Court shit- possession


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Auction Sniper
Fully Loaded
EG Cash
Hypothetical question for you guys. I was snitched out during a DV call to my house. The person that called the cops actually was the one to get arrested. While I was outside writing my report the person being arrested, in retaliation, told the cop about my stash under my bathroom sink. So she then proceeded to go to the bathroom ( while cuffed ) and kick open the bathroom sink. Mind you, all my shit was out of sight.
After writing my statement the cop said we had another problem and continued to tell me what had happened. He then said I could either give consent to search the premises or he could obtain a warrant. He also stated my rights to deny consent and stop the search at anytime. I verbally gave consent.

Fast forward to today I have just recently obtained my summons for a court hearing in the mail and I'm being charged with- 1 count possession- "up to 200 tabs or 8 2cc bottles".

My question is, can the prosecutor actually prove that verbal consent was given by me? I signed no consent form and no warrant was issued.
As stated in the police report I did give consent. That report was a joke. Between what was found and the DV matter, the police report comprised of maybe 6 sentences. And all it said was "illegal steroids found". "Consent given by subject 2".

I'm talking to my lawyer tomorrow to see what she can do but just wanted some insight and see what you guys think.
It just seems like this whole thing is slopped together.
man i don't know what you can or can't do....but damn!!!.. 2 things never give consent ... make them get a warrant... 2. whoever knows about your stash is always a weak link and can fuck you up... my wife knows...and i'm sure if the shit hit the fan...i'm fucked
See, that's what I was thinking. But the officer actually said he would detain me until he received a warrant because they had seen the shit already. My consent was verbal . So it's my word against theirs really and considering the nature of the case I can see how it would work in my favor.
My weak link has been taken care of. Lesson learned
woe said:
See, that's what I was thinking. But the officer actually said he would detain me until he received a warrant because they had seen the shit already. My consent was verbal . So it's my word against theirs really and considering the nature of the case I can see how it would work in my favor.
My weak link has been taken care of. Lesson learned
First off cops are allowed to flat out lie to you. And even if it were true, and I don't think so, what would it matter if he detained you until the warrant arrived? Your best bet would have been to say no and see if he actually went for the warrant. Seeing it was such a small amount I doubt they would have bothered. Either way though I would have blamed your ex for buying the stuff and setting you up. 🙂
My weak link has been taken care of. Lesson learned

i had a hard lesson learned a little while back.... had run my mouth to too many people about my of them broke into my house and stole it all...up to $3000 worth!!! can't call the

Either way though I would have blamed your ex for buying the stuff and setting you up.

hell yes... gotta think like a con man in this game... honesty with the cops is never going to help
I've honestly never been in one situation where the cops have helped in any fashion. It's caused more problems than it solved. Both parties here have learned their lessons. We're both paying a lot of money for lawyers and court fees.
try and get a first offender programs, i got 3 counts of possession when my ex and i broke up and i walked into court and plead guilty and took the lumps and probably was not the best move
Talk too your attorney. Possession is not a huge deal. I know a great defensive attorney and she said depending on the state and laws in that state , first time possession will get you probation. And or a CWAF.
A lot of places are doing alternative stuff as well now
First fuck up letting her know where your shit is. 2nd fuck up giving consent. The cop would have had to get a judge to sign the search warrant and they don't easily sign search warrants. If they found nothing you would had a big lawsuit that would have cost the county or city big money. So if what's in there isn't even worth what the lawsuit would cost them the cop would have never got it. My baby mama told on me I has a 9mm in my gym bag with about 3000 dollars list price in gear in it. I was standing out on the front porch they asked me about the gun I seen the bitch inside pointing at my gym bag ranting and snitching about steroids and a gun. I told them I was aware of a gun being in the house but I wasn't sure exactly where it was and it wasn't mine. My loophole in that statement was she could have easily put the gun in my bag abd called the boys. They searched my bag took the gun gave my my bag back w all my gear in it and told me to leave. I was very lucky. The pistol charge would never stood up in court it would have to have been on my person in my possession. Bro you need a lawyer if your gonna play the I didn't give consent to search line. A paid lawyer a good attorney. possession is 9/10's of the law. It has to be on your person. If that's her house and yours then idk if it's just your house then yes get a lawyer say you didn't give consent to search that she dimed on you and they went in without your permission. A public defender won't work. Gotta have a lawyer bro
Never cooperate with police last run in i had i didnt say a word my chick fucked me hard but luckily had enough sense not to mention my supplements. Cops kept asking does he use drugs or take anything? They saw tabs and a box with about 200 pinns. You definitely need a lawyer they will get you out of it bit its gonna be expensive thats how the system works

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