Critique my PCT


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
I'm coming off for a couple months and this is my PCT, similar to what I have run before.

Started HCG @ 1000iu per day after last shot of Test Cyp. I will run this until the Cyp is out of my system, aprox 14 days.

I will then run clomid @ 50 mg per day starting on day 15 for about 3-4 weeks

Plan on using aromasin 12.5 mg per day through out pct

Why clomid instead of Nolva? I do like the Aromasin through PCT.

Are you using DAA, or DIM?
HCG mimics LH and does not stimulate Natural production like Clomid so it does not assist in a restart, but it might make it a little easier, just use 500iu per day for the days between pin and PCT, the 100 mg Clomid for the first week followed by 3 weeks at 50
aromasin 12.5 is good, it will make your body see extra Estrogen and respond with Test production
You mean ya'll really do PCT?!?! lol kidding....

I could post the whole PoWeR method, the most efficienct method ever, developed by Dr. Scally and a board of other endos///...for steroid just feeling lazy now...

I will write uo the article soon....


hcd ?iu E3d first 20 days
Clomid 50mg First30 days
Nolva 20mg forst 45 days

that's basically it...of course there is medical reasoning behind it

However, I do not recommend any aromisin or any other AI during full pct whatso ever...again, medical reasoning, but I just don't feel like going through my books and typing it out...atleast im honest! lol
Just read your 1000iu per day...TOO MUCH, can desensesitize leydig cell. FACT

eod or e3d 500iu for 20 days ....

1000iu a day too much for proper pct with efficient recovery
Never used HCG,
The chlomid good stuff. Once your nuts are producing, try a hit of it as a per workout
Whatever your reason for it I hope you are ok health wise my friend. Keep us posted on your progress when you have time.
would never use clomid again! depressed with that shit plus it cause Grim to have strokes. I'm not touching that stuff. Do Toremefene instead. 120/90/60/30 with 12.5 aromasin ED. HCG is fine.

Instead of clomid for making your load bigger and shit like that. I was also doing Maca root and fenugreek seed. 4 Grams a day. You will smell like maple syrup Lol. Fenugreek makes your loads a lot bigger if thats what you're looking for with the clomid. Plus its pretty cheap. I bought both for like $25

But don't listen to me because I really am not a vet like most of these guys are. :'(

My shit is all bro science btw. But Toremefene does work!
I would say tormefene instead of clomid and lower the HCG to 500 ius hell maybe even 250ius. You can become desensitized to the stuff
I'm about to run my hcg at 500iu/week and bump to 1000iu/week if it's not enough. A 1000/day is outrageous, and it's not necessary to start it immediately after your last shot. It won't do anything for you.

If your body is already shut down and not producing testosterone (because you're injecting it) then hcg won't help you with the natural production of testosterone until your synthetic test is starting to leave your system (half life of whatever you're injecting).

You cant expect something that shuts down your testosterone and something that boosts the natural production to work together at the same time.

I would start your HCG next time at the same time you start your clomid and taper both down towards the end. It'll make your rebound easier and keep you from wanting to hop back on so quick.
morrey said:
I would say tormefene instead of clomid and lower the HCG to 500 ius hell maybe even 250ius. You can become desensitized to the stuff

Medical science has shown, that cloimd and nolva do not directly stimulate natural test production, but "assist" this is why hcg is used at first, then the cloimd / nolva is continued...

damn I guess I better write that article for you pcters...I never do pct..cause Im always on! Im alifer, even if I dont bodybuild trt will be vital.

The desesitiazion isnt to the hcg itself, it can desensetize the leydig cell, which in turn ...well..your pct is fucked, also HCG can promote estro (hell coming off promotes that) so the nolva acts in a certian pathway to keep it REGULATED...not suppressed....this is why no AI should be used for pct....I dont know where this fad of using aromsin for pct is coming from, it would suppress estro while waiting for bendocrine system to regulate itself, but I think that is not a efficient method of doing it.

Maybe tonight, I will get out the book and re-write the artilce for you good bros
500iu e3d or 250iu EOD...1000 ED is WAAAY to much for what your trying accomplish
jdb3 said:
500iu e3d or 250iu EOD...1000 ED is WAAAY to much for what your trying accomplish
Tormifene is better on the lipid profile than either nolva or clomid and i think he was overdoing it with the HCG
The reason for the high HCG is Based on bro science of rich piana, his thoughts are that Most people do not use nearly enough HCG before PCT. I may hit hit another 1000 ius then drop it to 500 as I am only a couple shots in.

There seems to be some confusion on the use of HCG, think of it like this... If you have a 5 hp pump pushing out testosterone but you need a 10 hp to get the job done. The HCG is just giving your nuts a greater potential to pump out the testosterone...larger pump more flow...I know it's not the best analogy.

As far as coming of for a bit, just not eating or training to my full potential at this juncture. I working on my new gym so that what I do when I have spare time, the electrical is almost done, gonna get the insulators in next week hopefully and then Sheetrock. My new gym ( house of pain) will be 16'x24' not huge but better than what I have now. Looking forward to my next cycle, been a long time since I could say that!
jdb3 said:
You mean ya'll really do PCT?!?! lol kidding....

I could post the whole PoWeR method, the most efficienct method ever, developed by Dr. Scally and a board of other endos///...for steroid just feeling lazy now...

I will write uo the article soon....


hcd ?iu E3d first 20 days
Clomid 50mg First30 days
Nolva 20mg forst 45 days

that's basically it...of course there is medical reasoning behind it

However, I do not recommend any aromisin or any other AI during full pct whatso ever...again, medical reasoning, but I just don't feel like going through my books and typing it out...atleast im honest! lol
If your dead set on using clomid and nolva this post is how I would do it.

For me personnaly I hated clomid and will probably never use it again, I ran torem my last pct, did not feel near as bad as I did on clomid plus I have blood work to prove if worked
Bronco said:
If your dead set on using clomid and nolva this post is how I would do it.

For me personnaly I hated clomid and will probably never use it again, I ran torem my last pct, did not feel near as bad as I did on clomid plus I have blood work to prove if worked

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