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I'm perplexed. I'm running a cycle that has worked incredibly well for me in the past;
Test Cyp 250mg 2/wk
EQ 200mg 2/wk
Dbol 25mg/ed
Arimidex 0.5mg/eod

I received new product the first week of February. I'm starting my third week now and my results have been going totally the wrong direction. My bench has dropped from 225 for 18 reps down to 10 reps. Hell I can do 10 reps when I'm not using anything. I feel weak as hell and I'm not getting any kind of results. Usually this cycle would start kicking ass for me the start of the second week. I'm into my third week now and I feel like I'm not even using gear. Maybe it's too soon? Maybe the product? I get my test straight from the doctors office so I know it's not that. My blood work was done right before I started my cycle so I know my levels were perfect for starting a cycle.

I'm getting sleep and plenty of water. I know diet so I know I'm right where I need to be for protein and carb intake.

Any thoughts?
tough one, assuming these compounds are from a trusted source, maybe a board sponsor.

id drop the dbol for three or four days and see how you feel
What makes me think its the compounds is the loss of strength. I know some get lethargic from dbol or if estro may be out of wack but to have that much strength lost is very odd. Even when I cruise my numbers do not drop off that dramatically. If you are lifting at numbers that are the same off cycle on a dbol cycle something is a miss.

Shitty gear or over training Are my only thoughts.
OP stated that the test was from the dr. Office. So it's Pharma.
Yea.. my bench goes up on dbol.. very noticeable numbers. Something isn't right
wow... no answers for you friend... even if just the test is real it should be going better than that.

is there some extra stress in your life?... an illness?... serious stress is the only thing that would drop my strength like that on 500mg of test a week
You are correct that the test is pharm grade. I usually get massive strength gains on even the smallest amount of dbol. My dbol and my eq both came from a board source that I've used in the past. Normally by this time I've picked up a good 5 lbs and my strength is going thru the roof even if I am feeling a little tired from the dbol. That's just not happening.

I did drop the adex last week thinking it may have crashed my levels too low, but it didn't help at all. Even without the adex I'm not getting any feeling of gyno that I usually get when I'm off. I'm just flat and my strength continues to drop.

Not sick. My job is high stress, but I love high stress and usually it makes me even stronger. In fact my job is going great. Still stressful but great.

I'm also getting plenty of sleep and plenty of food. I'm just perplexed.
By the way... thanks so much for the input everyone! I really appreciate the feedback. I tried talking to myself about this but I'm kind of an ass and I blew myself off. (not that way T-size)
Today's workout was worse. I've gone from 22 plates on the leg press down to 16, and dropped equally on everything else this afternoon. I'm guessing my energy drop could be from needing Vitamin D, but that shouldn't take away my strength or keep me from gaining any weight at all while on dbol. Hell I usually grow just from looking at a bottle of dbol.

Still off of adex and not a hint of gyno sides.
Bro could it be possible that your hemocrit/hemoglobin blood levels are too high?? When was last time you donated blood?
Daredevil said:
Bro could it be possible that your hemocrit/hemoglobin blood levels are too high?? When was last time you donated blood?
Less than 3 weeks ago. They were at 16 which is pretty standard seeing I had finished a cycle. They normally run about 18 or 19 on a cycle, which is high but not too high for giving blood. So no, that can't be it although it was a great guess and something I watch closely.
HybridTheory said:
That sounds very possible.Or a serious spike in prolactin levels.A combination of all of the above.Ive felt the way the OP has felt on a cycle of mast,test,and tren before. Could it be a reaction to the oil?A test flu type deal,or is the dbol turning to straight estrogen.Something off in the machine causing a domino effect?

When I felt like that I backed off eveything but test,raised my calorie intake and drank a fuckload more water,seemed to snap me out of it.Its never happend again,but when it was happening I was also getting the worst pip ever,terrible sleep,no virtual recovery that I could see.Was losing weight.Sounds like what I went through is very similar to what you were going through.
I hear you. If the dbol was turning straight into estrogen then I'd see signs. I am VERY pron to gyno and the second my estrogen levels get out of whack I start getting itchy nips and quickly see gland growth under the nipple area. I haven't even touched an anti-e for over a week now, thinking that maybe I had dropped my E count too low, and I'm not seeing a single sign of high estrogen. Plus I'm sleeping like a rock at night. Last night I was in bed asleep before 9:30 and slept until 6 without waking up once. I'm getting plenty of sleep, food, recovery time...
I suggest you get a hormone panel test done and a thyroid test done. Check out private md labs
They did a full hormone panel and thyroid test on my last visit. It almost kept me from being able to stay on TRT because my levels were fine. The only area where my levels were low were in testosterone, but using Test Cyp from the phamacy they have my levels back up to 480. I always boost my amount right after they run the labs however, in order to stay around 1,200.

Again my levels are fine and I didn't use a private lab. My insurance covered everything.

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