared your acne and you really haven’t had acne since thatis because if the Acne is steroid Induced usually one run off Accutane will clear it for good. I provided the Accutane for him.
@JohnBoy you took two pills a day 40mg for 60 days it completely cleared your acne and you really haven’t had acne since thatis because if the Acne is steroid Induced usually one run off Accutane will clear it for good. I provided the Accutane for him.
EmanThanks for the info man. Currently running 60 mg of var with test. Recommend coming off the bar before starting the accutane?
@rboy101 it’s your call what you wanna do. I think I was still taking 50 mg anadrol and 50 mg dbol when I took my acutane just your call on what you wanna do. You should be fine tho.
Put in an order for a couple packs of accutane. Really appreciate the input guys thanks alot
Doxycycline will clear it up without the bad side effects of Accutane. Oral antibiotic. Run it for 14-18 days dosed at 500mgs 2x daily. Once in the morning and again about 5pm.
I had a bout with acne like this and my doctor gave me it for 14 days dosed like above and it cleared it right up. Changed my diet up too so it was alot cleaner.

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