cutting cycle advice


fuck diet tren hard bitch
Jacked Immortal
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EG Cash
Okay guys waiting on my npp and mast prop to come in

As of not this is my cycle

Test 400 a week of e/c
Tbol 60 mg
T3 50 mcg
Clen 40 mcg

And in 3 weeks will be trying dnp for the first time

So what do you guys think on how to cycle mast and npp
is the Mast E or P ?

since NPP uses such a versatile ester I like to do M/W/F or even just M/F along with my Test shots, i would say go at least 400, id go higher but ived used it many times
its an awesome compound and youre going to feel great on it, mast is anothe favorite my muscles are like craved granite from that stuff, 600 is my sweet spot but no complaints at 400 if you're using mast e 200

the clen id assume 40 for 2 weeks then up 20 mcg every 2 weeks till you're at 140 then stop .. some like 2 on 2 off ive researched it no reason to go off just up the dose once the body regulates, do this take your temperature before starting then after every morning so you know when you're adjusting and need to up thew dose, dont do to fast and most important in a cut is do the cardio , two a days will make it all happen do the work kill the cardio
easy on the tbol... that shit is potent. 40 ED split is plenty, and drink a lot of water..its rough on the kidneys. Tbol also is the only aas I've used that has caused me to lose my temper... A LOT.
Thanks and it's mast p
misterB said:
is the Mast E or P ?

since NPP uses such a versatile ester I like to do M/W/F or even just M/F along with my Test shots, i would say go at least 400, id go higher but ived used it many times
its an awesome compound and youre going to feel great on it, mast is anothe favorite my muscles are like craved granite from that stuff, 600 is my sweet spot but no complaints at 400 if you're using mast e 200

the clen id assume 40 for 2 weeks then up 20 mcg every 2 weeks till you're at 140 then stop .. some like 2 on 2 off ive researched it no reason to go off just up the dose once the body regulates, do this take your temperature before starting then after every morning so you know when you're adjusting and need to up thew dose, dont do to fast and most important in a cut is do the cardio , two a days will make it all happen do the work kill the cardio
halfnatty said:
Can I do mast p injection m w f also?
you can but you will not maintain the best most stable levels, if you already have the gear just do the Mast every day or every other day but don't skip weekends just do eod rolling scheduled, same with the NPP just do 200 npp and 100 mast EOD and the test M/W/F or what works for you .
I should of just got mast e. I hate eod injections my muscles don't like it at me legs get in to much pain
halfnatty said:
I should of just got mast e. I hate eod injections my muscles don't like it at me legs get in to much pain
halfnatty yea for stuff like Mast i like long ester, i only used tren A because its awesome so im use to EO injections, you need to add a few new spots, learn the Ventral glutial cause you need to rotate, i have lots of scar tissue in my shoulders form every day tren

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