Creatine Monohydrate Supplementing


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I posted this on another site when I was doing research for Katelly, Came across it again and thought I would post it here and start building up our reference materials on this site:

For Creatine supplementation to result in an increase in strength and protein synthesis, the cellular concentration level must reach 20 MMOL/KG DM. During a 5 day loading periods with a high glycemic carbohydrate such as Dextrose and Creatine, the level reaches MMOL/KG DM. When Creatine levels increase in muscle cells, the active Creatine transporters are down-regulated, so less Creatine is transported. This could be avoided if the Creatine is fortified with the Creatine substrate 3-guanidinopropionate. Second, Creatine cannot be diffused across the muscle cell membrane without the co-transports of sodium and chloride ions to cause enough electrical charge to transport the Creatine. (Table salt) Other up-regulators of Creatine transport are Clenbuterol and Ephedrine as well as T-3 thyroid hormone. These are quite potent transporters to say the least. Of course, Insulin (Humulin) and IGF-1 are very effective Creatine transporters. Though Dextrose is an excellent trigger for Insulin release there is a higher glycemic carbohydrate. Malt extracts contain a mixture of maltodextrins, glucose, and dextrose which are made of glucose chains of 3-7 gycosyl units. And guess what? The small intestines absorb glucose chains containing 3-7 gycosyl units much faster than dextrose. This means a higher and stronger Insulin spike. So barley malt extract or maltodextrin is a better carb choice and can be utilized in lower levels than 75 GMs per dose. Whey protein also creates an Insulin spike which can prolong the spike from high glycemic carbs. By the way, caffeine intake over 400 MG daily, as well as the isoflavone genistein in soy protein inhibit creatine transport. Genistein inhibits tyrosine kinases which is necessary for nutrient transport.

The body has 3 periods when creatine uptake is highest: After a nights sleep, the body is in a fasted stated due to a period of natural GH pulses (about half of your daily total GH production is released during the first 4 hours of sleep) and a prolonged period without nutrients. This results in an up-regulation of nutrient transporters and enzymes which favor intramuscular uptake of nutrients, including Creatine.

When Creatine is ingested 45-90 minutes before a work-out, an athlete can take advantage of the training induced increases in blood flow to muscle tissue to transport essential nutrients across muscle cell membranes. (This also acts as a buffer to lactic acid) Since high intensity work-outs trigger the release of adrenal hormones such as Epinephrine and Norepinephrine, the cellular uptake of nutrients is improved.

Within the first 45-90 minutes following an intense work-out, the body is in a very nutrient receptive state. Heavy training reduces muscle glycogen stores (glycogen comes from blood sugars such as carbs) and receptor-sites for nutrients become sensitive. This means the body is in a catabolic state requiring nutrient supply. Several storage enzymes are up- regulated and creatine (CP) levels are lower which of course means intramuscular nutrient storage ability is at a high level. It also means the muscle cells need ATP regeneration.

So what was the best Creatine mixture currently available?

16-32 OZ of water 300 MG of Lipoic Acid and/or 50 MG of D-Pinitol

5-10 G of Creatine A source of 3-guanidinopropionate

250-500 MG of salt 4-25 G of Glutamine

25 G of Malt Extract 30 G-50 G of whey protein
straight creatine mono makes me bloat something fierce!
TSizemore said:
GRIM said:
straight creatine mono makes me bloat something fierce!
GRIMThat is a side effect.....and the purpose of Creatine Mono.
yeah i know to retain water, i find other creatines to work better for me wo the bloat.
TSizemore said:
I personally prefer Creatine Ethyl loading
TSizemoreyes that's 1 i like, dicreatine malate i believe is another.
I'm with Tsizemore...CEE is the way to go. cheap, no bloat, easy to hit your daily gram requirements
I keep waiting for Trice to reply. He has a creatine horror story!!

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