

Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
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just started a blast and i'm on week 1 of test e at 700 mg a week. while most are bulking i'm cutting. question is regarding what adex dose to keep estrogen in balance in your experience. I have 1mg caps of adex so i was wondering if i should just take 1 of those every 3 or 4 days or not. i'm not too sensitive to gyno sides but i do bloat easily. and this is the first time i've ever gone above 500 mg. all input appreciated brothers.
I take .5mg adex every 3rd day But if you have caps you cant do that. Imo you would be just fine taking 1 full mg every 3-4 days.
thanks for reply 4ever. havent heard from ya in awhile! but yeah that's what i was thinking
Im assuming you have TMM's caps because they are 1 mg. I disagree with the above mentioned protocols. .5 eod or e3d is fine on trt or low dose test cycles however when bumping up to a 700 level and possibly combining other anabolic and or androgenic compounds, I run 1 mg ED. I've determined this properly by following my bloodwork. IF taking aromason I would go 12.5 ED not EOD with that amount of test. IF you know the test and whatever other compounds are gtg you will most likely need more of an ai to combat the body's natural increase in estrogen. Dude go run a female hormone panel and see for sure. Everyone is different/
Yes lith you're spot on I do have TMM caps. I will try 1 mg a day. I just didn't know if that would kill too much estrogen. Then again I'm trying to stay dry anyway cause I'm cutting. Hate eod pins that's why I stick with enanthate
I'm runnung muscle mans test e at 1000mg and his deca at 600mgs on week 10 and no estrogen issues at all taking .5mg Adex every 3rd day and I know his gear is legit... Everyones sensitivity to estrogen is different just bc you don't have as much estrogen problems as someone else would running 1000mgs does not mean you have shitty gear.. It depends on the person
4everstrong said:
I'm runnung muscle mans test e at 1000mg and his deca at 600mgs on week 10 and no estrogen issues at all taking .5mg Adex every 3rd day and I know his gear is legit... Everyones sensitivity to estrogen is different just bc you don't have as much estrogen problems as someone else would running 1000mgs does not mean you have shitty gear.. It depends on the person

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