Crazy Cut Cycle


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Cycling Tren a @556 per wk Tp @ 525 per wk Mast P @ 350 per wk 1 Andro Topical @ 1500 per wk and 4 Andro Topical @ 2400 per wk Sermorelin 300mcgs per day with Hexarelin as of late 200 mcgs per day Anabolics from Snake and Honest. Aromasin or arimistane as needed. Using Rich Piania Organ support with SNS Joint XT I use IGF 1 Lr3 with SR9oo9 for pwo. Also 40mgs Telmisarten before bed with peps. Strength is up staying super lean great hardness. Find the Andro products get rid of all lethargy and 9009 allows cardio to continue even with tren. Went to ed pinning did not want to but best results and zero sides that way. This has been my only cycle since covid so I am enjoying it. My goal is to stay super lean and get mega cut and keep all or add to my power. Thanks to Honest and Snake for making products that make a difference with min to zero pip.
Great to hear brotha. Train hard.....then train harder.... stay strong and disciplined.... keep us posted on your progress and best of luck.
Well brothers feeling a bit like a pin cushion w ed pins. I always try to go eod but the ed protocol has the best effect. 4 days per week workouts abs every time 1 giant set long workouts with cardio very grueling but this has been my most successful cut cycle ever. Very happy with gear quality addition of peptides and xtra help from andros and ancilleries. Very nice reduction in bmi excellent hardness best definition all year. haven t decided for sure but seriously thinking on maintaining this thru to next spring. i feel my hard work and a change in luck is in the wind with the auction wins from Snake and Honest and good lab reports from the doc.
Cut cycle has ended and going thru Tren withdrawl lol! I hate stopping the tren love what it does and how I feel on it. Back to cruise test/npp for now adding some new stuff to try sarm acp 105 and Icon 11 topical. Using sr9011 and alpha andro topical for pwo. I hope to have 2x per wk dosing for gear. Have to take a rest from ed pins. I have also started Glutathione 3x per wk and other health support. I will use a product called Hulk smash an amino blend for select pwo. God willing I can stay healthy maintain my cut and move forward to fall/winter cycle when ready.

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