cycle ideas?


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
Fully Loaded
EG Cash
Alright I starting new blest cycle and wanted to run somethings by yall and see if I can get a little feed back on a few things. Im gonna be running test600, npp100, deca250, inj dbol100 and liq drol 25mg/ml (oral). Planned on doin:
Test blend @ 600mg mon & fri
Deca @ 250mg mon wed fri
Npp @ 100 mon wed fri
Drol @ 50mg ed
What I was wanting some suggestions on is should I run inj dbol, at lets say 50mg m w f? Or should I run it on all wo days as pre wo with drol? I haven't ever ran inj dbol so this is a first for me and just unsure if levels stay more stable for longer with inj vs oral? Just hit me up and let me know what you think or how youd incorporate the dbol into this all suggestions are appreciated.
Swampjuice said:
morrey said:
Hanzo said:
Why NPP and Deca, bro?
Im thinking as a kick start then drop it once deca kicks in

Bingo! Best way to get a deca cycle rolling
But, that's not what he said. He didn't say anything about pulling it. I'm not sure why you would be running Npp throughout this cycle at all. Also, if you're going to run anything as a Pwo.....then you're not really concerned about how stable your blood levels are. Take the Npp out, run the Drol for 4-6wks and this should be a pretty good ride.
Yes npp is only gonna be run couple weeks till deca starts its thing, just the way ive always run deca and always done me good (more of the mind thing lol). Tsize as far as stable levels and pre wout I know what your sayin but wouldn't it still be more beneficial to keep stable levels with dbol and drol being that if levels 1are always stable it would still be in a sense be an effective pre work out? If that makes any since. Tsize youre sayin I should just drop dbol all together tand focus on drol alone?
I got the inj dbol and really wanted to incorporate it in and sew if it hits me better than oral dbol cause oral dbol hasnt ever put any size on me what so ever no water weight, nothing... Do you think it'd be beneficial to run drol ed pre wo and dbol at 50mg mwf? Just wondering and trying to justify throwing the dbol into this haha.
I would run the drol and dbol ed. This way you can run them at lower doses due to their synergy and for longer
And i would take them 1 hour before lifting and whenever on off days
injectable dbol hits a lot harder compared to ingesting it, but since you said dbol doesnt do much for you I would run the dbol at 50mg then adjust as needed
50mg dbol and 50mg drol work amazing together! Ive even bumped the dbol up to 75mg ed but i have never used inj dbol only oral
Yeh this is a first for me to on the inj dbol thats why I wasnt sure how to incorporate it in and at what dose.
Swampjuice said:
50mg dbol and 50mg drol work amazing together! Ive even bumped the dbol up to 75mg ed but i have never used inj dbol only oral
Bad ass combo for sure just got off a run of that. I never wanted to leave the gym and pumps were crazy..

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