Cruising Dose


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Ok...I'm on a 20 week cruise. I'm using Dr A's (Aventia) Super T which is 200mg of E and 200mg of C. Right now I'm dosing .5 ml (100 E and 100 C) on Mondays and Thursdays. A few questions for more experienced

1. I'm liking 400 per week. Been there for a month now. Considering for the next month to go 300 per week. The question is...A steady dose or a step-down dosing schedule?

2. What dose are most of you cruising at?

3. What are most of you cruising with...P...E...C?

4. And do you feel that splitting the weekly dose is unnecessary stickage or does really help keep T blood levels stable?

5. Am I cruising too long?

6. Do you throw in TNE during your cruise to help with those hormonal dips?
That cruise dose is more of a low cycle dose. Cruise is a much lower number. I personally have done the 400mg per week cycle (cruise, as you would say) and was real happy with it. But, you have to come off that and do PCT or TRT. 20 weeks is a long cycle, but it's done by just about everyone here. You aren't going to hurt yourself by going 2x a week, stick with it. As far Tne, it's not a help for hormones, it's a hindrance. If you use it for pre workout, then that's fine. Just don't get crazy with it.

I cruise at 100-200mg week. Usually 150. I like Prop, but might switch to E. Only because I have so damn much.
Cruzing should be at trt levels so youre way too high, step down to 100 mg twice a week , yes ive used TNE while in trt levels but its not for balancing just for pre workout
i use 100 mg twice a week and its a great and safe level using test C since its doc prescribed . if you're planning to stay on this plan you should see a doc after this since you're going to be a lifer now

its your choice about weekly or bi-weekly, i chose to split it into 2 shots for steady levels and lower impact on blood ( hematocrit and hemoglobin) as the larger shots will affect blood cell production and you dont want "thick blood" or secondary polycythemia as its technically known
Thanx brothers...I know a lot of powerlifters like to run 500mg per week as a base. But that might be diffrence between a base cycle and a long cruise. I have been off of EQ for a month (a 16 week run). So I mite throw caution to the wind and blast another compound in 4 weeks.
TSizemore said:
That cruise dose is more of a low cycle dose. Cruise is a much lower number. I personally have done the 400mg per week cycle (cruise, as you would say) and was real happy with it. But, you have to come off that and do PCT or TRT. 20 weeks is a long cycle, but it's done by just about everyone here. You aren't going to hurt yourself by going 2x a week, stick with it. As far Tne, it's not a help for hormones, it's a hindrance. If you use it for pre workout, then that's fine. Just don't get crazy with it.

I cruise at 100-200mg week. Usually 150. I like Prop, but might switch to E. Only because I have so damn much.
Tsize, do you find the need for any aromasin or adex when on 200mg's test per week?
TSizemore said:
That cruise dose is more of a low cycle dose. Cruise is a much lower number. I personally have done the 400mg per week cycle (cruise, as you would say) and was real happy with it. But, you have to come off that and do PCT or TRT. 20 weeks is a long cycle, but it's done by just about everyone here. You aren't going to hurt yourself by going 2x a week, stick with it. As far Tne, it's not a help for hormones, it's a hindrance. If you use it for pre workout, then that's fine. Just don't get crazy with it.

I cruise at 100-200mg week. Usually 150. I like Prop, but might switch to E. Only because I have so damn much.
Id be glad to take some of that E off your hands big guy
200mg a week put my e2 levels about mid 60's (If I remember right) which requires an ai for me. I have been scripted .4ml twice a week. I agree that you are running a low dose cycle and not running TRT but it feels sooooo nice running at those levels.... 8)
Do what makes you feel better but be sure and get those bloods done on a regular basis to ensure there are no hidden issues that may need some attention.
sportsfreak said:
200mg a week put my e2 levels about mid 60's (If I remember right) which requires an ai for me. I have been scripted .4ml twice a week. I agree that you are running a low dose cycle and not running TRT but it feels sooooo nice running at those levels.... 8)
Do what makes you feel better but be sure and get those bloods done on a regular basis to ensure there are no hidden issues that may need some attention.
Where you been brother? I need help runnin those fuckin resolutionist out of the weight area...except for the women folk.. they can watch!
Kuntrykok said:
Tsize, do you find the need for any aromasin or adex when on 200mg's test per week?
KuntrykokNo...I seldom go that high....Only time I use aromasin and/adex is on cycle. Otherwise, I try to stick to 150mg or less. I've hit 200mg once or twice, but didn't want to hang out there. My normal levels aren't extremely low, so 200mg wk will shut me down after a few weeks. And, If I'm going to shut myself down, it's going to be because of a good cycle.
Going to be coming off a cycle this weekend...actually have to go and pin my last 200mg of NPP right now...but have been contemplating on my cruise dose. I also want to give my system a break from Adex as been using that for sometime, and will use Formastanzol (just another version of Formastane) for my AI during my cruise.

So most I see run 150-200mg EW for cruise, above stated mentioned 400mg which is considered a low dose cycle. So 300mg would be borderline cruise/low dose cycle I am assuming too? I have a bottle of Test E 300 (Aventia) and also a bottle of Test D 300 (AY), I have other stuff but was looking into using these.

So my question is 300mg too high for cruise...I will assume yes?

One other question is what else do you all incorporate into your cruises? I know of some running 200mg EW of Deca for joints...dose low enough not to need Caber?
MuscleAddiction said:
Going to be coming off a cycle this weekend...actually have to go and pin my last 200mg of NPP right now...but have been contemplating on my cruise dose. I also want to give my system a break from Adex as been using that for sometime, and will use Formastanzol (just another version of Formastane) for my AI during my cruise.

So most I see run 150-200mg EW for cruise, above stated mentioned 400mg which is considered a low dose cycle. So 300mg would be borderline cruise/low dose cycle I am assuming too? I have a bottle of Test E 300 (Aventia) and also a bottle of Test D 300 (AY), I have other stuff but was looking into using these.

So my question is 300mg too high for cruise...I will assume yes?

One other question is what else do you all incorporate into your cruises? I know of some running 200mg EW of Deca for joints...dose low enough not to need Caber?
I see 300 mg per week as a beginner cycle, not really TRT. At 200 mg per week you will feel good and have higher than normal test levels.
I just had bloods done, I took 100 mg and had blood drawn 10 days later. My test levels were still over 600 so you can see where I'm going with this. I think you will Benefit from running as low a dose you can and still feel good.
Trt dose is still half that MuscleA. If you can stand to do 125-150mg wk, then do that. This would be a Replacement dose. Cruise dose is just a replacement, anything more added to it or in addition would be technically be cycling (not so much blasting)
flyingfox said:
I see 300 mg per week as a beginner cycle, not really TRT. At 200 mg per week you will feel good and have higher than normal test levels.
I just had bloods done, I took 100 mg and had blood drawn 10 days later. My test levels were still over 600 so you can see where I'm going with this. I think you will Benefit from running as low a dose you can and still feel good.
Just had bloods done. I was at 900 total test wile pinning 250 mg a week, but everyone is different
lith56bigguy said:
Just had bloods done. I was at 900 total test wile pinning 250 mg a week, but everyone is different
lith56bigguyWas it UG gear? That seems low to me. How long between injection and blood draw.
My cousin who is my size was taking 200 mg per week( prescribed Pharmacy stuff) clocked in at a whopping 1800, his best friend was higher than that. Needless to say our Dr. ( we all have the same Dr.)Made them throttle back and get bloods again. This is why I took a light dose and waited 10 days.

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