Cycle advice


Jacked Immortal
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I need some advice on my next cycle. been out of the gym for almost a yr now. What I'm looking for is to put on some size. I have worked a ton so my diet this past year was extremely poor and I have lost a lot of size plus not eating healthy, I'll be honest I look like shit. Lol. So wanted to get some advice, my thought is. Let me knw what u guys think. Almost feel like a rookie again, getting all excited but nervous. Lol
Test E 600 week
Tren A or E 400-500 ( not sure )
Drol 4 to 6 weeks 50mgs ED
Winny 6 to week 15 50mg-100mgs ED

Or run
Test same as above
nnp 500-600 a week
Winny same as above
Bro what's your stats and your height, age and body fat? That would help us give some advice
best way to recomp is test at trt levels say 200 or less a week and tren A 50 mg a day then ramp up to 75 or 100 over the next few weeks, like 10 mg a week

ride that for 12 weeks watch your body transform ,, forget high test and bp and water issues. tren A low test.
I'm 35, weight is 195, height is 5'10. Body fat not 100% guessing would b @ 20 % give it take a little. Still have the definition in my chest, shoulders and arms jst I'm a lot smaller that I used be. I have belly thing going on a little. I have heard the low test higher tren cycles are great ever personally never ran one. def be interested.
Gibbit my personal advice would be run Test Cyp instead of Test E first and foremost. Myself and many people I know tend to cut better with test Cyp then test Ent.

Secondly your maintenance calories are probably at 3250-3350. I would suggest cutting calorie intake down 500-600 a day but no more than that. Doing this will help you burn off fat at a 1-1.5Lbs a week and not have to worry about muscle wasting.

Secondly I'd do nPP since it's less water retention for your whole cycle and do Tren A in the middle or towards the end for 6-7 weeks depending how long you can handle it.

Consider, nevermind that word, rather make sure you do T3 and ramp up slowly and progressively to 60-80mcg a day and taper off whenever your ready maybe 16 weeks out.

And my personal opinion and maybe I'm wrong but with your body fat, winstrol won't do much, neither will masteron or primo (just mentioning, know you didn't mention those two).

Also I'm starting to like proviron so try that at 50mg a day!

Hope this helps!
Nothing makes you feel better than test bro. If you have been out of the gym for a year, hit up a test only cycle. There is no need to run four compounds, as your body is not used to working out and it is not used to extreme hormone levels.

IMO, the best case scenario here would be two months back in the gym hitting it hard as nails 5 days a week. Take a pre workout, and go to work. Get your tendons used to lifting again, get your muscles working as well. Too much, to fast, will many times result in injuries. Your tendons won't have a chance to keep up with your muscles on a gnarly cycle.

Also, 15 weeks of straight oral use is a bad idea brother. Thst is going to be extremely hard on your body, let alone liver and lipid values. Especially drol and winny!

My advice again, test only. Run it at 750mgs a week. If you absolutely must kick it off with some type of oral or possible propionate (although I feel it is not necessary). I think you will grow like a weed and secondary compounds won't be needed. Save them for when you need them to grow!

Either way best of luck to you, pls keep us updated!
Start by working out again period and focusing primarily on diet. Once your diet is in check then consider gear. To me gear is basically useless without a solid and strict diet. Come up with a workout and set some goals, make sure you can accommodate the time and discipline to work out with your work schedule otherwise adding gear would be useless. Keep us tuned in on any progress or struggles
Some good advice....Love It!!!

The best advice I can offer.....Get you diet in check first! Get your trading in check second! Get your gear in check last....and keep it simple. 😉
Daredevil said:
Gibbit my personal advice would be run Test Cyp instead of Test E first and foremost. Myself and many people I know tend to cut better with test Cyp then test Ent.
Most cut better with Test E. A side of Test C is water retention. Guess it works for you tho. Just ask TSizemore.

Test C has a 36hr longer half life.

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